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Nina in Seattle

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Nina in Seattle

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  1. Nina in Seattle

    My Turn

    I wish you all the best. I'm reading and reading and probably going to go with this doctor as well. Thanks for sharing your story. I've got a small procedure coming up that won't allow me to have the GS till June but truthfully, I'm at the point where I can't wait to get this done and begin a new life. I've read "Women, food and God" by Geneen Roth and formed a small support group of women who love her work as it will be more important than ever to learn how to deal with my emotions rather than eating over them, so that's my game plan for changing my life (I'm 300 and 5'8 and 58 years old): surgery and working on the rest with the help of a support group, maybe therapy, etc. Someone also told me that Marianne Williamsen's new book, "A Course in Weight Loss" is phenominal so I'm buying that today. Anything that adds the emotional/spritual component to this journey, will, I believe, help me keep the weight off, and at some point, allow me to live free of this insane obsession with food. Of course, one GS surgeon who I recently saw, in order to begin the WLS discussion, asked me how many women in my little support group of 6 women, were 30-40 lbs overweight vs 100+. I told him it's half and half. He said this matched what he'd found as well. That even though ALL of us are emotional eaters, living lives that are RULED by food, it's the hormones in the stomach, among other physical factors that make the difference. No one really knows why some of us who are overeaters, only gain a little, and some a lot, but I"m sure it's any number of metabolic and hormonal differences because those "thinner" members tell me what they eat and it's not much different from the way I eat. I'm lucky as these women FULLY support me doing whatever surgery I need, and I'm very grateful for this. Wow...didn't mean to go on that long. Just wanted to wish you luck! Looking forward to reports on how you are doing, and how Dr. A treated you. Nina
  2. Lots of great info Brittu! Thank you. I just sent you a PM with some details about me I'm not brave enough to share yet on the list, so I hope I hear from you. Nina
  3. Welcome to VST forums whannabfit :)

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