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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by medic5574

  1. mine is a 34 and over sewn to make it about a 32, and my BMI was at 39 when started.
  2. Tommorow is the big day, i will be sleeved. 10:10

  3. medic5574

    Any December Sleevers?

    My surgery is scheduled for Dec. 21
  4. medic5574

    Alright guys, where is everybody at?

    Hey guys, got my date. Dec 21, Jumped through all the hoops and got a date in about a week. Now just have to have pre op testing and one more follow up and its under the blade. Good luck
  5. Date was set today!!! Dec. 21 @ 10 am.

  6. Im approved! Man this has gone really quick, bariatric center said they have never seen someone get threw so quick. Last saturday was info session, wednesday was first consult, nutritional consult and psych eval all in 1 day. this mornig approval. Looks like surgery DEC. 21!!!!

  7. Tommorow is my first consult, really nervous, oh well let the fun begin!!!!!

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