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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by StacyS

  1. StacyS


    I have BCBS-Fed and just completed my 3 month yesterday!!!! My BMI was right at 41 so I couldn't afford to lose any weight during the 3 months. I lost 2 lbs the first month and then gained 3 by the last month. It really depends on your BMI.... if you are way over 40 then I would recommend attempting to lose weight. If you are not, then DO NOT lose any weight!! Insurance will not approve you if you are not 40 BMI. I am currently waiting for the word from Dr's office on whether I'm approved or not. They submitted to insurance yesterday, so I should know before the end of the week. I'll keep you updated
  2. WOW!!!!! Check you out!! How much have you lost since surgery???
  3. Went to my final nutritionist appt yesterday. Paperwork was to be submitted to insurance.... now the waiting game begins to see if I'm approved or not!!! (((Fingers Crossed)))

  4. StacyS

    I've lost 37 lbs!!!

    You're on your way!!! Keep up the good work!!
  5. StacyS


    I agree!! Take her money and run!!! Flaunt it in her face with a new outfit... You know, I was against the Sleeve in the beginning simply because I have known people who have had the RNY and have regainned weight back. (( Prime example... Carney Wilson )). However, after more and more research about the Band and the Sleeve, here I am getting the Sleeve on 26 April 11. Your mom sounds like a "negative Nancy" regardless if you were dieting and exercising to lose weight or doing surgery. Some people are naturally like that and will never change. Just let it go in one ear and out the other!! I have a lot of people on my mother's side of the family who are like that and I just let it roll off my back. If I didnt, I would be in a constant war with them all the time. My advice, take the bet. shake hands and make her pay up come 2013!!!! Make her pay again in 2015!! Then again in 2017 when you're STILL at goal and rocking your new body!!
  6. StacyS


    YAY!!! So happy for you!!!
  7. StacyS

    April 2011 Sleevers

    I did read your post and replied... I'm so sorry!! You gotta take care of it though, in order to have surgery. It should only be a few weeks of medical regimine before you can retest and see if it's all cleared up. I'm so sorry sweetie!! Make sure you get it taken care of!!!
  8. I also started out wanting the LapBand and also switched to KNOWING I wanted to be sleeved. As soon as I found out I needed a 3 month diet, I switched to another doctor. I had already been frustrated with the first doctor and took that time to go see someone else. I have to wait 3 months regardless of which doctor, right? Well, it turns out it was the best decision I've ever made!! My new doctor is wonderful and his staff are so awesome!! If you KNOW you want the sleeve, you must find another doctor right away to get your 6 month process starting.
  9. StacyS

    VERY frustrated at my doctor!!!

    FatBetty.... I have BCBS-Fed and I'm in California. Where exactly do you live? I am going to a WLS center in Northridge who are a Center of Excellence and ONLY work with weight loss surgery patients! They are super friendly, very professional, and do all the work for you! I will be completing my 3 month supervised diet program next Monday and then they will submit paperwork to my insurance THAT day!!! This place is a one stop shop!! Nutritionist is there on site too!! I originally went to another doctor in Burbank who was very awful (his staff) and they never returned phone calls or anything! They never even called me to tell me I needed a 3 month diet!! That's when I got so fed up and called my insurance company and they actually recommended the doctor I'm seeing now. Please dont give up!! Make sure you switch doctors and get that 3 month process started immediately!!
  10. StacyS

    Surgery cancelled

    Girl, dont give up!! I'm sure once they retest you again in a few weeks you'll be good to go!! I'm with Mommy... let the doctor take care of what's wrong NOW so you can have a speedy recovery! Last thing you want is to go under the knife and not wake up!! So, please, be thankful they found out early!!!!
  11. OMG, what a Chubby Chaser for sure!!!! I think it's so funny, "I liked you better heavier... put your weight back on for ME" Seriously, he has some issues! As if you'd actually consider gaining weight for him!! ((psssst)) OMG, I'm still laughing!!! That's so crazy! Good for you though!!
  12. StacyS

    April 2011 Sleevers

    How long of a pre-op diet did your doctor have you on?? My surgeon only requires 3 days of clear liquids before surgery.... No 10%, no 2 wks, just 3 days.
  13. StacyS

    HCG diet?

    My question too Coops... I've never heard of HCG. What exactly is it????
  14. StacyS

    Not so fun

    Congratulations to you!! I also have the same surgery date as you! 26 April 11.... I am not self-pay though and have been waiting 4+ months to finish the required 3 month supervised diet thing, which my last one is 11 April 11 and then I wait for insurance approval.... ((sigh)) If I could afford to self pay I would've back in Oct when I originally decided to do WLS. Good luck to you and please keep in touch!!!!
  15. Very cute!!! I love it!!! Thanks for sharing
  16. StacyS


    I'm crying right now!! I LOVE tortillas and usually eat them all the time (i'm pre-op). I ran into someone who had the RNY and he's 2 years out and he said that he still cant eat them. They get stuck. OH, I'm so sad right now!!! LOL.....
  17. StacyS

    Coffee and alcohol

    What? Liver failure when taking Advil???? Seriously?? Or is that if you take an Advil and take a sip of an adult beverage??
  18. StacyS

    April 2011 Sleevers

    Good luck to all of you who are either at the hospital or under the knife right now!!! Please keep us all posted and let us know how everything's going for you! Since some of us are at the end of the month, it will be nice to see/hear all your experiences!! Good luck ya'll
  19. StacyS

    How to avoid the 6 month diet requirement?

    My 3 month appt is next Monday, 11 April 11 and then we submit to BCBS for approval.... the 3 months FLEW by, honestly!!
  20. Hey Wishes!! Dont you worry about getting denied. There are a lot of options if that happens, but as long as you follow all of requirements, and meet their critera, you'll get approved! I find out next week if i'm approved or not... it's scary, i know!!

  21. StacyS

    April 2011 Sleevers

    Got all my proteins ready. I'm only required to do 3 days of liquid before surgery, so I'm pretty stoaked about that. I got samples of Isopure, Nectar, n whey unflavoured powder. I already have a lot of broth too. I'm super excited!!!! April 26 cant come soon enuff
  22. StacyS

    April 2011 Sleevers

    April 26th here!!!!!!
  23. StacyS

    2 yr history not 40 BMI??

    I have a wonderful Patient Advocate at my surgeon's office and she assured me that since I have the 2 yr history and I have been between 36-39 BMI w/in that two year span, we are ok. She said that the BMI for obesity is above 35 and therefore I qualify. And if insurance gives us any push back about it, she's gonna fight like a madwoman and get it approved. :devil_smile: So I'm not worried about it anymore. I have BCBS-Federal and was only required to do a 3 month supervised diet and my last appt is 11 April and my paperwork will be sent to insurance that day. Insurance has 1-5 days to respond; therefore, I will know that week and my surgery will be scheduled for 26 April!!! I'm so happy!!!! I'll keep you all posted about the BMI thing
  24. Hi... I'm right at 40 BMI and actually had to gain weight in order to get to 40. I have BCBS-Fed and they require a 2 year weight history. Well, I have the history however my history only reflects me being at 36-38 BMI and I was wondering if anyone was denied by their insurance due to not being the 40BMI??? I dont have any co-morbidities but I do have GERD and a Hiatal Hernia but no diabeties or HBP. Any experience??
  25. Interesting.... Not very accurate for me, but interesting! Thanks for sharing!

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