Hi! My name is Ashley and I just had my sleeve procedure done December 17th, 2010. I researched the sleeve since March, but now I am having a few issues that I do not remember reading about and I want to know if they are normal.
First, HEARTBURN! I have never had chronic heartburn, but this almost constant burning in the back of my throat is so annoying! I have been taking Zantac and it relieves it for a couple of hours but it returns. I guess I need to try Prilosec, but I'm just wondering if anyone had this issue and if it gets better.
Secondly, I cannot get any meat down. No matter how much I chew it, it will not go all the way down and I end up throwing it right back up. I'm scared I will never be able to eat normal foods again or that maybe my opening to my stomach is not big enough. Any advice?