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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by brianna~banana

  1. Hello this is my 1st time posting on this discussion board. I need advice from the best experts: EXPERIENCE!!! I had my vertical sleeve 2/10/11. My start off weight on the day of surgery was 239. I am now down to 210. HOWEVER, I have not gone done or up on my weight over the last two weeks. I know that this surgery is not a quick fix, and my weight loss is going to take time, but I am so paranoid that I did something wrong,such as over stretching my stomach. I seriously dont think I eat 800 calories a day. Did this happen to anyone? I just thought that this is too soon to stall. Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. Hello this is my 1st time posting on this discussion board. I need advice from the best experts: EXPERIENCE!!! I had my vertical sleeve 2/10/11. My start off weight on the day of surgery was 239. I am now down to 210. HOWEVER, I have not gone done or up on my weight over the last two weeks. I know that this surgery is not a quick fix, and my weight loss is going to take time, but I am so paranoid that I did something wrong, like over stretching my stomach. I seriously dont think I eat 800 calories a day. Did this happen to anyone? I just thought that this is too soon to stall. Any advice would be appreciated.

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