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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by bostonchic

  1. :tt1:I was banded in the summer of 2007 and have been overall successful thanks to the help of all of you! I need some help, my boyfriend and I are finalists to win a wedding! Who would have thought I would ever get married! I have been a bridesmaid 13 times and have never been married and I am almost 40! Can you please please please log on to www.wklb.com and vote for Jimmy and Eileen?? My Dad has Alzheimers and the window of opportunity is short. If we won, this would be a dream come true having my Dad walk me down the isle!

    Thanks for your consideration!


  2. Hello everyone! I need some guidance. I had my first fill last Wednesday and I have had some challenges since keeping food down. It isn't any one kind of food, just about anything I put in my stomach has difficulty staying there or feeling "normal." I can do Protein Drinks no problem but even cottage cheese made me nauseous this am. I went out to dinner and was able to eat chicken but shrimp didn't go so well. I threw up in the bathroom. I have thrown up the past 2 days a portion of my meal. Is this normal getting adjusted to the band with it being filled? I really need some input...please.

    I am losing weight but I want to be healthy....

  3. Hello,

    Just checking in! It has been too long since I have been on here. I had my first fill yesterday. It went well. The procedure itself was very simple. I am down 20lbs. since surgery and I feel great. My clothes are fitting wonderfully. I am still just trying to get used to chewing my food thoroughly. I have had the awful experience of frothing...YUCK! Hope everyone is doing well!

    I feel great! I AM SO HAPPY I HAD THE BAND DONE!!!! Lots of love and prayers to you all.

  4. Hello everyone...

    I wanted to check in. I was banded on July 23rd and am still on mushies until next week. I am getting my appetite back. I am having cravings again and am very uncomfortable with them. it is so hard to not resort to food when I am stressed. Truthfully, I am dying for some steak tips. I don't eat mashed potatoes, but I have been eating them this week so I can feel like I am eating something substantial instead of cottage cheese or yogurt. I am sure I am not the only one, but wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions on how to get through these weeks not being able to eat normally.

  5. Ok...so I am on my second week of cottage cheese and pureed Soup. I past a restaurant today and smelled steak tips and I my mouth watered. I can't wait for real food! I can have mashed potatoes...but I am not a big fan of mashed potatoes. (I grew up first generation Irish, and we had potatoes at every meal.) Next week...egg whites! I am excited for egg whites! LOL That is crazy! I will close my eyes tomorrow and pretend that I am having steak tips. So I am venting here...so that I dont' eat anything I shouldn't. argh!!!

  6. Hello everyone,

    I just wanted to take a minute and check in. I haven't been online in a few wks. I was banded July 23rd. I had lost 15lbs prior to surgery and another 16lbs since the 23rd. I feel great....I will be excitd to have some real food soon. I am getting sick of Soup and yogurt. Over all, I feel fantastic. I went back home this past weekend to visit my family. And fortunately enough they were very supportive of my meal plan and didn't make it too difficult. I leave on vacation this Sat and I really look forward to being able to have egg whites. I know that sounds silly but i am getting tired of the liquid stuff... Ok..I will try to check in before I leave on Saturday.

  7. Jeannie,

    Thanks for the directions, I think I got it.

    Christy and Indigo,

    It is great when someone else has gone thru the same challenges as I have. It certianly makes it easier that I am not alone in this. I do feel better that tomorrow is Monday.

    Thank you everyone for the good thoughts...and kind words. They made a HUGE difference.

    God Bless,


  8. Hi Everyone,

    I just want to send a huge hug out to Jeannie, Sunny, CeCe, & Jackie. I feel a little better today. The physcial pain is lifting and now it's just the emotional stuff. I had to stop and think for a minute that this is the by far, one of the hardest things I have ever done. Not so much for the surgery b/c I have been through worse (partial masectomy and 3 breast reconstruction surgeries). But there is nothing that is deeper for me in my soul then my disfuctional relationship with food. I have done years of self help groups. But making a decision to change this behavior with the help of Lap band is huge. Ofcourse, I am going to be emotional! Sometimes, I so fiercely independant that I forget that I am human! And letting people know that I am hurting is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength.


    Again, thank you to those wonderful angels that have helped me get through the last 24 hrs. Things are looking up. I woke up today and got on the scale and was down another pound! There is nothing to complain about that!

    Sending good wishes to anyone who has been banded or who is considering the band. No matter, you don't have to go through it alone.


  9. Jeannie,

    Thanks so much the reply. The Tylenol lasted til about 3AM. So instead of watching infomercials, I am here reading your reply. I am sure there will be good days and bad days with the emotions. It is just wonderful knowing that I have this forum to turn to. I will touch base in a few hours when I am more coherent.

    Sweet dreams,

  10. Hey,

    I had my surgery on the 23rd and to be honest, I am just now starting to feel better and it is the 28th. I tried driving on the 26th which was not a good idea. I was falling asleep at the red lights! So needless to say, I started listening more to body and just slowed down. I gained five pounds when I left the hospital. However, I am now down between 7-8lbs. I am actually ok with the liquid diet, crazy as it sounds! My stomach is finally starting to deflate. I have tapered off the medications and switched to Tylenol. Tonight will be the first night without liquid percocet. God willing.

    I too have experienced pain in the port area. An for some reason, I have developed a tickle cough which is a nightmare after this surgery. What I have done is I hold a pillow to my stomach, cross my arms across my abs and cough. It is a lot less painful.

    I had to back out of New England Country Music concert today at Gillette Stadium. It is an all day affair, with about a mile back & forth for parking, 10 hrs in the sun, and 25,000 people. If one person bumped into me I could have ended up back in the hospital. And as silly as it sounds, I know I made the right decision, but I was all weepy eyed today. And truth be told, I wanted to turn to food for comfort. I can't do that anymore. But feeling the feelings absolutely SUCK!

    So, I am writing you guys in hope the it will lift some of this yucky feeling that I am experiencing. I feel very lonely in this recovery and truthfully it's killing me. I am single and live alone and have had some great friends come help me, but in general it is me going through this every day. And if it wasn't for this forum, I might go nuts!

    So thank you for listening to my babble...and getting me through these first few days. Each day I feel better, I just think today the emotions caught up with me. Good news is that this day is almost over, and tomorrow is a new day.

    Keeping you all in my prayers....

  11. Can someone give me some input on how long the bloatness lasts? My stomach is huge. I was banded on Monday the 23rd so it has only been four days. I have even lost weight since Monday which is fantastic. I am a little more mobile. I am trying to be positive and patient, but I feel like i should be waddling down the street!

    Ok...the meds are kicking in...so I am off to bed.:notagree

  12. I am so grateful to hear your experiences. I am Day 3 from being banded. I feel like I definitely made the right choice but i am also very sore around where the port is. It is especially sore when I stand up or sit down. And the side with the port is my more sensative then the other side. I am weening myself off the heavy meds during the day. I will take them to sleep but not during the day. They have a very strong effect on me and I am not comfortable feeling like that.

    I too feel the girguling of my stomach, and I am passing gas from both directions. I am also trying to do more walking as it makes me feel a little stronger, everytime I get out there.

    Keep your chin up!


  13. Ok, today is day 3 w/ the band. I am starting to take myself off the medication. It is way too strong for me. I have cut the dosage in half and supplemented with Tylenol, so that I can at least be coherent. I feel ok. I am beginning to have an appetite. broth never tasted so good! What I am finding the hardest part is actually sitting or getting up. Same goes for when I lay down. there is a very short distance that my abs are screaming. I am going to go walking to the end of the street and back. The gas is really starting to flow in my body so the more walking I do the better. I just wanted to check in. I feel ok...definitely in some discomfort though. argh!:car:


  14. Hey everyone!

    Ok, well it is official, I am banded! I just got home from the hospital today! I connected with Gingersnap and formed a buddy system with her. Thank GOD she was there with me! We were able to encourage each other. I would highy reccomend doing the same thing. I truly feel I have soul sister in this process. We were able to go walking up and down the halls together. We finally found what room Andrea was in. Andrea, is another woman I met in the process. We then started roaming the hallways as the three musketeers.

    I feel great that I have taken this step. The medicine is a bit strong, but truth is, I need it right now. I hope to get off the drugs as soon as I can but I am not going to rush it. I look forward to feeling normal again. LOL Hope you all have a great day!

  15. Hi guys,


    Thanks so much for your support. I have three days to go. I find out tomorrow what time my surgery is on Monday. I am trying to get all the laundry done, house cleaned etc before I go in. I am having it done at Lahey Burlington w/ Dr. Nepominshey (sp?) I will check in when I get home Tues or Wednesday depending on how I feel. Can someone tell me how to add the tickler on to posts?


    Have a great weekend and please keep me in your prayers.





  16. Hey guys,

    Thanks for your words of wisdom. I have decided not to get into heavy conversations with people especially men right now regarding the band. I have 3 more days til surgery and I am trying to get everything in order. I appreciate you all sharing your experiences. I hope that I will be able to offer some words of wisdom in this arena when the timing is right. Please say a prayer for me that everthing goes smoothly on Monday.

    God Bless and I will check in hopefully Tues or Wed when I get back on my feet.


    PS - quick question, how to you attach the tickler to your posts?

  17. I am going to be banded on July 23rd at Lahey Clinic and I am really excited about finally going through with the procedure. However, I am scared to death about dealing with the aftermath. I have a business trip in a few wks and I am still going to be on a soft food diet, how will I handle that? Then the idea of dating...how the hell do I handle that? I am excited and overwhelmed.....I am really grateful for this site.

  18. Hey Guys,

    My name is Eileen and I am SWF, 37 yrs old living north of Boston. I am about to be banded one week from tomorrow and I am experiencing ANXIETY BIG TIME! I would like to date and I don't know how the hell to explain the band surgery. I am having some anxiety regarding people's opinions. ARGH!!! I know, first things first....I need to get through the surgery first.

  19. Great meeting tonight. I feel much lighter, emotionally. It was very inspirational to see the gentleman who just had his surgery to be up and mobile. I am really excited about the surgery. I meet w/ Corrine at the end of June and hopefully, I will have my weight lost so that I can be cleared for surgery.


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