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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About freetolive

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    North Carolina
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  1. This is the first time I have joined and commented on any forum. I feel really good that there are so many supports groups willing to talk and share their experiences. Your feedback has been outstandingly positive on the sleeve which is the option I have chosen. I have my first appointment tommorow December 14th with the physician and nutritionist and since they could not get all three appts in I meet with the psychologist January 3rd. I am so excited and not once have I been nervous or had any fear about this, I feel confident and at peace with my decision to move fwd to freedom from my battle with obesity. I am on the lower bmi end and I am very thankful and hopeful there is a solution to end the madness of losing and gaining of which I have battled to no avail all my life, it is time for the yo yo weightloss drama to end, today is a new day. I would love to hear your comments, this is the beginning of my journey. I love hearing all of your hearts out there. Stay encouraged. Peace.
  2. Welcome to VST forums freetolive :)

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