I had the sleeve on the 21st of Oct. I had absolutely no complications, accept bareable pain from the drainage tube (not always done), this depends on your doctor. Since then I have never had nausea or vomiting. I just have to concentrate on how much I eat, usually a couple of spoonful of whatever puree food I am eating, mostly refried Beans w/ scrambled eggs to get some Protein as I hate the Protein shakes. I also buy frozen fruit, sugar free yogurt, and put protien powder in it and dring on it all day, it tastes great. Basically, I have no problems accept the fact that my taste buds still work and I want more, but my stomach wont allow it, but that was the purpose of the surger. So, don't listen to all the negativity. I am 57 and the only thing is that you should follow your physician's instructions. I read a lot of complaints about the affect of food, but the stuff they eat was not on my list of required foods. Don't be scurred.