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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by debk21

  1. What it feels like is...rebirth! I have soooo much more energy now and WANT to do things, instead of avoid them. I like what I see in the mirror (Finally) and it's even fun to get dressed in the morning. I get to pick out just the right outfit instead of just figuring out what I have that I didn't wear three days ago and covers what I want it to cover...you're going to LOVE it! Best wishes to you on this journey. Other than choosing my fabulous husband, it's the best decision I ever made. I hope you'll feel the same.


  2. I promise you that everyone wonders that same thing when they hit that first dreaded stall. It will work. Trust your decision, trust your doctor and trust your peeps here. Have you tried measuring? Sometimes when the scale is not moving, the tape measurer is...let your body catch up with all these drastic changes and BAM, you'll start losing again. Keep your Water and Protein up and keep the faith!


  3. Thank you for your insight. I see where you are coming from and it makes sense. In my defense, I just want to say that I have been paying it forward since 2010, just on another forum, but there was no way for you to know this. I guess when I posted this, I had forgotten that you all had not traveled this journey with me, as others have, and didn't know me from Adam. Consider me schooled. LOL on the finger wagging Nun comment. That made me laugh as I got a visual on it...I'll hang around and try to help some people here as I've been helped/helping elsewhere and maybe this will prove that I'm not just a money grubbing vermin. No hard feelings here and I hope you feel the same.


  4. Thank you for your well wishes Steve. I totally agree with you. You CAN get this information here as well as on other forums, free of charge, on a daily basis...if you are willing to wade through all the posts. As a Pre-Op, I searched and searched for a book written by someone who had experienced this surgery and at the time, nothing was available. After reaching goal and maintaining, I wanted to fill that need. I thought it was important to "pay it forward" in a way that was not available to me. I apologize if this is offensive to this community, but I will continue to "put it out there" to attempt to help those who are unsure if they can succeed or don't receive enough information from their surgical teams. Best wishes to you all!


  5. Shame on you two for ridiculing what you don't understand. Wow! This really feels like when I was obese and people made fun of me behind my back...sound familiar? Thank you for reminding me why I bypassed this site after joining in 2010. The post was about the questions we ask ourselves pre-op and what those answers are/were for me. The point was to help those who are asking those same questions and allay some of those fears. I believe I mention my book at the end of the post to show that I actually know what I'm talking about, but your comments border on rude and I don't take that crap from anyone these days. Remember, you get what you give. I choose to educate and enlighten, not belittle and ridicule. Good luck to you both on your journeys and I hope you learn some manners along the way.


  6. Lots of people post about the food plan aspect of having this surgery, but to me, 90% of the battle is in your head. Follow your doctors post-op diet/exercise plan, figure out what you’re going to pack and where you’re going to have surgery, but work on your attitude toward food as fuel, not as comfort. That is very important. Below are a few questions I asked myself before this surgery. Maybe you are asking yourself the same ones. Please see my answers to them from the perspective of 2.5 years out.

    What the hell am I doing???? Well, you are doing what you need to do in order to get healthy. Nothing you’ve tried so far has worked and this looks like it might just be the ticket to reduce that hunger demon and keep portions under control once and for all.

    Will I fail again???? Not if you are committed to making a permanent lifestyle change. You are about to permanently cut out 75-85% of your stomach and that is forever, my friends, so you better be ready to commit to this.

    Can I lose 100% of my excess weight???? The doctors call 60% a success. Is 60% all you are looking for? Then, by all means, don’t follow your plan and that’s just what you’ll probably lose. If you want to lose it ALL, follow your doctors orders, but know that if something is not working, you can alter your plan to work for you and your individual body…BTW, that usually means restricting caloric intake to something lower than what your doctor may recommend.

    Will I still be hungry???? Some people are and some people aren’t. I still have hunger, but it’s not the same as it used to be. It is much milder and just a way of telling me it’s time to eat. It doesn’t make me run to a drive-thru or raid the fridge for ANYTHING I CAN GET MY HANDS ON….Aaahhhhh! It’s not constant like it used to be and it’s much more manageable now.

    Am I ready for this???? Were you really ready when you had your first child? You thought you were, but it was just a little different than what you imagined, wasn’t it? Well, this is like that too. Just be as ready as you can be through research and jump on the losers bench and do the best you can. That’s all you can ask of yourself.

    Will I miss all the food???? Possibly you will. No more “pig out” sessions. We are used to that and you won’t be physically able to do that anymore. Do I miss it? Sometimes I wish I could eat more because it tastes so good, but then I remember that food is fuel for my body and not something to be used on an emotional level. Try to take the emotions out of the equation.

    If you are interested in learning what it’s like to have this surgery (from a patient’s perspective) and become a successful Sleever, click on my website in my signature and check out my book. I wish you ALL health, happiness and a scale that reads the way you want it to read! Go For It! It’s the BEST thing I could have done for myself and I will never regret it.



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