So I'm a lurker on the board, trying to learn everything I can before surgery. I just finished my last of the 6mos supervised diet per insurance requirements. My dr doesn't have a pre-op liquid diet, but I am trying to start with the protein shakes now, so if nothing else, I'll know which ones I like. My question is this...what do you mix with them? I bought samples of the Chike banana and chocoloate, and they are really good, but i mixed them with milk. Which I think probably adds way too many carbs. I know there are recipes out there for all kinds of stuff, but I work full time and have 2 very young children. I don't see myself getting out the mixer and making anything fancy. So my question is 2 parts...first, what do you mix with them? Do you mix water? And question two is this...what's your favorite protein mix that you can buy at Walmart, GNC, Target, etc. I don't have a costco or sam's membership. Thanks for any advice!