Ok, so I've been reading posts on here for like three months, and I joined and posted once before, but I do it from my iPhone so I can't find my old post and don't know if anyone replied, so if anyone did sorry I did not reply back. I think I'm getting better at this now though. In my last post I was saying how I didn't know if I'd be able to have this surgery due to a lot of medical problems(crohn's disease, Barrett's esophagus, severe GERD, tumor in the small intestine of unknown origin, I think that covers it) well, come to find out vsg is my only option which is awesome, because it's what I want. I am 29 years old 6'1 and now 450lbs. So I need this, I cannot keep up like this, but now I've done everything and am just waiting on the insurance approval, and my surgeon is hoping to get me in before the new year and I am freaking out big time!!! I am so worried that I will not be the same person after surgery, I mean I am ready to change but what if my personality is in the part of my stomach he removes, I know that's crazy, but I just mean what if I change in a bad way? Did anyone else ever wonder silly things like this? I think my nerves are just making me crazy, but I also have real concerns and really not much support. So here I am. My bmi is really high, will I survive this surgery? How bad is the pain really? Is it realistic to think I'll lose 215lbs? I think I know all these answers, but I guess I'm just looking for reassurance. Thanks for reading I tend to ramble when nervous.