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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Disney

  1. Where can you find adult liquid tylanol? we don't have it in any stores around here

    I got mine at CVS pharmacy. Could not find it at Walmart.< /p>

    I have to say, it is VERY strong tasting and feels like nyquil used to feel going down. Like a warm, too sweet feeling. But it does work and pretty fast, too!

    Hey Smof4, just in case, check your blood pressure if you haven't already. High BP can cause a headache, too.

  2. You know, I never really needed to ask Dr, A about this because I didn't even realize I was lactose intolerant until I was well into my solids phase. I was released to eat anything so I just switched to the Lactaid Milk instead of regular milk. I do not take the pills, because its really milk I have the issue with. I have not had any issues with yogurts/cheeses/etc. I of course haven't even attempted ice cream, way too scared too!!!

    Sorry I couldn't be more help... I'm sure they will answer your email quickly. I believe Gaby is the one to ask, she is the post op patient coordinator (not sure if you knew that). Let me know if you need her info...

    Good luck!!!

    Thanks Diva, I did get a response back from Gaby and she said Dr. A said it was ok to take the lactaid pills, so I will try that. I am going to start the lactaid milk, too.

    Thanks again!smile.gif

  3. I am so glad to have the support of this board! It stinks so many of us are or have gone through this. Its really one of those times right now where I regret the stinkin surgery. Hubby keeps saying I will be thrilled 6 months from now, I sure hope he is right.

    My heartburn (which I did not have pre-op) is frustrating too, I know its not helping with how crappy I feel. Just talked to a PA and he told me to up my dosage and take another prilosec tonight. I am going in tomorrow and he said they may decide to scope me too because I do get that stuck feeling too often.

    Man, I knew this surgery would be rough but it is still more than I had prepared myself for.

    Thanks everyone for the support!

    I had that stuck feeling too, and my Dr said to up my Nexium to twice a day and so far it has helped a lot. Hardly feel it anymore. Good luck to you!!

  4. Crosswind 600 sleeves for Dr. Aceves seems a low number. I am sure when I checked many months ago that it was higher than that.

    You're right AutumnLily, the count I saw when I started researching Dr. Aceves was over a 1100 back in November. I am sure it is over 1500 by now. He did about 10 in the 4 days I was there, and the day I had surgery, he only did me, the only other patient was getting bypass.

    His post-op is days 1-5 Clear Liquids, days 6-10 thin liquids (not much different than the clear stage), days 11-20 full liquids (so basically THREE weeks liquids) then days 21-30 soft foods (mushies), then days 31 forward solid foods.

    And to comment on Kinky's post, as she said, the Dr.'s in the states are so thorough so that they are harder to "sue" if something happens. And it's true, you pretty much cannot sue a Dr. in Mexico but if you can't win a suit in the states, how are you better off?

    I was self-pay and could have gone to pretty much any surgeon I wanted, (within reason) but I chose Dr. Aceves because of his track record and skill. He has proven himself over and over. I wanted a surgeon who could do this surgery with his eyes closed. I trusted him and he did not fail me. I have also never met a more caring Dr. in my entire life. Or with such a good bedside manner. I have no tolerance for Drs who think they are gods. I like a Dr. who will sit right down with me and look me in the eyes and explain things to me, and help me when I have questions, etc. Not just breeze in and breeze out in about 2 minutes. The day I left the hospital, the last thing Dr. Aceves said to me was, "Thank you for your confidence". He KNOWS how most people view Mexican Drs and he is trying, one patient at a time, to change the negative rap that most of them get. I will gladly tell everyone I see who did my surgery and recommend him to all.smile.gif

  5. I just got off the phone with the patient coordinator at Dr. Aceves office where I have my surgery scheduled for Monday. I was worried because I haven't really been checked out thoroughly by a doctor in a couple years. She told me not to worry -- she said, look, you're in a hospital, if there's anything wrong we'll work on it so you can have a safe surgery.

    It seems like in the states the whole system really wants to make all this is as hard as possible. It's one of the reasons I decided to go to Mexico despite the risks. I had second thoughts a couple days ago and called the surgeon I was going to originally go with, and asked them if I decided to go with them and their BLIS insurance how long it would take before I actually ended up on the table. She said three months to a year.

    I thought, that's three to 12 months of my life gone for some piece of paper to get somewhere else, for me to answer correctly on all the forms, for me to drive to the office and 'consult" with yet another bariatric professional, and for me to get all kinds of lectures about how I live my life.

    Now I don't know for absolute sure if I've made the right decision but I do know that if I were you I would not be ashamed, I would be annoyed. It's not *you* who's got the problem, it's them, and I'll tell you what it is - your surgeon is afraid to do that surgery unless he is absolutely certain your liver is perfect. But one way to find that out, since you're actually *in the building* -- would be to order a catscan or an ultrasound to see how big it really is. It would take 45 minutes, tops. Your liver and it's rumored massiveness was sitting *right there* on the chair, in the hospital. There are actually much more scientific ways to find out if a liver is enlarged besides asking the patient if they ate a cracker that week.

    You need to lose that weight and stick to your lowcarb diet to get the doctor to actually operate on you. It's his concern about his own skills that are up for review here, not your worthiness. So just do it so he feels better and you can actually get your sleeve. But don't feel bad about it -- you're actually making allowances for his insecurity. If my doctor told me he would feel better if I walked around wearing a pink hat and purchased a parrot before surgery, I'd do it.

    I believe you have absolutely made the right decision. More experienced doctors than Dr. Aceves are few and far between.smile.gif

  6. I'm right there with ya! I am 2 weeks out. This is definitely harder than I EVER thought. I am so on the verge of dehydration that I can feel it. I try so hard to get my fluids in, but I just do NOT want to drink or even eat, so I have to force myself.

    I know in a few months we will all be looking back on this thread and find it laughable (I hope anyway). But for now, it is no walk in the park.

    I agree about the feeling of pregnancy. It feels just like that to me!

    I hope you feel better soon. I hope all that responded with the same feelings, feel better soon, toosmile.gif

    BTW, I had a bloodclot after being on bedrest before having my daughter and I had to take lovenox shots twice a day for 6 MONTHS. No fun AT ALL!!!! I SO feel your pain. I had no where left on my belly to give myself a shot. Hang in there.

  7. It could also be lactose intolerance as well. I know it went beserk for me post op. Try using Lactaid instead for your dairies and see if that helps.

    Our stomach get really super sensitive after surgery, and what worked before may not work now.

    Good luck!!

    I was lactose intolerant before surgery, so I still have that problem. Do you know if it is ok to take Lactaid only 2 weeks out? I have not asked Dr. Aceves yet, just wondered if you knew since you had problems also.


  8. I agree, you should call your Dr.

    Maybe you should just try going back to liquids only instead of the mushies. My Dr. told me to try each new phase of eating, (mushies, soft, etc) and if there was any nausea or pain, just go back to liquids for a few days and try again. It's really just trial and error in the beginning. Just listen to your new tummy, it will let you know.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  9. It is better! The miralax is helping and I skipped dinner tonight (cup of soup). I got in 62g of Protein already, so I'm hoping things will be "cleared up" in the morning. I still have another week of liquids before I start mushies and acidic fruit isn't even on my radar! Thanks for encouraging my gut! LOL! Hopefully it will be "normal" soon!

    Good to hear. I am having the opposite problem! Almost daily, so I am worried about dehydration now.

  10. I was walking around 3 hours after surgery and it didn't do a thing for the gas. I was trying to adhere to the walk, walk, walk mantra I keep hearing. Like someone else said, in my case, it just took time. I enjoyed getting out and walking though and didn't want a clot or anything so I did it, but as for helping gas, no.

    There are many, many types of nausea medicines, ask you Dr. to change yours and see if that helps.

    Hope you feel better soon!smile.gif

  11. I'm March 24th with Dr. Aceves.


    Gotta get up early for the plane tomorrow. Eeeekkkkk

    I've never been thin before....I don't know what it will be like. Am I putting too much pressure on myself to get there? I know...just let it happen and see where this experience takes me...wakka wakka wakka

    Y'all are gonna LOVE Dr. Aceves and his entire staff. You will be very happy you chose him. He's got the magic touch when it comes to sleeves wink.gif

  12. Hi march sleevers! I finally feel well enough to even type anything up. I was sleeved on3/16 and I am still in the hospital. It has been a ROUGH 4 days. My tummy is very swollen and isn't receptive to most things not even Water. The radiologist said that there is selling at the entrance to my tummy and it is making it difficult for recto get even liquids in. Between that and gas that does not want to go away.

    My first night my blood pressure dropped to something like 59/61 and there 6 ppl in my room trying to get it back up . There have been other things but overall everday gets a little better. I am still in the hospital and pray I am well enough to go home today. But we will see . Hope you are are well!

    I am finally on the losers bench but I am off to a rocky start! Please pray for me!

    Sounds like a rough start, but you will get through it! I had swelling/spasms at the entrance to the new tummy the first few days like you. It was sooo hard to drink anything except warm broth. That always went down easy. Now it is much better and I know you will be just fine, too!

    I hope you get to go home today, too. Good luck to you and I will say a prayer for you and all of us Marchers for quick healing! On the road to a healthy us!smile.gif

  13. I'm 12 days out, I could not drink Water, still can't drink much of it, never have really been able too. Have you tried warm liquids? I got my liquids through warm tea, (lemon, orange spice, chamomile, all caffeine free) and warm broths.

    Me either, I cannot tolerate Water AT ALL! One of my Dr's had this surgery and said he couldn't stand to drink water till he was 12 months out. They say your tastes change and then go back to normal eventually. Although, I never have been a big water drinker, so that might be part of my problem. I have been living off of gatorade and broth.

  14. The day I flew out to San Diego then on to Mexicali, when my DH and daughter were seeing me off, my daughter had a very wet cough, stuffy nose, etc. I just knew I would get sick and not have my surgery, but for some reason, it held off till I got home. So, I have it now, and it is almost gone. So mine really only lasted a week. Hopefully you will be ok, too!

    Good Luck!!!

  15. Preop I had to have Protein shakes 3 to 4 times a day. I used Premier Protein Shakes from costco and Maxx Protein from The Vitamin shoppee. I was allowed to add fresh or frozen fruit to my shakes. I also used lots of sugar free pudding, that helped fill the void for me. I also had lots of sugar free pudding. For Warmth I would have hot tea, especially love Tazo tea, spiced orange and chicken broth bollion. Plain chicken stock did not do it for me at all! ( post op I used the clear chicken stock for reduced sodium properties)

    For the 3 days pre op that were Clear Liquids only,, I lived on non red Jello and Protein Shakes.< /p>

    Just curious, why the non red Jello?

  16. My first spoon of Tomato Soup was amazing. Careful though because some Tomato Soups have more sugar than a soda. I have a relatively low sugar Soup and ad a half a can of tuna, blend it all up and it tastes excellent and is a good source of Protein.

    It is quite amazing to see the variety of different post op diet schedules everyone has. I wish it were more consistent. I am only 8 days post op and have now started the soft food phase based on the literature given to me by my doctor. This seems way earlier than most of you but I must say, I have absolutely no problems eating anything blended although it must be in very small amounts.

    Weight is falling off as well losing 1 or 2 lbs every day so far with a total of 23 now lost since pre op liquid diet.

    I agree about the post-op schedules. I am on day 10 and can't start FULL liquids till tomorrow!!! Hard to believe. My Dr. is just very cautious and I respect that. Whatever works, though. I have a friend who had surgery a week before me and by the time I had surgery, she had already had eggs and fish even! I am going to stick to my surgeons plan for me, but most seem to do well with starting earlier. I think there is someone from overseas that started foods immediately post op. I think it's great if that's what works for them. (even jealousbiggrin.gif) but I couldn't even get gatorade to go down the first few days!! Wow!

  17. I'm not totally there yet, but I can understand the dilema. I have a friend who is small and she's had 3 kids. We are both talking about our "tummy tucks" when I get down to goal =) She showed me her loose skin and I can imagine that is what I'm gonna look like. I don't think Lipo will do it for me....a lil' tuck and pull maybe.

    I don't think it's being vain. I think you worked really hard to get to where you are at! Lucky you! My only concern when I get there is I have a good surgeon. I remember reading about Tara Reid's bad Tummy Tuck in People magazine years ago :unsure: I don't know what she had, but I remember reading it was "lumpy"

    Tara had bad lipo, she didn't get a tummy tuck. Also I think she had a bad boob job and her dress "accidentally" fell down at an event.rolleyes.gif

    I say go for whatever makes you happy. You have the right to look exactly how you want to look after all that hard work.smile.gif

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