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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by NikkiRose

  1. I too am glad to see this topic...I am just 6 weeks post op and got the diet pretty much down but REALLY want sip of white wine!!!!
  2. Hi All, I am 3 weeks post-op (today in fact). For the past 2 weeks I've had a problem getting my liquids in and keeping them in. Shakes, yogurt, and even sometimes water comes up. I've tried Crystal Light, and even Gatoraide etc. But still, I'm extremely weak, no energy! I went to the E.R. and they explained that (1) liquids go down slow as expected, but is emptying out my stomach on a delay; and (2) this is probably because my stomach is still swollen from the procedures. IDK and am getter more and more worried. Next week marks my 4 weeks post-op and I'm supposed to move to pureed foods, then the week after to soft foods...but not being able to get in my liquids now is making me worry about how I'd transition to the next stage. I have a follow-up appt tomorrow with my doctor, but wanted to vent and see if anyone could offer me a few words of encouragement *tear*
  3. Thanks everyone! The anti-nausea medical comes right back up (pill or liquid form). Doc knows and after tests says I have no leaks or anything...just tells me to keep at trying to get my protein shakes in as much as I can as well as my vitamin suppliments (Multi, B, D)...I'm doing a LITTLE better just (like you all said) taking baby steps! Again, thanks everyone for your input and words of encouragement!!!!
  4. NikkiRose

    I need to know....

    Hi, to mimick everyone else...YES everyone is different. I am almost 3 weeks post-op and though I have no regrets, i am experiencing prolonged internal swelling. Back to that in a moment...as for the actual surgery, i was comfortable just before...afterwards, i felt pain (not discomfort) in my mid-section. I typically have a high tolorance but everyone kept telling me "oh it's not that bad, just tightness" BULL...it hurt, especially whenever i moved/talked/laughed/etc... My 1st week post of was groovy. I was sleeved on Wednesday and went back to work on Tuesday...but because of my swelling, it's making it real difficult for me to get and keep virtually anything down (liquids, yogurt, popsicles). This past Friday, I had to go to the hospital because I was feeling extremely weak (probably because I was borderline dehydrated & vomititing). I stayed 2 days and felt better, but now still feel "ugh". When I had my EGD the day before they found a very small hernia in my stomach so they removed that during my sleeve...I'm thinking that's one reason (if not the reason) why my swelling is taking so long to go away. But still no regrets...I KNOW this period is temporary...I've lost 25 lbs so far and believe wholeheartedly in my decision. Good luck to you and may you have a speedy and swifty recovery!!!!
  5. NikkiRose

    Vertigo anyone???

    hi, back in 2009 was my 1st bout with VERTIGO (ugh i hate it), i've had about 6 episodes, though none lately. i have never had an issue with high BP or diabetes, so when they sent me through tests to find out what was causing it...they simply said it was an imbalance in my equalibrium (the fluids between my ears). i am staying prayed up and fingers crossed, hoping i don't ever experience that again...worst feeling ever...hope you feel better!!!
  6. awww...thanks girl (for thinking of me on my big day)...january 19th has come and gone and though a lil rough at first, my recovery is going awesome!!!!

  7. NikkiRose

    My tomorrow is here

    Well, the last 2 weeks have flown by. Tomorrow, my life will be forever changed (for the better). I am feeling all types of emotions - happiness, anxiousness, excitement, etc. etc. But I shall remain prayed up because it's all in God's hands, and He will guide the doctor's! ~ttyl~
  8. thanks to all...for the post and the comments...i don't have anything profound to chime in with, just wanted to say Thanks for the virtual support!!!
  9. So, my surgery is 5 days away. The dietician at my surgeon's office puts everyone (sleeve, lap band, and bypass patients) on a 2-week LIQUID diet (as in NO FOOD, just the shakes, yogurt, jello, and broth). I have no other medical issues (high bp, diabeties, etc.) - just obese! WELL I'VE CHEATED. I felt sick after a day and a half. Because my vitamin levels are low I had to start a multi vitamin, B complex, and vit D pills - which on an empty stomach, does not go over well. Not to mention, that friends I've talked to who had lap band or bypass and what I've read on this site...I come to the conclusion that the pre-op diet varies depending upon the doctor/dietician. IDK what to think...any thoughts????
  10. NikkiRose

    Pre-op diet & I do not get along

    Thanks Ladies for the encouraging words! I appreciate it...well it's the day before and I am feeling all kinda ways! @Anna, girl the next few days will fly by - at least they seemed to for me LOL...and @Jen, thanks, I am going to have to try out some of your methods cus ALL liquid BEFORE the surgery has been a challenge for me (to say the least)...catch up with you both soon!
  11. yes, congratulations!!! i am excited to us all...the decision, the journey, all leading us to a healthier tomorrow! like you i too 1st contemplated lap-band but changed my mind for the same EXACT reason as you did. i am getting sleeved on wednesday (jan 19) i'll keep you posted and hope u do the same! again, yippie!!!
  12. NikkiRose

    Everyone Says Something Different!

    Great topic! Thanks to all for the comments...p.s. i was TOLD 30 min before/after
  13. hi jamie, i'm 33 and new to this site. i get sleeved on wed jan 19 *yay* how r u doing after yours? Nikki
  14. hey everyone, i am one of those ppl who have always been heavy. i began gaining at the tender age of 12-13. in high school i was only a few lbs lighter than i am today. deep down i was never happy, but of course on the surface i was always "fine" with it. never had a problem meeting men, going out in public, etc. between 1999-2001 i lost about 60 lbs, but i did it with the help of diet pills. of course, once i stop'd the weight crept back (and then some). in 2003 a really close friend had gastric bypass surgery. this was the 1st time i considered it, but didn't explore it. 2007 was when i seriously looked into having lap-band, but my career moved me out of state. now that i'm back in michigan, i figure i'm not gettng any young but i am definitely getter BIGGER so ...i've done the leg work and on monday i was called with "my date"...I AM SO EXCITED... wednesday, january 19 2011 is when it all will go down. so thought it would be nice to use this enrivonment to share my story and get inspiration from others ~ i thank you in advance
  15. NikkiRose

    My date is fast approaching

    Thanks Davida, wow...glad to hear ur doing better!!! and I appreciate your honesty, ttyl ~nicole
  16. hi tara, i too will will be sleeved next week (wed jan 19) like you i've always been overweight, lost/gained/gained more, and i too first considered WLS years ago and considered lap-band as well until recently. i beleive it'll be better for me (more permanent and restrictive than with the band without the continuous adjustments BUT permanent enough without having my intestins re-routed - that was pretty scary to me). anyway, i'm happy for u and the only advice i could give you is once you're comfortable with your decision (as to which surgery) then pray over it and be confident in that decision. i've known ppl who have done lap band and bybass so i'll be the 1st sleeve...but hey diversity, that's what makes the world go round right now as far as the pre-op diet...IT IS KILLING ME TOO, but if i can admit...iv'e cheated...my doctor's office dietician puts EVERYONE on an ALL liquid diet for 2 weeks...no lean meats, no nothing but the shakes yogurt Jello and broth...though i've cheated, tomorrow markes my 1 week until surgery so i plan on being 90% good...GOOD LUCK to you and i wish you ALL THE BEST! ~nicole
  17. NikkiRose

    2days post op at home now

    Hi Sylvia, I am so happy that you're sharing your journey with us. It's only so much info you want from the doctor, to hear the "real deal" from an actual patient is great. Glad to hear everything is swell. @ Carmy, my date is on a Wednesday too...I plan to go back to work that following Tuesday. Since I have a "desk" job I think it'll be ok. Good luck to you!!!
  18. NikkiRose

    January 2011 Sleevers

    LOL @ the McDonald's comment Hey Cleveland is like my 2nd home...Best of luck to you!!!!
  19. Hi, I was put on a 2-week all liquid pre-op diet. Gotta be honest...for me...it's HARD. I mean, I can do 1 meal and day with the shakes ((((no problem)))) but no food at all...based on what I'm hearing from friends and ppl from this site - I think it's more of a nutritional requirement based on the surgeon/dietician rather than a medical requirement - but that's just my opinion, i skipped med school LOL - but good luck to you, I wish you all the best!!!
  20. NikkiRose

    Do you have BCBS Insurance?

    Hi, I have BCBS of Michigan and no I didn't have to have any pre-condition. My surgeon's office made it sound like they didn't even need "pre-approval"...just needed to confirm that the procedure was covered and that I had dont everything required. They must have been right because my surgery date was set rather quickly. Good luck!!!
  21. NikkiRose

    My date is fast approaching

    Hi Theresa, thanks girl, I am so excited but of course the butterflies pay me a visit from time to time. OMG...January 3...u hit the New Year off right huh I'm happy for you!!! I'm going to send you a message so we can chat more ~ttyl~
  22. hi, i'm new here too and from ur area...would like to swap VSG stories...i have know ppl who have had bypass and lap-band, but i'm the 1st do go sleeve *anxious*

  23. NikkiRose

    OUCH - 4 weeks pre-op diet

    Hi there...WOW!!! 4 weeks PRE-op...i just started a 2 week pre-op liquid diet yesterday (((praying))) that I will last...but i'm so excited about my jan 19th date that I think that will keep me motivated...i beleive in you...YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  24. NikkiRose

    TCQ - 2 Months Post op - Long Over due

    Congratulations!!!! I can not wait to feel those wonderful feelings, keep up the good work!!!!
  25. I hope all went well with ur reversal yesterday!!! i initially considered the band, but after hearing more about the sleeve i was convinced that was better for me. i'm in michigan and have 1 friend who had the band, they've all much success, but like you said...ppl don't tell u about the horror stories. thanks for sharing yours and best of luck!!!

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