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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by aaa

  1. Someone mistakenly thought I was pregnant today - took it as a compliment as it means I'm no longer seen as totally morbidly obese; just with a bit of a belly! Poor lady was mystified as to why I was happy about her comment, haha :)

  2. These last 20lbs are going to fight me; I can feel it. Every. Single. One. ;)

  3. These last 20lbs are going to fight me; I can feel it. Every. Single. One. ;)

  4. Two: ran my first (and maybe last) 5K yesterday and clocked a respectable 38 minutes. :)

  5. Two great NSVs - one: my dietician told me I was by far the most successful sleeve patient he's ever seen. 92% of my excess weight now lost!

  6. Two great NSVs - one: my dietician told me I was by far the most successful sleeve patient he's ever seen. 92% of my excess weight now lost! Two: ran my first (and maybe last) 5K yesterday and clocked a respectable 38 minutes. :)

  7. Two great NSVs - one: my dietician told me I was by far the most successful sleeve patient he's ever seen. 92% of my excess weight now lost! Two: ran my first (and maybe last) 5K yesterday and clocked a respectable 38 minutes. :)

  8. Half the girl striving to be twice the woman.

  9. Hit my mini goal of 210 lbs five weeks early! So pleased and can't wait to go vacation shopping. And to think my original goal was 250 lbs...

  10. They see me rollin'... they hatin' :D

  11. Went out dancing all night on Saturday - and for once I didn't feel too old and out of shape to do it! My shoes tell another story though ;)

  12. Tried my first Zumba class - SO much fun and so happy I managed to keep up, pushed myself to keep going and wasn't the unfittest person in the room any more. Think it helped get me to a 3lb weight loss this week.

  13. My heart is breaking watching what's happening to my city. Looks like another night of senseless riots on my doorstep tonight. Makes you worry about the future of the country :(

  14. Celebrated my 6 month sleeve-iversary by buying two size medium shirts in two super trendy stores I was embarrassed just to set foot in before. MEDIUM!

  15. Just thought I had my 'fat jeans' (one size up) on and went to change them because they felt baggy. Turns out they're my current 'skinny jeans'! Oh, how the weight loves to come off my legs and butt! Haha

  16. Went to a theme park for the first time in years yesterday. No more chickening out because all the ride restraints now fit WITH ROOM!

  17. My mum was just like, "What do you want to get to ultimately; like a size 12?" I was like, "No, I want to be a size 8!" She replied, "Oh my god, you can't be a smaller size than me!" Haha, she was only joking as she's always been skinny but now is always complaining about her middle aged spread... She's gonna have to get used to having a skinnier daughter after so many years of kicking mine and my siblings' butts about eating too much and needing to lose weight!

  18. Been told I was beautiful twice this week. Don't think people realise how amazing that sounds to the chubby little shy girl inside...

  19. SO frustrating to be in-between sizes. The 14 is getting too big but the 12 is still too small... Who'd ever thought old size 28 me would have these problems?! :) Still feels strange looking in the 'normal' size shops though. I'm always convinced they make them smaller and won't fit!

  20. aaa

    Hiya, noticed you were from the UK too before but never got around to saying hi! Hope everything is going well for you. Looks like you're doing a great job! :) x

  21. Little things like seeing a new photo of yourself can really cheer you up out of a downer :)

  22. I really want to burn my passport photo already. Looks nothing like me and lots like some chubby weird old guy ;)

  23. Thank you, Byron Burgers - the only chain I've seen so far that offers a 'skinny style' burger without a bun and with a salad instead of fries on their main menu for a reduced price! Of course, veggie burgers are still overpriced, but I wish all other restaurants would be this thoughtful :)

  24. Went to the beautician's today for the first time in years. Realising I used to use the whole "I'm not a girly girl thing" as an excuse to hide behind frumpy clothes, unkempt hair and huge bushy eyebrows. I don't have to be a skirts and heels kind of girl to want to take care of myself and look good for me!

  25. Been doing some serious life laundry over the past few weeks - huge clothes that I hated the minute I bought them have gone to charity, a box of junk food bought in the past is being donated and all the crap I bought to try and make myself feel better when I was at my heaviest is on eBay. I'm constantly changing my surroundings as I myself change and it really works!

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