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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lindsay47

  1. Lindsay47

    Weight Watchers?

    I attend WW and I mainly use it as an accountability tool. Having to weigh in weekly helps me to make good choices because I know that I face the scale weekly. As far as the food is concerned, I tend to eat on the lower end of what is expected. If you follow the core plan of the program, you have the flexibilty of eating lean Proteins, vegs. and fruit. I avoid the other high sugar and high fat choices that I could have and stay in my points value. Exercise is a big part of my life at this time as well. It's a matter of making the right choices. So far it has worked for me...I have losted a total of 98 pounds this way. 28 pounds pre-band and 70 pounds since July 07 when I was banded. My bandnaversary is next week...July 16th and I will Celebrate one year of having my lap-band. I hope that this info helps. Lindsay
  2. Lindsay47

    Is anyone else tired???

    Missy, I had the same experience and when I spoke with my surgeon he said that it takes about a month or so for the anethesia to completely get out of your system. The result is the lingering evening lethargy. It will pass....I am about two months out now and I have tremedous energy. Hang in there. Lindsay47
  3. Iodum, Congratulations... and give yourself some time to heal. You will be fine.
  4. Hi RuthiA, You are so inspirieing! I am new to this web site so I will tell you and others my story. I was approved to have Lap Band surgery last July and I went up to the end.... had my pre-op tests and atthe very last minute I backed out. I allowed the opions of friends and family to influence me and decided that I could lose the weight on my own. And truthfully, I was AFRAID! I was afraid of not surving the surgery. About a year later, I now realize that not having the surgery was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I have gone back to see my surgeon and I am now waiting for insurance approval. I am hoping that they will say yes. I am so ready now. I think that it was a process for me. I had to weigh the options (pardon the pun) and feel comfortable with my decision. It really helps to read the posts from people like you who have had such a positive experience. Please keep your fingers crossed for me....that my insurance company will approve the procedure for me. Thanks for listening everyone. Has anyone else had a similar experience like mine? Lindsay47
  5. Lindsay47

    It's a big decision

    Hello Everyone, I am new here and I am learning a lot from all of the posts at this site. I am meeting with my surgeon on next Thursday. I am hoping that I will learn what I will have to do in order to get the band. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I start out on this journey. Lindsay47

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
