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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Maurice

  1. Maurice

    To fill or not to fill

    Hey thanks for the comments. I was thinking it was just me that still has issues with over-eating habits. I moved my 2nd fill up a week to next Wed., and am hoping that I will experience better banding results. I get full easier than pre-banding, but it's still not what I had hoped.
  2. Maurice

    Restriction as a mind game?

    That sounds bizzare. My appetite has been huge and I moved my fill up a week (next Wed.), but I haven't noticed any difference. Maybe later this week.
  3. Maurice

    Large Capacity

    Hey All; I was banded Aug.27th, and had a 4cc fill on Sept. 29th. Although I'm eating a little less than I used to, my appetite and capacity seem to grow daily. It was a large band, and I'm due for another fill on Nov. 10th. Although I'm down 20 lbs. since surgery, it seems like it's only due to the liquid healing diets, and self control (which I know won't last forever). Is this all normal?
  4. Maurice

    Veras Vegas PhotoJam

    Vera; What an awesome presentation. You all appeared to have a great time; thanks for sharing. The pictures of Vegas made me homesick (17 year resident).
  5. Maurice

    Need encouragement

    I waited eight months for Blue Cross/Blue Shield-Minnesota to cover banding at all. Once they accepted it, the approval only took a few weeks. The wait gave me time to be further committed to changing my life, but at the same time, gave me more time to be nervous about it. Good luck, eh.
  6. Maurice

    eating more now!

    I also was really concerned about regaining my appetite as well as the ability to eat. This site brought support and information that it was normal as I healed, and that the first fill should be helpful. After a week of this issue, I had a 4 cc fill yesterday. I'll be on liquids for three days, then mush for the next four days. I'm hopefull that the fill will cure this, and I'll be on my way. My fill was 32 days post-op. Good luck, and try to eat as smart as possible. It's a long journey, and a week or two of eating will not be the end of the world. I gained back 5 lbs. during this period.
  7. Maurice


    I was banded on Aug. 27th, and after two weeks of liquid, and two weeks of mush, I wasn't too hungry and had lost 18 pounds since surgery. Now it seems as though I can eat anything, and am hungry more frequently. I'm easily able to eat 8-10 oz. of food should I desire (and I slipped up and did). Will my first fill help to reduce the craving? I hope so, otherwise it's still the same old dieting thing...
  8. Maurice


    Hey All; Thanks for the information. It's reassuring to know that this is normal. My fill is slated for Sept. 24th. I should be able to restrain myself for a week, eh? It's that forever after that scares me...
  9. Congrats Frank; I wish you the best of luck. It sounds as though you and your wife have the dedication to make this work together. My wife and I had also gone through everything together up until the time of the procedure itself. She had to begin Chemo for her battle with breast cancer. It is helpful to have somebody to share the experience with, and to also hold us accountable... 'Keep us posted!
  10. Maurice


    It may be helpful to continue looking for sugar-free, and low carb products, and lower calorie Carnation instant breakfast for your shakes rather than boost. Plus it's more economical.
  11. I had mine on Aug. 27th, and am also waiting for a fill. I haven't had any pain or cramping. I did two weeks of liquids and a little applesauce and pudding here and there, and have lost 14 pounds in these two weeks. Yesterday I started with ham salad and had some cottage cheese, scrambled egg and a chopped up chicken nugget with no issues. Today a little chicken salad so far with no issues. It almost seems too easy, and I'm although I get full; it doesn't last very long. Have you had your first follow-up with the Dr.?
  12. Maurice

    We are having the 199.0 party!

    That's awesome! Congrats! I'll share your joy when I can finally get there (my goal is 190).
  13. Maurice

    My Secret Lapband.

    I also gave some thought to trying to keep it a secret, and tried for awhile- Partly because I manage a site that includes a fitness center, and theoretically I should've been a poster boy for discipline. But at the end of the day, I shared it with friends because to me, by nature, lying has it's own baggage and issues that I'd rather not have to worry about. I also care about my credibility with them. Coming clean and admitting that I lost the diet wars and was embarrassed to admit it wasn't even too difficult. It's been truly amazing how supportive people have been, and what a relief it is not to hide it. Your post-banding discipline is awesome! I hope I can do as well with a great piece of steak....
  14. Maurice

    My Secret Lapband.

    I also gave some thought to trying to keep it a secret, and tried for awhile- Partly because I manage a site that includes a fitness center, and theoretically I should've been a poster boy for discipline. But at the end of the day, I shared it with friends because to me, by nature, lying has it's own baggage and issues that I'd rather not have to worry about. I also care about my credibility with them. Coming clean and admitting that I lost the diet wars and was embarrassed to admit it wasn't even too difficult. It's been truly amazing how supportive people have been, and what a relief it is not to hide it. Your post-banding discipline is awesome! I hope I can do as well with a great piece of steak....
  15. Maurice

    I survivied and am back home!

    Congrats on going through with it! I've had mine 10 days now. I also have some bruising at the bottom of my left side (below the port). It will get darker before healing. My diet after the first 48 hours of ice chips and water, has been apple sauce, pudding, carnation instant breakfast, popsicles (all sugar-free of course), v-8, chicken broth and water. I haven't had any issues with any of these, nor chewable vitamins or even my normal pills. At the 14 day mark, I can start with cottage cheese and other mushes and ground up food. Regular food after six weeks. I tried to do office type work at 3-5 days, and got really sore and run down. It feels much better to be back at work now, and I should have waited. The liquid tylenol with codine is helpful for pain and sleep. It is a relief to have it done, but I still have a little depression about giving up some of the old (and harmful) eating habits. This has been a wonderful site for advice and support. There is some real tough love out there, which is great for all of us to think through before we make changes in our lives. their credibility comes from the fact that these people have lived through all of our challenges, and give advice for no other reason than to help us.
  16. Maurice


    Being as Splenda is about the only sweetenter that will not trigger my cluster headaches, I am not about to give it up over this information. If the effects were proven to be so dangerous, I would assume there would have been a groundswell of protest from many sectors (i.e. asbestos).
  17. Maurice

    It's Done!

    Well, I'm banded. After a couple of nervous weeks, it's over. Dr. Tim LeMieur performed the procedure at the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center (www.cuyunamed.org) in Crosby, MN. He said he ran into complications due to a pocket of fat that was in the way, which he disected, and used a larger band than what he had ever used before. He also said I had the thinnest layer of skin that he had ever encountered, and that is why my port sticks out a bit. thanks be to God that he navigated through it all. Has anyone also encountered these issues? It was performed Friday morning; I went home Saturday morning, and it's now Tuesday morning and I'm still a bit sore. Is this common? I'm getting a refill on the liquid codine. Last night I had a 1/2 cup of apple/pear sauce for my first mush. The pills that I'm on have been successfully swallowed thus far, but my favourite is the All Source chewable vitamin (thanks for the advice). I'm doing two packs of carnation sugar-free instant breakfast each day for protein. The vitamins seem to stack up, and it's much cheaper than other options. I started at 285 lbs., and had surgery at 273.5 lbs. Today I weigh 267. It's rewarding, but considering all that I've givven up it seems like I should be svelt already... Thanks for all the advice and support on this site! It really is helpful.
  18. Maurice


    This may sound dumb, but do all pills and capsuls have to be crushed from this point on? Also, I'll be looking for great (and economical) protein drink recipes. 'Two hours to banding time.....
  19. Maurice

    10 days until banding

    I know of your pain... I've got two hours to go, and am extremely nervous... I also cheated a little on my pre-op Atkins, and had a "last Supper" two nights prior to. Now that's history. Can you believe it?:sick
  20. Maurice


    Good Luck and keep with it! I go in in a couple of hours for the procedure. Trust me; it gets scary at the end....
  21. Maurice

    Approved!!!!! I think......

    Your surgeon's office should provide the answers. They're in the business of communicating with the insurance companies.
  22. Maurice

    Sleep Apnea

  23. Maurice

    Sleep Apnea

    Thanks for the comments, they're helpful and hopeful. To New Hope: I'm getting banded on Friday. I'm starting at 275 lbs. and hope to break 190. Dr. LeMieur will be performing the procedure at the Cuyuna Regional Medical Center (www.cuyunamed.org) here in God's Country. It is a fantastic facility here with cutting edge technology. They have installed several thousand bands. I also had a knee replacement done there in April.
  24. Maurice

    BCBS and BCBS Federal

    I have BLBS in MN as a secondary insurance, and after eight months, they have granted coverage. I'm not sure if it was in response to appeal, but I suspect they followed Medicare and now cover banding.
  25. Maurice

    To Surgery We Go....

    'Best of luck...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
