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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cinnibar

  1. Hi, I am going in for my first appt. to see about getting the Lap Band procedure next week. I'm not sure if I should do it! I have 105 ponds to lose and I really want to do it for my health, my son and my self esteem. Is it really hard to keep up with after the procedure? Would you do it again if you had the choice???? Please give me a heads up abou the procedure! Thanks, Aimee
  2. cinnibar

    Should I do it?

    What does a "fill" mean?
  3. cinnibar

    Should I do it?

    What is it like for the following days and weeks after the surgery? It seems that food is an addiction for me and I am afraid of not being able to enjoy it after the surgery. I know I need to go to counseling for it and find out how to cope without depending on it. Please let me know what it's like on the road of being banded! Aimee

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