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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Evie

  1. Evie


    Hi All, I am getting closer to being able to send my papers in to the ins co. But I still don't know what to tell my little lady I am staying with, with out lieing. I have been having trouable with my stomach so might be able to go that way. I am telling my husband and one girlfriend. I just don't want to hear my families comments. This is big enough in my life. God Bless you All. Evie
  2. Yes, my Dr's office said Medicare should start paying in 2012.

  3. medaicare and WLS. Does anyone know what the rules are?


  4. Does anyone know how medicare work with cover WLS?

  5. Evie


    Hi, I am kind of in the same boat you are in. I haven't gotten approved yet. I have been trying to think of what to tell the lady I stay with why I am not going to be at work awhile. I don't want my family to know. I wasn't even going to tell my husband, but I did. I really don't want anyone to know for one is that they will give the surgery all the credit, when we know it is going to be work from us and the sleeve is a tool to help us God Bless Evie

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