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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Disney

  1. Thanks for posting this. I was just trying to find something myself that was not full of sweeteners (artificial or otherwise) and have had a HARD time. I found some rice Protein powder that I am thinking about getting so that I can mix it with different foods/drinks to get my protein in, too. I am going to look up the one you listed also.
  2. WOW...you look absolutely great! You have done an excellent job. And as far as watching others eat now, I know exactly what you mean. I get it, I used to BE those people, so I also feel like a hypocrite, but now when I watch it myself, it makes me feel ill. I can't believe I used to do that to myself. I'm just glad I CAN'T do it anymore. Again, congrats on your loss so far. Keep it up!
  3. Disney

    The negative people

    I agree with the others. He is not worth your time or energy. When he gets older, and less inclined to be "mr fitness" he might put on a few pounds and we will see how condescending he is then....some people...
  4. Just curious how you came to the conclusion that he is more experienced than all other surgeons?
  5. Oh No, Irene!!! You better add a few extra carbs or you're gonna have to go topless....lol!!!! So glad to hear that you're gonna stick around. Enjoy your posts on a daily basis!!
  6. Disney

    Rice Protein Powder?

    Does anyone know if rice protein powder is a good kind of protein for us to eat? I found some brown rice protein powder that is not sweetened that I can mix with other stuff to get my protein in but wondered if it is the 'right' kind of protein. Thanks for any info.
  7. Disney

    Rice Protein Powder?

    Thanks for the reply! I did do a search and found out that rice is just as complete as whey and is tolerated and absorbed better than whey or soy. I think that's because some people are allergic to soy and cannot tolerate dairy.
  8. Disney

    Needing some encouragement

    Just read on this site between now and your surgery....I think you will see that the majority of people here are extremely happy with the results. Just remember that! That speaks volumes to me!! Good luck! You WILL do great!!!
  9. Disney

    It will kick your butt

    <div><br><div>Renee was in Mexicali for her surgery, and there is quite a bit of difference in the temps there compared to Tijuana/ San Diego now. Highs are in the 100-110 range right now. I think that was what she was referring to, her own experience. I went in early March and it was getting too warm already outside for me. I live in the deep south, so I am used to it, I just don't like it..lol. Thank goodness for the AC in the hospital. I can't sleep at night without it.</div><div>Great story yellowrose, I love the way you keep us hanging!!! Wanting more! </div></div>
  10. Oh my goodness! You are doing so well. I love those pics. You have changed so much in such a short time. Congrats!!
  11. You are my hero! Your commitment to working out is outstanding!! Your results speak for themselves. Congrats on the weight loss so far and I know you will keep it up.
  12. Disney

    im truly struggling

    Of course the standard advice is wise, to follow your doctors orders on what to eat, but clearly you have some issues that are keeping you from doing that. You know you shouldn't eat those things, because you are worried about the staple line, so that tells me you need to seek a counselor to get your head right. There is no shame in asking for help. We all need it at one time or another. Ask your doctor to recommend someone you can talk to about this. Believe me, you are not the first to feel/react this way. I wish you luck and if you can't locate someone who can counsel you, at least come back here and vent when you need to.
  13. Take an expectorant/cough med. Mucinex will help you get rid of the mucus if that is the problem. If it's just a dry cough, it will go away on its own soon, I hope!
  14. Disney

    soft pretzels

    Most soft bread is tough for me even now at almost 4 months out. I do well with crackers and toasted breads. Soft bread just kinda chokes me up. It only takes like 2 bites and I'm done. Which is a good thing
  15. Disney

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Disney........... SW-253...............CW-226...............July 4th goal-185.................Lbs to goal-41........... Disney.............SW-253...............CW-196...............July 4th goal-185.................Lbs to goal-9 Sadly did not make it to goal, fell 9 pounds short, but lost 32 pounds along the way. I'll take that! Hey Coops, chin up! You are going to get there. I'm rootin' for ya!
  16. That looks like such fun! So glad you were more comfortable this time. You look great!!
  17. Great news! Thanks for updating us
  18. This happens to me very randomly, I just never know what will do it. The good thing is, I can eat a few bites of anything, but on some things, I better stop at one or two or it's trouble. I was eating some of those sour patch kids...love those....and I ate maybe 6 of them one night and all was well. Of course, the next night, I decided they went down so well, that I could get a few more, probably ate 10 or 12.....YOWSA....straight to the bathroom. NOT a good night. So, the key for me is moderation.
  19. Disney

    All PPI, Nexium

    Yes, Calcium citrate can be absorbed due to the fact that it has its own acidic base as feedyoureye stated. And I agree with Maddie, long-term reflux can lead to esophageal cancer, also known as Barrett's syndrome or Barrett's esophagus. Quite scary. You keep saying...'ask your doctor, ask your doctor'....almost every doctor who performs VSG suggests using a PPI. So there is no need to ask your doctor unless your particular surgeon did not suggest it. My surgeon told me to use the PPI for 3 months, then longer if needed. I have been easing myself off of Nexium for the last couple weeks, not because I am terrified of the side effects, but because it's one less thing to remember to take.
  20. Disney

    Here we go again...

    I was just in Long Beach/Biloxi a couple weeks ago. I hope you get this resolved soon. Are they giving you something to take for when you get home tomorrow? So sorry this is happening to you. Can you drink gatorade? I never get enough fluids in, so I know it's best for me to drink gatorade to help with the electrolyte situation. Good luck to you
  21. Disney


    That's fantastic! Congrats on a great job!!
  22. I've lived by this philosophy since March 9th, the day of my surgery. I am trying to eat the way I will eat the rest of my life, not just for the "losing phase". Like eggface says, I can eat VERY little, so what I eat is gonna be GOOD. No low-fat toxic waste, etc. I eat full fat, full sugar, full TASTE in everything I eat. Since I can't enjoy the AMOUNT of food I used to, I want what little I do eat to be gooood. I've said it before, I don't want to be scared to go to a party or wedding, etc and be terrified to take a couple bites of the cake or Snacks there. If you avoid sugar for so long, when you do finally eat a bite of it, you better look out!! I don't want that happening when I go out. For Megs...I never feel hungry. I'm like you, I could go all day without wanting a THING to eat. I have to make myself eat. As for not being able to get enough or more calories in, sometimes that is the problem when everything is sugar free. The world is obsessed with sugar free things. Low carb things. You can't even go to the grocery store and buy a Protein shake unless it is filled with nutra sweet or splenda. I guess they think everyone enjoys that stuff. I don't. I used to enjoy a slim fast every now and then when I didn't have time to eat. They don't even make them without artificial sweeteners now. You used to have the option to choose. Not anymore. You are so right, Crosswind. I have a friend that had this surgery 8 days before me (and actually weighed about 50 pounds more than me) and she is a 'by the book, low carb, exercise freak' all wrapped into one and we have lost the exact same amount. I'm not knocking her method by ANY means, that is working for HER. I'm just confirming what you said, different strokes for different folks. The weight is still coming off for both of us. Hallelujah!!
  23. Disney

    I MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats on a job well done!!!
  24. Congrats on your approval!!
  25. ^^I'm with wishes, it would depend on my sister. I know how much you want this, but family (your sister) is more important at the moment. I know HE is not family anymore, but it's about your sister. His family might not notice you there, but your sis will. Surely it wouldn't push you back too far would it? If she does not care or mind, then go ahead with it. Good luck with your decision.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
