Almost 8 months out and no regrets at all. It gets me upset when newbies, particularly those 3 months and less, get on the boards discouraging others. Anyone who reads this board and research the surgery know that there are some set backs. There is the 3 week stall (that can last more than a month), there's the throwing up, there's the mourning of food, and slow losers (like myself) BUT all in all those of us 6 months or more out (even some with SERIOUS complications) wouldn't go back to how we were.
I always feel that someone who is still researching the Sleeve verus other WL options will turn away because they read a rant of regret from someone 1 month out. They miss the chance to change thier lives based on an "in the moment" and emotional writin. Then when such said ranter is 6 months out and close to 100 pounds lost (Praising God for this tool) the researching newbie will still be unhappy and unhealthy.
I'm sorry for my soapbox. I know these boards are a place to come and vent, read, learn, and testify. I myself have posted some post that I now look at and laugh about. And even in my slow losing phrase, I come a write BUT I am always so careful to search on previous topics and answers before I unleash my sleeve wrath because its all here on the boards- rarely nothing new under the Web sun.
ut again- back to your question- I DON'T REGRET ONE MINUTE OF THE SLEEVE.