I recently just had a gastric sleeve done by Dr Rodriguez in Mexico (Facilitator-- BeLite Weight) . Today is my 1 mo. post-op anniversary, I had the surgery on 12/28 with slight complications. My lungs filled with Fluid and had a heart adema condition. Due to these complications, I had to stay at the resort/hospital in Juarez for 4 extra days! And, yes I had to pay for the extra days before I could be discharged. It was rough with no famil or friends there. However, the nursed, staff, and doctors were so kind and responsive to me.
I've lost 16 pounds but feel I should be loosing more since I am not eating much at all and throwing up alot.
I am doing everything correctly...eating right, taking my Vitamins but I am not loosing anymore weight!! Any advice?
Please help, I am getting discouraged and depressed again. I thought I would loose more weight rapidly. I guess I just may be impatient but then again, I've been waiting for this for 13 years now )