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My Big Day 3/15/2011

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by My Big Day 3/15/2011

  1. Advice about the unjury...order the samples first, try them then order the larger containers if you like it. I had high hopes of loving the chicken Soup like everyone else and I tried it once and am not sure if I can do it again. It made me nauseous smelling it. Everyone's taste buds are different. I should have tried a sample first before ordering two canisters of the chicken soup which I may end up wasting b/c I don't know if I can give it another chance and I am not allowed mashed potatoes until after 7 months out from surgery. Any lowcard suggestions for using it would be appreciated...but using it with just the Water doen't cut it for me...hard to stomach. A lot of people love this one and I am not sure why I don't but I want to give it another shot.

  2. I am taking my own soft fleece blanket that I like b/c hospital blankets are not the soft! I already have my bag somewhat packed b/c I am going for surgery on Tuesday and I picked up some of things suggested in a previous post which was gasx strips and sugar free cough drops. Also, I am big on washing my face to feel clean so i am taking face wash. I am not taking anything to read or watch...not thinking I will be watching anything other than the tv.

  3. Hey sleeve buddy...I share your same date. I have been following an Atkins type pre-op diet and have been pretty good with it except for a few small deviations but no major pig outs thank God! Tonight I had a little over my budget but am not going to freak out about it. I was extremely hungry and have followed the program exactly all day long. I am also going to start Clear Liquids tomorrow so that will be 3 days of broth, Jello, posicles, crystal lite. I did buy some Protein drinks at GNC and tried one which was horrible but I forced myself to drink it. They are called Isopure...I have only tried one flavor so far but I bought them all to try. Also, I ordered the Unjury chicken flavor Protein Powder and will start that this weekend with the clears. Do you have a clear liquid stage? Have you already packed your bag for the hospital/what did you pack? Where are you having your surgery? Keep me posted on your progress. Good luck with the pre-op diet

  4. JenniferKY,

    I packed slip on slippers, a short robe to cover my backside when I go out in the hall to walk, an eye mask to be able to sleep at night, earplugs, gas-x strips, sugar free cough drops, travel size deodorant, toothpaste, and face wash, chapstick, my own fluffy soft blanket. That is what I have packed so far but I still will be packing a few other things that I just thought of while writing this like a hairbrush. What have you packed so far?

  5. Mine is as follows...

    Breakfast 8 oz skim milk, 1/2 scoop Protein powder, 4 oz fruit

    mid-morning premade Protein shake

    lunch 4 oz fruit, 6-8 oz plain yogurt

    afternoon 4 oz vegetable, 1 oz peanuts or1/2 cup hummus or Beans, or 2 tbsp Peanut Butter

    dinner 4 oz Protein, 4 oz vegetable, 1/2 cup whole grains or 1/2 potato with 1 tbsp olive oil

    early evening 8 oz skim milk, 1/2 scoop Protein Powder, 4 oz fruit

    The above diet for two full weeks and then on the last day you can eat the Breakfast, mid-morning shake, and lunch then switch to Clear liquids after that and take mag citrate at 5:00, then lots of Water before midnight and npo after that. Wondering how fast mag citrate works? Hmmm.

  6. Thanks for your story...it does make me feel a little less anxiety by reading other people's stories. I am having surgery next Tuesday, early in the morning like you. I even packed most of what I want at the hospital in a bag today and am making sure I have everything lined up before next Tuesday. It is very nerve-racking at times (thinking of surgery next week), but I am trying to deal with the stress/anxiety positively. Good luck on your journey and thanks again for your detailed story.

  7. Really feeling sexy to my husband even though he tells me I am...also being so sexy to him that he can't resist the urge to have a second baby which I want and currently he doesn't, but that may change so I hear from others. Fitting into a pair of Seven jeans that I bought when I was thinner (thanks to Adipex) and haven't worn much...they cost $170 so I need to wear them some more. Not being held back at work, or looked over b/c of my weight.

  8. Pre-op diet continued...

    afternoon 1 oz nuts, or 2 tbsp Peanut Butter, or 1/2 cup hummus with 4 oz vegetable

    dinner 4 oz Protein, 4 oz vegetable, 1/2 cup whole grain

    early evening 8 oz skim milk, 1/2 scoop Protein Powder, 4 oz fruit

    So, my pre-op diet isn't all liquids like a lot of people, but it is a big change from how I was eating. Obviously it is working so whatever your doctor has prescribed you should try your best to follow it. Good luck

  9. Well, I have completed 3 weeks of the pre-op diet with a few small cheats. I did not go all out and eat a whole chocolate cake like my mind kept telling me I wanted to, but I did have a pinch of my husbands milky way bar one night, and a few bites of cheesy enchilada. I also went over on the ounces of steak I was supposed to eat one night b/c it was so yummy. Also, one night I skipped the whole program dinner meal and swapped it for a roast beef sub and french onion Soup....that was early on though. I have been good for the most part and I even miss some of the meals here and there b/c I don't have the time to fit them in. I have lost 16 lbs in the three weeks and hopefully I will get a few more off the following week and then my surgery is March 15th. I have to do a bowel prep (mag citrate) the night before...which I have never done before. Wondering what that will be like... Anyway, I haven't been perfect but pretty good with the diet and this week I will try to be extremely strict since I am one week from surgery. I am glad I started early and have not been treating every meal as the last supper. By the way, in case anyone is wondering here is a typical day of my pre-op diet

    Breakfast 8 oz skim milk, 1/2 scoop Protein powder, 4 oz fruit

    mid-morning premade Protein shake (been drinking premier with 30 grams protein)

    lunch 6-8 oz plain greek yogurt, non-fat, 4 oz fruit

  10. I tried the unflavored for the first time tonight with crystal lite in a shaker and after I shook it up there was so much foam in the cup. I could not get it to settle...there were no clumps just foam. I could not taste it in the drink but the whole foam thing turned my stomach. How do you avoid this? I am trying things out for post-op and did not like that idea so I need other ideas...how do you mix it into the Jello? Do you put it in with the hot Water or wait until you mix the cold water and then mix it in?

  11. Wow this is great progress...please tell us some of your tips of losing this fast. What do you do for exercise? What's a typical day of eating like for you? What was your post-op diet like? Was all of this weightloss post-op or was some of it from your pre-op diet? Please share the details so others can learn from your success. Thanks

  12. I specifically came on here tonight to read back through this forum b/c I cheated tonight. I am supposed to be doing a low carb diet and I cheated a little tonight by eating a larger portion of meat than I was supposed to have (steak) and then by eating bites of my husbands cheesy enchiladas/refried Beans and then eating some silly mentos that my son was eating! I am barring myself from the kitchen for the rest of the night and drinking Water only and skipping my nightly Protein Shake supplement as I don't need it after all of the other things I had. The guilt is terrible and makes me realize the importance of having this surgery. I am 10 days from surgery so I am going to make sure to stick to the diet the rest of the time. It happens and you just have to keep trying!

  13. Yeah my doctor says 34 to 36 fr gives a great restriction and going smaller than 34 you run the risk of more incidents of leaks...but don't question your surgeons abilities and the way the he does things b/c this really makes doctors angry...if he usually uses 44 and his patients are doing good then you have nothing to worry about. I would estimate that a 44 is about the circumference of a standard crayola marker...that is an estimate only...I know how big the 34 and 36 are and they are like a fat pencil that you used in kindergarten...you'll do great...your doctor just seems a little cautious

  14. Here is my story of pre-op with the surgeon and I hope this gives clarity to those looking for what to expect during the pre-op visit...

    First item of business was the paperwork you have to fill out in the waiting area and then fees were collected by the secretary. My fees were as follows...$100 to surgeon, $300 for bariatric program fee which includes onlin support and first month of Vitamins, etc, and then $35 co-pay for my insurance(United).

    Next, the nurse called me back to her office to step on the grand scale for my pre-op weigh in and I was provided a print-out for my records of my weight which was 262lbs at this visit...down 9 lbs since the last time I weighed in their office. Next the nurse reviewed all of my health records/history and updated anything that needed updating. Then she gave me pre and post op orders. She reviewed them all with me. My pre-op order includes following the liver shrinking diet for the next two weeks, then day before surgery I can have light lunch but after lunch I go to Clear liquids until midnight. I have to take magnesium sulfate 260 mls (over the counter) to induce massive bowel movements the night before surgery. Then I must shower with dial (antibacterial soap) and take the prescribed sleeping pill (Ristoril) to get a good nights rest. Then I must arrive at the hospital at 530am for surgery at 730 am. I am instructed to take the prescribed Pepcid the morning of surgery with a sip of Water. After reviewing all of this info plus the post-op info I was sent to another room (exam room) where I was instructed to take my shirt and pants off, but leave panties and bra and put on a huge gown with the opening to the front. Then I got on the exam table and the surgeon walked in. (How nerve racking right?) Anyway, he said his hello and then wanted to know if I had any questions? I was honestly blank...and wish I had written down everything I wanted to know...this is my big piece of advice. Write your questions down...you will not remember it when you are in your underwear infront of your surgeon. So, he made sure to emphasize that the surgery alone will not make me lose weight and I will have to put in the work to follow the diet and exercise...ofcourse knew that. Then he listened to my lungs and heart and pushed hard on my belly in different areas and looked at my previous scars from my gallbladder surgery. The few questions I remembered were bougie size which he said will either be a 34 or 36 depending on how big my stomach is. Hospital stay...hopefully on one night but we will see depending on how I do. Weight loss of previous patients...he said very close to the same as his bypass patients (great news). I asked about leak checks and he doesn't do one intra-op only post-op the morning after surgery and that is an upper GI where you swallow contrast and they shoot an xray to see if anything is leaking out. As soon as this test is over and clear you can start on Clear Liquids. Anyway, the total time with the surgeon was probably 10 mins and the office was super busy! My biggest piece of advice is to write everything down and take someone with you that can help you remember the answers to your questions or write them down too! Good luck everyone...we are on our way.

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