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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Maurice

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 10/03/1952

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  • Website URL

About Me

  • Biography
    Married (2nd) with 24 and 2 year old sons and 18 yr old step-son
  • Interests
    Sports. Former professional hockey player
  • Occupation
    G.M. of a Community Center
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  1. Happy 60th Birthday Maurice!

  2. 7 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 7th Anniversary Maurice!

  3. Maurice

    Why are YOU Fat?

    Let's see; the issues are many. I was very active as a professional athlete, and burned off everything I ate and drank. When I retired, I continued to eat as always, but couldn't burn it off. Then my knees turned arthritic, so I really had no excercise. But I kept eating. My eating habits were also horrid, including large bites, insufficient chewing, eating too fast and leaving nothing on my plate. I worked in Vegas hotels Food & Beverage Depts. where the food was fantastic, free and plenty. So, after yo-yoing for years and years, I finally put up the white flag (which in retrospect was a bit late and not as embarrassing as I thought it would be). The banding was the best thing to happen to me in ages. I've had both knees replaced, lost 90 lbs. (maintaining for the past eight months), and am playing hockey with guys half my age. The bestest part is keeping up with my 3 1/2 year old son! Never would've happened without the band. My best recommendation to anyone pondering this issue; I'd do it again in a heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Maurice

    Regret and depressed

    You guys are a wonderful support system! I can't add much since I was really blessed to have encountered zero health issues. However, I did have remorseful periods through the first six months,until I was able to accept a serious lifestyle change. Of course, see some dramatic results certainly helps. Listen to those that have walked where you're walking. Maurice
  5. Maurice

    What does everyone do for a living?

    :bandit I'm the G.M. of a Community Center in a small Minnesota town. It has a fitness center that I never used for five years, until the banding. I've been able to use my 90 lb. loss to encourage others. I know I should've been a better "poster boy" for fitness over the bigger years, but at the end of the day it's still performance that matters in the work-place. Get out and go get em!
  6. Maurice

    A Big Fat Pig

    All I can add is that in this day in age, your coworkers will react with the same outrage as we have. I would be surprised if you aren't greatly supported more than ever.
  7. Maurice


    This is a rather courious heading.... If it's a question; yes and even moreso with the increased energy of not having hauled the extra weight around all day. Also moreso because the visual has also improved. If this isn't a question; 'sorry about letting out more than you probably wanted to know....
  8. Maurice

    Breaking Off An Engagement.....

    I think it's been pretty well put on this thread. I could only add that maybe you could hold it all up in prayer for the wisdom and strength to follow through with whatever you decide that the Lord has in mind for you. You have plenty of time as no date has been set. I suspect after your banding and subsequent weight loss he may expedite his marital plans in order to lock you in.
  9. Maurice

    Can we carry a card?

    We receive one card from the Medical Center that includes this statement: "We are requesting that if you have a senior and/or childrens menu, that you would allow our patient to order from one of those since they are unable to consume large portions of food". We also receive the I.D. card from INAMED that has a graphicictire of an installed band on it. I choose to use the card from the medical center, and have only had to pull it out once.
  10. Maurice

    Sleep Apnea

    I was waking 72 times per hour according to my sleep study. I'm now down 85 lbs., and have gotten off of the CPAP
  11. My port protrudes quite noticably. I've been told that my fat does not lie in the skin, but deeper. They are now using a lower profile port, and again, I'm told that it would be simple to replace it. I think I'll wait. 'down 85 lbs.: 15 to go!
  12. Maurice

    Lucy; I'm home!

    I've also been away for awhile. I'm looking forward to reading up on the "family" news. Thanks for keeping this great site alive
  13. Maurice

    Food Journal Thread

    I love this thread (misery enjoys company...). It's great to see what others are eating in our quest for wellness. Please keep the menus coming!
  14. Maurice

    Food Journal Thread

    Beakfast: 2 cups black coffee 8 oz.of egg-bake w/sausage and salsa Mid-morning: 1 Atkins Protein Shake Lunch: 1 cup of chicken-salad w/ mayo and a tsp of roasted pepers Supper will be a low carb T-V Dinner, and cottage cheese. Evening snack will be BBQ pork rinds w/ranch and dressing low carb ice cream. Crystal Light through the day.
  15. Maurice

    Healthy Band-Friendly Snacks?

    I use cheese, BBQ Pork Rinds with veggie cream cheese, some peanuts, or chicken or tuna salad. Low carb ice cream and popcycles help. Crystal Light (Walmart's version) or Atkin's Shakes. Much else triggers a real feeding frenzie of naughty stuff.....

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