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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by brownowl

  1. brownowl

    kinda gotta lie!?!?!?

    hi i havent told even my sisters or brothers about my wls i have only discussed it with my 3 daughters and my husband who are all very supportive i havent told my work collegues or my boss that its wls i have said i am having a hernia repair thats got very large in my stomach and they are going to repair my hitues hernia as well they have acepted that as my reason to be off work hope this works for you xxx
  2. brownowl


    hi i am in the same situation as yourself i work at a hospital too and waiting for my date for a vertical sleeve op i have told my collegues and boss that i have a hernia that needs repairing which i have a hitus hernia that they will sort out in theatre so i am telling the truth just not all of it i am at weight watchers so i am always on a weight loss programme when i go back to work slimmer .

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