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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Kellibean

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  • Birthday 04/10/1974

About Me

  • Biography
    36 yr old Kiwi Soon to be living in St Louis
  • Occupation
    Insurance Broker
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  1. 1 years have passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary Kellibean!

  2. Thanks for the advice guys, its good to know you guys are out there! <3
  3. Hi all, I was just wondering, in 3 days, I will be 4weeks post op, and have noticed that I have not lost a single pound in 2 weeks. I am starting to obsess that I am doing something terribly wrong. Highest weight ever 164kgs/382lbs Pre op diet start weight 159kgs/371lbs Pre surgery weight 143kgs/333lbs Discharge Hospital weight 147kgs/343lbs (Hospital staff advise this weight gain was Fluid?) Current Weight & Weight 2 weeks ago 132kgs/308lbs I take in small amounts, I am drinking diluted apple or pear juice, and can still only take in 2 tablespoons of food at one time. I am eating 6 x a day if i remember, but usually only 4, and keep up my fluid intake. I'm not 'grazing' and I am actually exercising, so I just dont get this 2 week stall so early in the game. Im feeling super discouraged, and honestly dont know where else to turn for help, can you tell me (anyone) if this is normal? if it would be impossible to NOT lose weight having undergone gastric sleeve? I keep trying to rationalise that for someone who has gone from eating as much as I used to (to get me to my start weight) to nearly eating / drinking bird like proportions, that surely one has no choice but to lose, but this is seeming very far from accurate at the current time. :thumbup: Many thanks to anyone reading/replying Kels

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