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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marvinjohn

  1. marvinjohn

    3 Days Post Op

    Doxielover Have you asked your doctor if you can have yogart or the yogart drink. Or even early thinned out cream of wheat. You can even liquify cottage cream with skim milk so it is Soup like.
  2. marvinjohn

    Dr. Cobourn

    Sweetforlife I was banded in July 2007. At the clinic by Dr. Mumford who is Dr. Coburn's partener. I found the nursing staff very caring and kind. They take you up to the operting area. Ask you a few questions and then they have you change in to the hospital gown. They seat you in a lounge chair with a heating blanket. The anasteialogic (sorry for the spelling) comes in a chats with you. He was a very nice man. Then Dr. Mumford came in and went over a few things. The nurse comes in and takes you to the operating room. They put these massaging leggings on you. The anasteialogic comes in and tells you what he is going to do. He tells you he will be putting a needle inyour hand, you will feel an pinch and then you will feel your hand burn. Then he tells you he is going to put an oxygen mask on your face. The next thing you know you are in recovery. I was a difficult person coming out of the medication. I pulled my I.V. out. I kept saying I do not want the surgery. I want to go home . I tired to get out of bed. I also kept hitting the devise they had on my finger on the bed railing. Through all of this the post op nurses were very kind. Once I came around they got me dressed. The doctor came to see me. I got a sick note for a week from him. The nurses gave me my perscription and called my husband . He moved the car to the side door. The nurses helped me into the car and off I went. The next day Dr. Mumford called me at home to see how thing were going. Hope this helps. Marvinjohn
  3. marvinjohn

    Shoulder pain ! HELP !!

    not yet I am having it done on July 19, 2007. My surgeon has set up a forum so his patients to use and I have been going into it daily to see what experiences and solutions other people have had and found to help them on there way. you may want to check it: outhttp://obesitysurgery.ca/forum/index.php?sid=a385398b09fea3da7eda6683ed5cc51d
  4. marvinjohn

    Shoulder pain ! HELP !!

    Try a heating pad in the area that is hurting. Also gasx strips work to get rid on gas pain

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
