Dear Dr. Watkins:
Thanks for the clear and informative post on the viability of the stomach post GPS. I am sure to be aFUTURE patient, as I have read enough now that I am letting my insurance approval for the lap band go unused and saving money for the surgery.
As I prepare, by educating myself, three burning questions have come to mind about long-term GPS which are somewhat related to this post, and others may also be interested to know:
1. If my stomach is folded in on itself indefinitely, is there any chance of the folded up part growing bacteria, or getting an infection or peritinitis from being all folded up??? Say... could food get stuck in those folded up parts and fester??? I read this somewhere, and hope its not true.
2. If my stomach is folded up indefinitely, what if I ever needed to find out if I had cancer... would an MRI be able to "see through" the folds??? Hope this never happens, but it did cross my mind.
3. Some woman on the Lap Band site claims that GPS is the a "modern version of stomach stapling," and that after time, there will be leaks and cracks and horrible consequences as we get older.
While I realize this surgery is still experimental, wasn't it done in Greece for a number of years? Has that terrible result actually happened to anybody??? And... why arent' more doctors doing this? It is so cool.
Thank you kindly, I am so glad they put up this site as information is hard to find.