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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by maybesleever

  1. maybesleever

    I Became A Drunk After My Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    I liked your post. I have felt the same way but am also getting help. I still wouldn't trade my sleeve for the world, and have kept my weight off. However, other addictions such as drinking can become markedly exacerbated post-op so we must be super aware. My problem started 6 months post-op as well. I am managing now but it has been a struggle. It is so good to hear that I am not alone with this problem. Keep posting! It helps!
  2. maybesleever

    I Became A Drunk After My Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    I am in the same boat you are in. So glad you posted, as there are not many frequent posts on this topic, although I am finding out that cross-over addictions are extremely common after bariatric surgeries---one person mentioned as many as 80% have this post op!! I, too, formed a cross-over addiction to wine. It started roughly 3-6months after my surgery and I am 1 year post-op. I believe I always "abused" alcohol, but it really escalated when using food, etc. was no longer something I could turn to as a coping mechanism. I hit my rock bottom, and am now actively trying to reach sobriety. I find that isolating is my downfall, and people in the recovery community are so caring and generous if you reach out. I had a terrible day yesterday and reached out to people. I had a tremendous response which was a lifesaver. I am finding however, that no matter how common this link is between VSG/etc. and cross-over addictions (which I hear over and over,,,), I still can't seem to find specific people experiencing it that I can talk to for support. So would love to chat with you if you are interested. We could discuss by phone or email if you like. A fellow VSGer in recovery!
  3. Hi all, I have been an "arm chair" observer in your forum ever since a friend (physician) confessed that her weight loss was not due to the traditional methods I had assumed. She spoke freely about her experience and surgery in Mexico. Ever since then, I have been curious about the sleeve. A little back ground...I am 47 and had two children later in life (at the age of 39 and 42). I have been a yoyo dieter, and have achieved my goal weight (within a few pounds) several times by strict exercise, Jenny Craig, WW, etc. I am about 50 or 60 pounds overweight with a BMI of 32 or 33. I do not have any "co-morbidity risks" and I exercise frequently.. I am also a veterinarian with a strong background in surgery. But I think I am becoming a wimpy patient in my old age..LOL...I'm fine with performing a surgery but not so keen on being on the receiving end of things.. I would love to finally be in a position where my obesity doesn't shadow my whole life. I could probably lose the weight through exercise and diet, but am confident I would eventually gain it back unless I quit my job. That said, I have LOTS of questions. I know that answering these forums takes time. (so as a payback feel free to PM any dog or cat quesitons you may have and I will do my best to answer them.) So here are my questions: 1. Why isn't the surgery more well known? In this day of paprazzi/etc. I've never heard of a celebrity having this. And they have more pressure to be thin. Is it more common than the public knows? 2. Since I am considering the surgery, but have a lower BMI, would any US doctor perform this surgery for me if I paid out of pocket? I just worry about surgical follow-ups in the US. if I do it in Mexico. 3. I'd love a realistic idea of pain involved post-op. Is it an ache? Please describe. Some have said it is excruciating while others said a mere inconvenience. 4. I inquired online and was given the name of Dr. Jose Rodriguez in Juarez, Mexico. But most members (including my friend) seem to have had the surgery performed by Dr. Alberto Aceves or Dr. Alanza Reyes. They seem to perform the most number of sleeves. Any feedback on any of the above dorctors? 5. What do you feel like when you eat after the surgery? What is "foaming"? Is eating uncomfortable or painful? How long until eating (not over-eating) feel normal? 6. I would prefer to have a slightly larger sleeve so the weight loss is more gradual and my weight manageble. What are the options? My friend has a 5 oz sleeve. 7. I am freaked out by two possible side effects: gall bladder problems (very painful) and hair loss (doesn't sound too preventable unless the weigh loss is more gradual). In the US, doctors use a medication aimed at preventing gall bladder issues...is this standard in Mexico and is it effective? 8. Any regrets? Or any tidbits you wished you'd know and prepared for before hand? 9. How difficult is the post-op diet? I like Soup, chili, etc. but not so sure I can handle "mushy" food... PLEASE EXCUSE ALL MY QUESTIONS. They've been building up and thought I'd post them all at once! THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!!! Maybesleever
  4. maybesleever

    I am SO stinking excited!!!!!

    Congratulations! Who did your sleeve? Would love to read your blog as I am looking to lose the same amount of weight as you, and I am still on the fence about surgery. Thanks, Lisa (maybesleever)

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