I am 7 days post op today and I think on the same kind of diet of you. And I get EXACTLY how you feel! My family have been eating fried chicken, bacon and all sorts over the last few days and I seriously felt so compelled to eat, despite knowing I couldn't as a few spoonfuls of yoghurt right now are making me so full.
People keep saying to me, "Oh, food shouldn't bother you now," which is the complete opposite of the truth. I'm finding the head hunger a lot harder to overcome than I thought. I guess it also comes with feeling down and ill all the time too. When I'm like this, all I usually do is eat to make me feel better so it's a hard transition.
Keep at it. I'm feeling a bit less sick every day. Last night was the first time I managed to sleep lying down on my back rather than sitting up in a recliner chair. Would much rather be snoozing on my side but that seems a long way off right now!