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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by kaehl

  1. I thought it was just age catching up with me, but I have noticed a big change since surgery. I started taking ritalyn a month ago, and it has helped. I hope it gets better after a while.
  2. I don't know why it happens, but I've heard of a number of people with problems with malabsorption problems after VSG. I knew that we malabsorb B12 because of the removal of part of the stomach that produces intrinsic factor, which is necessary for B12 absorption. There are also a number of people who become Iron deficient. Some have had problems absorbing Protein from food. There is a lot we still don't know about the effects of this surgery. I'm confused, how is there ANY malabsorption of anything? Nothing is changed but the stomach and to the digestive tract beyond it. LACK of Vitamin D rich foods would cause a lower level but AFAIK you can absorb everything and anything just fine as before.
  3. kaehl

    B12 Injections

    Bkind, I'm wondering why you get the shots weekly instead of monthly. Is it a different dosage? I've been getting a monthly injection and haven't felt the benefits (energy) yet. If getting weekly shots is an option I might give that a try. I get a b12 shot weekly at my drs office and I love it! It's not painful at all and I can definately tell a huge difference in my energy when I miss a week...they don't even compare to the sublingual I used to take that I got from GNC. The shot just works sooo much better and I notice more energy as the days go by! Ppi's prohibit b12 absorbtion so it's important to keep those levels up...not only for energy but, neurologically as well...good luck!
  4. kaehl

    December 2010 Sleevers!

    I was sleeved on Dec. 1st. Had an easy recovery and am able to meet my protein requirement through food alone. I lost 11 lbs. on the pre-op diet, and 24 lbs. since surgery. I've been in a stall for 3 weeks now, and feeling very down about that. My calorie intake has been around 600/per day, protein 60 grms. and carbs under 30grms. I tried upping carbs and calories a little for the last few days and have gained a pound! I'm so frustrated, and really don't know what to do next. For now I'm going back to the lower calories and lower carbs that I was doing before. Exercise has been walking for me. I have pretty bad arthritis in my back, hips and knees, so walking will have to do until I'm able to get some more weight off. I think I'll try upping my protein and water and see if that does it.
  5. I would really love to have a copy. My email address is smithjo58@yahoo.com Thanks!!!
  6. You've done a wonderful job! You look Great!
  7. This is very interesting. I have believed for a long time that low carb was the only way I could lose weight, and for the first few weeks I usually would lose and then stop. I would eventually give up and start eating normally again and start gaining it back. Since my surgery 2 months ago, I have been keeping calories around 600 and carbs under 30 and I have only lost 24 lbs. all of it in the first few weeks. I haven't lost an ounce in 3 weeks! I did up my carbs yesterday to 100 with whole grains and vegetables but today I was afraid to keep the carbs so I'm at 25 grm. today. I probably should give the higher carbs and higher calories a try for a few days at least, but it's so hard for me since I'm so afraid of both! My weight was the same today after the higher carb day yesterday. I think if its the same tomorrow I better think about making a change.
  8. kaehl

    Hungry Gastric Sleevers!

    .In my situation, I've been taking it within about an hour after eating (sometimes in 30 min). It's weird, there are times when I can still feel all the food is in my stomach and yet I get hunger pangs. I am so glad to read your post. I've had the exact same experience as you describe. The almost constant, growly hunger feeling. I also have noticed it while my stomach is full of food! I find that drinking my liquids gets it going too. I have always suspected that it might be acid-related. I was describing this to my surgeon just this week and he told me it's just head hunger. I told him I know what head hunger is. This is a physical feeling. I've been taking aciphex since about the 2nd week after surgery. It hasn't helped a bit. I asked for a script for protonix but my insurance won't cover it until I've tried at least two others without success. So I just started omepresole. So far it's not helping. I will get some gaviscon to try too. '
  9. kaehl

    Longest Stall Contest

    You know it's just the body fighting back -- it doesn't realize that we're trying to be healthier -- it's job is to maintain the weight (or gain it) in case of famine. Right now, the body thinks I'm in the middle of a famine. I figure if I keep doing what is right eventually it will come off. Now it might not come off as fast as I want, but it definitely will come off. The great thing about the sleeve is that I will outlast any defenses my body puts up -- I don't have to worry about regaining as with the RNY, I don't have to worry about fighting hunger urges like with the band. I have the sleeve which limits my food and makes me not want to eat!! Hurray!! So guess who's gonna win this weight battle?? yep, you know it! Thanks for that. It's very encouraging. I'm just 8 weeks out and have been stalled for 2.5 of those weeks. It's driving me crazy because I'm keeping my calories and carbs so low that I think I should be losing well. Today I decided to add more healthy carbs and see if it makes a difference.
  10. kaehl

    To all the stallers....

    Well, that is my mantra too cause it just doesn't make any sense that I'm not losing when I'm eating 600 cal./day! Nevertheless, I have been stuck at the same weight for about 2 1/2 weeks! I'm eight weeks out and have only lost 24 lbs. since surgery. I lost 11 lbs. pre-surgery. I'm trying not to panic here! The favorite mantra was "we HAVE to lose weight... we're only consuming 600 cals per day!"

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