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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Tyanna

  1. Yes it was great meeting everyone yesterday!!! I am already looking forward to next month. I realized from talking with some of you that I really do need another fill. I was thinking I did but now i am really sure.

    Thanks everyone for sharing your journeys!!! It was so cool to see how everyone has progressed and the pics were very inspiring!!


  2. I love the photo album Idea, I think it will be so helpful to those making the decision to be banded and to show all our progress along the way. It seems like we are turing into a really movational support group and I love it. Thanks to all of us !!! Maybe we can come up with a meeting schedual for future meeting!!! Looks like we are starting to get organized!!!

  3. Ohhh, I might be able to use the 22's. I think that is about what size I am in now, although I haven't bought clothes in a long time! I think I will have some scrubs you can have, too. Do you have to wear a certain color? I am in a 2x scrub now, so if you want my smaller scrubs for now I am willing to trade! Heck, it will prob be a while before I would even fit in them, and by then you will swim in them!

    Nursenikki that would be great!! I will bring my 2xl for you and the 22's. I can wear any color scrubs!!! I really love this group!!!

  4. I think that anyone that has been banded should bring a before pic. I think that would be fun and also encourging to the newly banded. I am gonna bring one of mine. Anyone else game!!!

    Congratz Julie for getting back on the band wagon. Way to go girl!!!

  5. Hi, I am new to this site. I have only posted a couple times on the main board and was happy to see a board for the Columbus area. I live in

    zanesville, Ohio, but will have having lap band surgery at OSU in Columbus,

    Dr. Needleman. Anyone else? I have just gotten OSU approval, (had trouble losing the 12 pounds they wanted me to lose to get past Dr. Kramer). I have Med Mutual ins. and will have my claim submitted this week by OSU. I am so hopeful that this process goes quickly as I have been going through this process since March 29, 2007. I really was hoping to have surgery by end of Feb. before my hubby goes back to work at Shelly and Sands, (road construction). I am not sure how long recovery takes for this, I just now it is a lot faster than RNY recovery. Any advice?

    so nice to meet everyone here.

    HI,,I was banded in June by Dr Needleman and I was very pleased with him and all the staff at OSU. I took two weeks to recover before I went back to work.Come on out to our get together on the Feb 9th and get the answers to all of your questions inperson. Just remember everyone is different and so is their expericence with the band!!!!It is the 9th yet!!!! I can't wait!!!

  6. HI I don't have the watch thing but I love my bugg. Yes it really keeps you honest but I especially like the nutrition thing that if you log all your foods it tells you the amount of protien, fat , carbs and sodium so I know where I need to improve!!! That has helped me soooo much. I was not much of a food logger before but now I try really hard to log everything in that I eat!! I have lost two pound this week the most I have lost in about 2 months. This bugg really as me moveing and losing!!! It really helps to see the calorie burn if you are really exercising hard. And you can see that harder you work the more of a deficit there is. I know it has really movated me to really get into exercising like nothing else has!!!!

    I am actually starting to like going to the gym!!!!

  7. Ok I was out of surgery in an hour then i was in post op for about another hour and then they took me to my room. I was ok for about another hour and then the soreness hit me and one of my first thoughts was what in the H !!! did I do to myself. That feeling lasted about the next 4 hrs. I was could hardly get comfortable and was very glad they kept me over night as I really needed the IV pain meds. I was getting up to the bathroom and having liquids at about 2 hrs post op. Getting up was the hardest. Holding a pillow to your belly helps. The next morning the pain was a lot less and I was up and walking around when pt came in to get me up . They released me to go home at about 1pm the next day and I was more than ready to get out of there. When I got home I was able to do steps but I couldn't not sleep in bed or lay flat. My stomach musles just were too sore. So the fist night home I slept in the lazy boy and the next 4 nights on the couch that way i could grab the back of the couch to help me sit up. My surgery was on Thursday and by Sunday I was off on vacation. I was on pain meds for 2 more days but I was able to do a lot of walking . By Wednesday I was only taking tylonol for pain as I didn't have very much. I took two weeks off of work as I am an xray tech and my work is quite strenous so two weeks was just enough time. I felt really good by then. If your work is more sedatary and not a lot of lifting one week should be fine. My post op appt was not until 3 weeks after surgery so I really should not have been working without a Dr's release so if you need a release for work make sure you get it before you leave the hospital. Also my pre-op appt was not untill two days before surgery so getting in the fmla papers was kinda touch and go also because they will not fill them out till your pre-op appt. But yes I would do it all over again if I had to. All went well and I got really good care!!! And I love my band!!!!!Gool luck with you insurance approval. I hope all goes well.

  8. our local ymca has a track and they have days for mom's with strollers to walk the track and give baby a ride!!! They also have mom and baby work out classes and if you income meet certian guide lines they will help you with the membership dues. So check out you local y and see what they offer. I love the Y!!!! it is my best motivater besides my body bugg!!!

    Good luck!!1

  9. ok it is marked on my calendar with a sharpie!!!!! I can't wait to meet you all. On a biggest loser team at work weigh-in is Monday.I think it is cool my work is doing this to encourage a healthier life style they even gave us a week with a personal trainer. I haven't used that yet as I am taking classes at the Y 4 days a week. I wonder what my team gets if they win? I have really been working hard exercising 4 days a week and logging everything I eat and my scale seems to be stuck. I hope it decideds to move down on Monday.

  10. Watch out if you are a self-pay at OSU. Fills are not included in the 3 months of post op care because they are considered a procedure at least that is what i was just told. All fills are

    $200.00 even if they are within 3 months of surgery. They don't tell you that in your self-pay contract. I thought all post op care including fills would be covered for three months after surgery and it's not. What I suprise to me!!

  11. I just started a cycle class at the Y and I thought I was gonna die. But I did make it through the whole class. They tell me it will get easier in a couple of weeks. I sure hope so!! You guys are so encouging. If you can do it I guess I can do it too without dying!!! lol.

  12. Hi angieI was a self pay and it is well worth every penny i spent. I had my surgery done at OSU in Columbus by Dr Needleman. I started the beginning of April by submitting my application, then they sent the letter i knew was comming that my insurance did not cover it even though I told them I was a self pay after I made them a believer that I was going to self pay the Dr had to approve my application that took about 2 weeks and a phone call each week, be very proactive to keep things moving. Next they set me up with an appt with the dietiation and the psycologist and a down payment of $1,000 at those first two appts. It took about a week for the Dr to recieve there reports. The month of May was spent going once a week to nutrition classes that are included in the self pay if you go to Columbus to their classes. . I had to have a physical with my PCP and he had to order all the blood work that I needed for my surgery. I had to be very proactive in makeing sure they gotthe results of the blood work only to find out that my PCP missed one that they needed so I had to go over to the PCP's office and tell him that I needed another order for thyriod levels. After about 2 weeks of getting the result of my blood work faxed down to OSUI recieved a call with a prelimanary date for my surgery. Then I had to take a day off to run my $21,000.00 check to OSU so I didn't loose my surgery date because they never recived the first check I sent which I had to stop payment on!!! Who knows where that one ended up!!! Finaly everything was a go and I had my surgery on June 21,07 The Dr included 3 months post op care in my package so that was enough time for me to get in two fills. Thank goodnes I hit my sweet spot on the second fill because now I will have to pay $200.00 a fill for any more fills.Just ask if you have any more questions , Yes it was very expensive but worth evey penny and yes I would do It again!!!

  13. I am scheduled for surgery on the 4th and wonder how long you will stay home from work? I am a high school librarian so I'm on my feet and active all day. I don't want to miss too many days but I also don't want to return too soon. Any advice?


    My advice to you would be to take a full two weeks off. I am an xray tech and I was banded June 21,07 and that two weeks was just enough time off you will really need it if you are on your feet alot. Not so much pain after the first few days but soreness and getting your energy back. Some people go back after a week but I would never had made it.Good luckBanded June 21, 07preband/current/goal 270 / 236 / 150weight.png

  14. HI to find out what a boddybugg is just go to apex.com or to the bodybugg thread on this website or just google it and you will find out :eek: It is another tool that can really be a motavator.By the way how do you get your tickers on your posts? I tried copy and paste but it doesn't work:(

  15. Hi I have been using my bodybugg for 6 weeks now and my losses have been consistant . I find I burn the most calories at work. I have to opportunity to burn more calories by working harder. Jan 7th I start spin classes and Water arobics at the Y glad to hear thespin classes are a good calorie burner. I very rarely reach my deficit on Sunday for the same reasons church, Nap, Sunday is my day off from everything except cooking. But I work at it really hard the rest of the week. My calorie burn goal is 2530 and I usually go over that I am think i am going to raise it and challenge myself over the next few weeks. My work is doing a weight loss challenge and I have my team together and that starts on the 7th of jan so I will have motivators at work to help me get a boost into the new year and a new me. Glad you are all here for mutual support as we all need it. good luck to everyone.starting/current/goal270/246/150Banded June 21,07

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