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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by irkenpanda

  1. Hey all, I was sleeved 3/21 and I am now on the full liquid stage of the diet which for me includes clear liquids, protein shakes, greek yogurt, sugar free pudding etc. The problem is, every time I eat or drink anything (sometimes including water) I get these horrible gas pains in my stomach like I need to burp. It is literally right after I take one bite or one sip. I don't have much gas pain otherwise so i am wondering if this is a normal sensation in the beginning and will it last very long? I have heard of people talking about feeling full and needing to burp or getting pain when they get full but I don't think this is the same since it only takes one bite or one sip. Will this be the same feeling when I do get full later on?? I am also choosing not to take any of the Lortab they sent me home with for pain because I am intensely afraid of throwing up and Hydrocodone usually makes me do so. Other than what I mentioned above and the incision site soreness in the abdominal wall, I am not in any other pain. Oh onemore question, how did everyone do with coughing up thick phlegm out of their lungs post-op? The coughing hurts badly when it happens.
  2. irkenpanda

    Smoking After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    Hey girl I quit for about 7 months before surgery and then started again about a month or two after surgery. I think that a few drags really won't impede your healing process or make a big difference but regularly smoking while trying to heal could slow down the process. I plan on quitting again soon. I think my surgeon or nurse practitioner mentioned something about it could possibly cause ulcers later on (like caffeine).
  3. irkenpanda

    Fruits & Vegetables......

    Okay, so I am almost two months post op and so far everything is absolutely fantastic except i am always leaning toward everything protein and by the time I eat like 2-3 oz of protein I am totally full and don't get more than a bite or two of veggies in, if that. I haven't even ventured near fruit and I miss them both terribly as I was an avid produce eater before surgery. Worst of all, I am now experiencing major constipation or pooping bricks. Anyone else have this issue? I really miss my fruit and veggies and feel like a slave to protein........... Btw, I also drink a protein shake once a day that has 45 grams of protein.
  4. I was sleeved March 21st and in the last few days I have been experiencing nausea and fatigue. I religiously take my vitamins and PPI and I am all of a sudden feeling like crap. I drink about 40oz-50oz of water a day (I know not enough but today I am up to 60oz so far and still feel icky). The weather has been in the high 90's to 102 the last few days and it seems like no matter what, I feel tired and drained even after a nap and full night's sleep. I felt great this morning and then after I ate lunch, it was totally back to gross again. I ate food I have eaten before so I know it wasn't a tolerance thing plus it's been 7 hours since lunch and the feeling hasn't let up even after taking an hour and a half long nap. Has anyone else felt this way this far out from surgery? Any opinions or suggestions welcome. Thanks!!
  5. Hi, My name is Shannon and I am in the very beginning of the journey. I had orientation at Kaiser Richmond last year and wasn't quite ready. I'm way ready now. Last year it was all about the Lap Band but now I have found that Kaiser may not offer it anymore(?) and also am noticing that the later complications are way more than the sleeve so after much research, the sleeve it shall be:lol0:!! I would appreciate someone that has had the sleeve done and would like to be my buddy!!! Thank you in advance!! :001_tongue:
  6. irkenpanda

    Fruits & Vegetables......

    Thanks everyone. I tried the milk of magnesia and it worked. It was brutal but it worked. I am really going to try to incorporate a little more fruit and veggies into the mix and Sarah, I will for sure check out the Plum Smart. Thanks!!
  7. irkenpanda

    Fruits & Vegetables......

    Thanks Sarah - I really appreciate the input. I have taken Miralax for two days now and still nothing (it's been 6 or 7 days since last BM). How long does the Miralax take to work? One of my friend's doctors says to use Milk of Magnesia instead and so I am wondering if i should go buy some..........
  8. irkenpanda

    Support Group

    Hey LilMissDiva, I just noticed as I was PM-ing you that you are in the 95823 area code - so am I!! I live in the Parkway neighborhood.
  9. hey Sassy, what did your Doctor say about the rash you developed after surgery? I have developed the exact same thing and it is making me crazy!!



  10. I haven't had any issues with any foods yet so I am wondering what everyone's experience is when they find a food that their sleeve doesn't tolerate and how does it react exactly? Just trying to be sort of prepared for when or if it does happen. Also, does your new stomach go nuts when it's time to eat? It starts making all these crazy gurgling noises as soon as I put anything but water in it - even just a sip of protein shake. Thanks!!
  11. Hi Lisa, I was sleeved 3/21 and I think a lot of the things you are experiencingare normal even this far out. If you are having trouble tolerating EVERYTHING then I would be concerned but as far as certain food like mashed potatoes, some people tolerate some things that another person's newtummy can't so I think the intolerance to the mashed potatoes is normal for you. As for your husband, I'm sorry to hear you are dealing with such opposition especially when you truly need the support. My boyfriend wasn't too thrilled about the surgery when I first began the journey but he has since come around and is thrilled for me. I can only wish you the best in that situation and extend my admiration since you went through with it anyway for you and no one else. I have no idea about the indigestion / uncomfortable part because right now I still feel the same way you do when I eat. I am sipping my fluids still but notice I am able to get more in than two weeks ago. I am just being patient and trying to get out and do things so I don't focus on food and how eating makes me feel right now.
  12. irkenpanda


    I was only discharged with Lortab which is the (liquid) Hydrocodone for pain. I was already on heartburn meds prior to surgery so they just told me to keep taking that as well so i assume that if I wasn't on that then they would have discharged me with that too.
  13. irkenpanda


    I have a full sleeve and also some on my back and I have noticed that in some spots where I was a bit heavier the skin stayed kind of stretched so it looks like it's hanging or pulling down -the cherry blossoms near my arm pit are kind of elongated. It's just a tiny bit but I can still tell. Hopefully when I start to work out or with time, it will tighten back up. I would suggest waiting but that's just my humble opinion.
  14. I just started mushies yesterday afternoon and I am just wondering if it is normal to feel full after only like 4 bites? I ate 1.5 oz of salmon yesterday and was sooooo (miserable) full. Last night and today I ate like 3 bites of pureed chicken w/ BBQ sauce and 1 bite of mashed potatoes. Are my bites too big or am I going too fast? I chew every bite until it pretty much melts away so I know I am chewing long enough........ Also, if this is right, how am I getting enough calories in? Will I get more weak if I don't?
  15. irkenpanda

    Am I eating Enough?

    Thanks for the encouragement and reassurance Lara Saved, I mix two scoops of the vanilla Isopure with about 8-10 oz of Soy milk. I can't stand the taste some days so i also add a little sugar free Torani syrup to flavor it. I believe the Isopure is 50gm for two scoops and the Protein in my soy milk (8th Continent) is 6-8 grams depending on how much I use. It takes me about one and a half to two hours to drink it. My heartburn is wicked evil if I don't take my pill about 10 minutes before I eat or drink. I have also noticed that some Crystal light will make my heartburn act up too which it wasn't a problem before. I am on famotidine and everyone here says to get on a PPI but when I asked my doctor, he just said to stay on the famotidine and see how that goes. I wonder why - maybe it has something to do with PPI's absorbing your Calcium? I dunno.............................. if anyone does, feel free to comment.
  16. irkenpanda

    Am I eating Enough?

    I am pretty sure I am getting enough protein as I drink my shake every morning and that has about 56 grams just by itself and then anything I eat is protein and I get so full so fast that the protein part of the meal is all I end up eating. Today I ate half of a hard boiled egg for lunch and I was totally done. I had a class and wasn't even hungry until like 10 pm after I got out - totally missed dinner but I ate a half of a greek yogurt just now before bed.
  17. I LOVE Peanut Butter and my NUT says it's okay but to use it as a fat instead of a Protein. She pretty much says that if a particular food has more grams of one than the other two, then that is the type of food it should be "counted" as. So since PB has more fat than protein and carbs, it is a "fat" or since light greek yogurt has more protein than fat or carbs, it is considered a protein food. I'm wondering what stage it fits into or do I have to wait until I'm through all the stages before I can have it again.......... -Shannon
  18. It will totally get better. I was sleeved a day before you on the 21st and I am the least sore today but still get the gas pains when sipping. I already have an earlier post on this and everyone says that it is normal and will go away once the swelling goes down. I decided to take two weeks off though. Just like Nana said, be sure to get your protein and clears in no matter what. I noticed a huge difference when I was able to finally finish a whole protein shake (took 2 1/2 hours). Now if I don't get that in, I feel like I am exhausted and have no energy.
  19. I know!! Good luck to you too!! I just drank broth and now I am insanely thirsty and want to gulp a bottleof Water.... aarrggh!!
  20. irkenpanda

    Water Intake

    Awesome-thank you FYE!!
  21. irkenpanda

    Water Intake

    I still wish someone would address the "protein popsicle" idea have you tried it yet?? Sounds like a great idea if it would freeze right and if the protein wouldn't "break down" from being frozen.
  22. Good question TexasLady - the large left incision is terribly sore but not near as bad as the stabbing gas pain. I think part ofmy problem is that I was taking too big of sips. I am now taking much smaller sips and it's not quite as bad but still a little painful. Thank you everyone for letting me know that this is a normal sensation - I might try the Lortab later today.... we'll see.....
  23. irkenpanda

    Looking for a N.CA mentor/buddy

    Hi Sherri!! That really helps - thank you. I am kinda going through all the "freak out" emotions. lol. Last night I dreamt that my hair was falling out in huge amounts. It seems like it always has come out in more than normal amounts but my hairdresser says my loss is normal and I just notice it more because it is sooo long. I eat all my protein and all my vitamins and it grows like crazy but around the age 35-40 is when my mom's hair started to thin (I'm 30) so I was thinking about that before bed last night - hence the dream I'm sure. Since you had the hernia repair also, did you feel a lot of pain or have a difficult recovery?
  24. irkenpanda

    Looking for a N.CA mentor/buddy

    Hi My New Life!! I have been away from this post for awhile so I will let you know what is going on: I had Dr.Fisher and transferred to Kaiser South San Francisco in December. I just wasn't real comfortable with Dr. Fisher so that is why I transferred. I love SSF and their program. My surgeon is Dr. Robert Li and I just got my surgery date scheduled for March 21st - WOOHOO!! Now I am just going over my everything in preparation. I am so excited. I live in S.Sacramento but lived in EG for 26 years and grew up there. I go to the Point West meetings and will be starting to go to the Wyndham support meeting on Mondays now as well. Maybe I will see you there!!
  25. Hi Cherice, I am scheduled for surgery with Dr. Li at SSF on March 21st. This is one of the main things I am concerned about. I already have mild-moderate reflux that I usually take pepcid for once or twice a day. Did you have acid issues prior to surgery and if so, were they severe? P.S. I really hope you start to feel better!!

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