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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by new_beginnings_

  1. new_beginnings_

    Birth Control and Weight Loss

    I would not recommend Implanon because I experienced alot of the side effects. I would definately do your research before you decide. I think I experienced most all of the side effects at some point, even some of the lesser known ones, and I have not had a good experience with it. I'm going to be checking into some non hormonal bc pills or some alternate bc methods.
  2. new_beginnings_

    Birth Control and Weight Loss

    Yeah please share! Thank you!
  3. new_beginnings_

    Birth Control and Weight Loss

    Wow, that's terrible!
  4. <font color="#9932cc">Hey, believe me I have been in your shoes so I know how you feel. I just wish someone would have talked me out of the band because I wasted two and a half years on it.
  5. new_beginnings_

    GET OUT!!!!!!!

    I will be sending best wishes your way! You will love the sleeve! I know it has been a God-send for me! Good luck and keep us posted!
  6. new_beginnings_

    I Shouldn't Be So Shocked

    Way to go Raine! You're doing great! :cheer2:
  7. new_beginnings_

    Birth Control and Weight Loss

    Thanks for responding Tiffykins! We have not used condoms for probably about 8 years so I don't think we could go back to using them. We have never tried spermicide so that might be an option. I am definately going to check into it. Me and my husband want kids soon but like I have been telling him, my parents, and his parents I want to be healthy before I try to bring a child in this world. But I can feel the clock ticking...
  8. Valentina, I agree that sleep apnea is not light matter but this particular doctors office that we are talking about sends ALL the patients to one of two sleep disorder doctors. One of the doctors is his sister and this is the one that they recommend the most. I spent a conserable amount of time and money going through the sleep study and I had NO change in my quality of sleep afterwards. And yes I did follow the doctors orders. I think this is another way for this doctors office to make money on it's patients. I have family members that have very severe sleep apnea so I know how important it is to be treated, IF you need it. I did NOT need it so I was very resentful that I spent probably a total of $500 for something that I used for less than a month. I am in complete agreement with you. Like I said in my previous post, I have never met anyone that had not been diagnosed with sleep apnea after a sleep study. Not that it's never happened, but I think it is pretty rare. I had NO symptoms and they told me that mine was pretty severe. My grandmother and my brother have it and I know what they sound like when they are asleep and I have never sounded anything like that. And the bad part about it was that I had to wait forever to get an appointment and then it took a couple weeks to get back in the office just for them to tell me I had it. Yeah I had to make an appointment and pay a co pay for me to be in the office for 10 mins so they could tell me I had sleep apnea, after they already told me during my study. I think they are exploiting people that are having weight loss surgery because they know they can.
  9. Ashley, I know what you are going through because I went through it with Dr. Miles when I had my band surgery. Their office is pretty strict when it comes to sleep apnea and if you go in for a sleep study, more than likely, you will have sleep apnea. I have not known one person that did not have it. It took me alomost 3 months just to get my sleep study done and get my results back. It cost me a small fortune to rent a CPAP machine just so I could have my first surgery. I'm not saying that sleep apnea is not serious but I know if I had it, I did not really suffer with it like some of my other family members. As soon as I had my surgery, I sent the machine back and have not worried about it ever since. My husband says I don't even snore and he has never heard me stop breathing while asleep. I'm not sure how your insurance works but Dr. Touliatos' office at Trinity did not require a sleep study for my sleeve surgery. I have United Health Care and had NO problems. I had my band removed and sleeve done within a month of my initial consult. You are required to meet with a nutritionist, physical fitness, and psycologist but they are in the same office which makes it so easy. You also have to attend a class before your surgery. There is a program fee of $300 which covers your follow up appts for 6 months. Honestly, I have had such a great experience with their office, compared to Dr. Miles and Schmitt, I would recommend them to anybody. I hope this helps and if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  10. new_beginnings_

    Anyone from Alabama?

    Bama sleever here! I live in the Birmingham-Clay area. Dr. Touliatos at Trinity was great, if anyone is still on the fence about doctors I would definately check him out.
  11. new_beginnings_

    Birth Control and Weight Loss

    Any advice would help!
  12. new_beginnings_


    I honestly think my husband is trying to sabotage me. Went to the store today and all he wanted to by was sweets. Oh and I should mention that I have a huge sweet tooth so it is really hard for me to have the stuff in the house and not eat any. Before my surgery, I had the talk with him and told him that if he wants that crap, he needs to eat it outside of the house because I can't be around it. So what does he do the week of my surgery? He goes and buys some of those Pillsbury cookies that you bake and makes them while i'm sitting there starving and in unbearable pain. WTF? Also, he is constantly eating all the stuff that I am not supposed to be eating in front of me and then asks me if I want some. Pizza, hot dogs, candy, cookies... as I am typing this he is eating a stuffed crust pizza hut Pizza Hut pizza. Yeah, asshole, I know. I think he has no idea what I am going through right now, and how hard it is for me not to eat all this crap. Anyone else's significant other trying to sabotage them?
  13. new_beginnings_


    Thanks Heatherr, I think it really hurt my feelings that he was being so inconsiderate because usually he is a very good husband. He has supported me 110% the whole way so I guess I just expected a little more cooperation from him considering we had already had the talk about him bringing junk food in the house. It's definately easier now that I am back on a regular diet because when I posted this, I was still a restricted diet. Now, if I want to eat a little bit of sweets, I do and I don't feel terrible about it because I know that I am working really hard and I deserve a treat every now and then. I think the biggest thing is that I am learing how to put myself first, which I haven't done in a long time.
  14. new_beginnings_


    <FONT color=#9932cc face="Lucida Sans Unicode">Thanks for the reply Suzanne! Fortunately for him, my husband doesn't have a weight problem. He can eat whatever he wants and not gain a pound.
  15. new_beginnings_


    Yeah things are better now, i've come to the reality that I control my own destiny and it is always my decision to put food in my mouth. Of course my sleeve makes that decision so much easier for me. My husband was just saying last night that he was so happy that the sleeve is working so well for me. He has been the only one to really know what I went through with my band so he can see how much better I feel. I love my sleeve!
  16. soooo... guess who hit her 40 pounds lost mark? ME, ME! I am so stoked right now! :D

  17. new_beginnings_

    Loose Skin

    I would love to hear updates from everybody... I know I still have alot to loose and I'm so scared about the loose skin. I am already doing weight training along with my cardio but from my understanding, it will only do so much. I will keep you guys updated on my progress as well... fingers crossed for all of us...
  18. new_beginnings_

    "Sleeved" 19th May 2011

    Welcome to the losers bench! Hope your recovery continues to go well! :bananapowerslide:
  19. new_beginnings_

    Band to sleeve

    Hi Patti! Welcome! You are definately not alone. There are alot of us former bandsters on this site and most will say the sleeve has been the best thing we have ever done. I know I feel that way everyday. I am only about 7 weeks out of surgery and can tell you that I feel so much better then I ever did with my band. I still experience some discomfort when eating certain things but from my understanding, that will go away for the most part. I love the consistency with the sleeve compared to the inconsistency with the band. There is no wondering what I will be able to eat or not eat from day to day. No more getting stuck and throwing up all the time. I'm SO loving my sleeve! Good luck with your decision and if you have any questions, I will try my best to help.
  20. Hi, I was wanting to see if anybody out there might want or need some nutritional supplements that my doctor required me to use on my pre op diet. They are made by New Direction Weight Control System. I have shakes, Soups, and bars. I spent about $130 on this stuff and I don't want to just throw it away, so if there is anyone that is interested, let me know and we can work something out. I have: Shakes- strawberry and chocolate with Fiber Soups- Creamy Tomato and Cream of chicken Bars- Crisp 'n Crunch Bars; Fudge Graham and Peanut Also, if anyone is interested, I have a few powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury sample packets. Thanks!
  21. new_beginnings_

    Attention: Pre-Op Dieters

    Honestly the New Direction stuff is not that great. My doctor required it for the pre op diet so I HAD to buy seven boxes of it to last me two weeks. After the first couple days, I could not drink anything but the chocolate shake and they would not let me return any of it. I would not get this stuff unless you have to, like I did. I didn't really care for the unjury Protein powder but I know alot of people that really like it. I had bought the sample pack off their website and only tried two of the flavors and I just did not like it. I'm back on a regular diet now so I really don't have to rely on Protein Powder any more, thank God.
  22. An hour and 20 minute workout... yay!

  23. just wanted to say a quick 'thank you' to everyone on this site... you guys keep me going and motivated even when I'm feeling down... THANKS!

  24. new_beginnings_

    Milk after surgery??

    My aftercare instructions said I could have milk the day I came home from surgery. I drink skim milk and absolutely love it (always have, ever since I was a kid). Let me just tell you how relieved I was to see that I had not developed the dreaded lactose intolerance that I see some people talking about on here...
  25. new_beginnings_

    Officially unbanded and sleeved

    Congradulations on your new sleeved stomach! The sleeve has, so far, been so much better than the band ever was for me! Sorry for your initial complications but I'm glad to hear that you are doing better now... Hope you have an easy and speedy recovery!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
