Hi Lily66,
I am actually revising from a sleeve gastrectomy. He had said that he thought the gastric bypass (GB) was a great option for me, but he did mention that I might consider the mini gastric bypass (MGB) too. He didn't go into a lot a detail, but I have been doing quite a bit of research on my own. We will discuss it more next week when I go back for my appointment before the surgery date.
It looks like for many people the MGB is a great surgery choice with very similar results to the GB such as weight loss and resolving comorbidities. The nice thing about the MGB is that it requires less intestinal (stomach) rerouting and the time of surgery is much less. However, there is a higher incidence of bile reflux after the surgery.
I have a had quite a problem with acid reflux and they found on my recent upper GI scope that I have a severely inflamed esophagus. So I am leaning toward the gastric bypass which has been shown to take care of GERD completely.
Hope this helps anyone with questions.
Best of luck on your upcoming surgery on the 11th.