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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by shadownso

  1. 10 days until my operation...

  2. 12 days till my surgery...

  3. 25 hours away from Surgery...

  4. 4 days from on is my surgery... pre-op is done. Monday at 815am est.

  5. 7 days until operation... wow one week left...

  6. Any one know how long you have to be out of work for?

  7. done with surgery, walking, sleeping, and the computer/phone

  8. Having a hard time get use to this diet. But I'm working it the best as I can. Haven't got sick yet from anything I've eaten. Crossing my fingers..

  9. i hate the blood thinner shots

  10. I'm finally home. Drain is still in until next week. The drive home was very painful felt every little bump.

  11. i've been having really bad pains around the drain, feels like a knife cutting across my chest...

  12. Just got the word I'm heading back to work in one week. Three weeks after my surgery. I'm feeling good. Can't wait till April 28th because then I can start working out. Saw the doctor earlier today and was told I've lost 50 lbs in 2 weeks.

  13. Just met with the last time before monday... Lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks.. Doctor Saber was very happy with that. Well people cross your finger... 54 hours and a wake up..

  14. now down to 312.6

  15. on wednesday when i came home i wieghed myself and was 330.7, Thursday i was 326.9 and today 318.5

  16. So they took out the drain tube a day early because they found an infection behind it. they put me on meds. and it still hurts to get out of bed. I hope this pain goes away soon..

  17. Well heading back to work tonight.. Still holding at 50 lbs lost.. Waiting for 28th of April and will be working on the Insanity workout..

  18. Well I've lost 60 lbs. and Clear to workout... Time to drop more weight

  19. Well It's been one month since my surgery. I'm doing great I've lost 55 lbs. See my doctor on the 15th. I'll ask him if I can start working out. I want to start.

  20. Well post-op 60 days and I've lost 65 lbs. Working out 4-5 days a week. Have a personal trainer that I work out with twice a week. Clothes are falling off me. Problems: I lost my butt....lol.. but no claining weight is stil coming off. Just turning 35 on the 10th of May... So after all my weight is gone my gift to myself is going to be a motorcycle. Weights started 14 March - 350 --- Current weight 12 May - 285 --- Goal weight in the future - 200-to-215.

  21. wow only 2 days until my surgery.. everything is going great except for work messing with my time. we work 12 hour duty and was going to take 2 weeks off on vacation days. and thats not the problem the problem is on the 29th i was scheduled to come back to work 4 hours a day and 4 hours of vacation and work just told me no i have to use all my vacation and when it is all gone they wont pay me while i'm off work..

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