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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by susieq

  1. I was a month into a low carb diet when I decided to do the surgery and had the surgery within two months of that decision. I decided against doing a big pig out because I was afraid of messing up what I'd already begun, and what if for some reason the surgery didn't happen? I don't really regret not saying goodbye to my favorites because I'd said hello to them far too many times throughout my adult life.
  2. Is regular peanut butter a no no?
  3. I had the cheddar & broccoli soup from McAllister's on my pre-op full liquid diet, but haven't had it since the surgery. I think I bought a couple of their soups at one time and had several meals from them. Hub City diner actually blended a cup of soup for me and it was awesome soup, cream of broccoli and shrimp. Very flavorful.


    I think your bariatric team would NOT condemn you for what you had. Sounds like you did a good job. My doc did chide me for some smoked shrimp I had. She said it was too rubbery at this stage. My boss had the surgery 2 months before I did, and she is a complete rule follower. She is shocked that I am interpreting the rules a little differently than she did. Oh well, we do what we have to do.


    I had to divide this into two posts. I got an error message saying it was too long. Maybe private messages would not be limited in length?

  4. Yes, I'm in Lafayette. Dr. Chu did my sleeve.


    I am VERY impressed that you can drink 2 bottles of the Isopur. I'm not sure why drinking is so difficult for me. I have always been a person who always has a drink at hand (Dr. Pepper or diet Dr. Pepper or some kind of soft drink. Yeah, I know, that's one of the many reasons I needed the surgery.) Drinking water or Crystal Lite or Isopur just seems like such a chore. I'm getting my protein supplements from Smoothie King. I buy a 20 oz Gladiator which has 45 g protein, and freeze it in 4 oz servings (I bought some of their sample cups). It's the only thing I've been able to do.


    Tonight for dinner I had 3 oz of salmon and an ounce of cheesy cauliflower. I'm amazed that I can be full on this amount.

  5. Wow, Tim, it sounds like you've got a lot on your plate right now (except for food)! I'm sorry things are so stressful.


    I'm not on regular foods yet. I have one more week of mushies and then move on to soft foods. I'm pretty sure I'm confusing the two. I started doing much better this past week because I added fish to my diet. I did it a little earlier than scheduled, but I had to do something to get in enough protein. I told the doc about it and she is (mostly) okay with it. My weight loss is frustratingly slow. I don't know why. I'm walking on the treadmill (only fifteen minutes a day) and I'm getting my protein in and I'm not overdoing carbs or calories. I'm still not drinking enough liquids, but I'm doing the best that I can. I feel great for parts of the day and then sink into a no energy zone for a while. I sure hope this evens out.


    How are you feeling? What are you eating?

  6. Hi, Tim, just checking in. Are you doing okay? Hanging in there? Drain out? Would love to hear from you.

  7. I grew up with Drew Hargroder. Is he still cute? My doctor is Dr. Chu in Lafayette. She's been great. Insurance covered the procedure, so I'm not sure of her exact cash charges.
  8. The drain was removed before I went home. Didn't have any drain fluid!


    When does your doctor say full liquids after clear liquids? I had surgery on a Thursday and was on full liquids on Monday.

  9. I weighed 8.5 pounds more two days after surgery than I did on the day of surgery! I guess I'd had lots of IV fluids and some swelling. Was a little disheartened at first, until I found out it was not out of the ordinary.
  10. susieq

    I'm craving roasted vegetables

    I'm about two weeks out from surgery and cravings and hunger have been minimal. But yesterday I had to take a group of people to lunch at a buffet. This was the first time I was kind of envious and sad. Fried shrimp and fried catfish and jambalaya and shrimp fettuccine. And liver & onions! I know most people hate it, but I'm not one of them. Oh and this place makes huge, but very light and buttery dinner rolls. I listened as everyone else oohed and aahed over the bread and butter. Watched as they went back for second plates of their favorites and tried to figure out the recipe for the catfish dipping sauce. Sigh. My cup of gumbo without rice was tasty, though, and I did get full. Did my hunger hormones not get removed?
  11. I had to go back to work this week, 11 days post surgery. I was very worried about how I'd do, and honestly, I think people need two weeks off of work. Part of each day I felt great, and there were other parts that were really kind of tough.


    My weight loss has stalled, but I've decided to be okay with that. I'm still not getting in every bit of protein I'm supposed to, but I'm doing better.


    How are you? Glad you're home and on the mend.

  12. susieq

    Stalling so soon????

    I'm only two weeks out (tomorrow) and I've been stalled for days. My ticker isn't even accurate, I stalled at 12 pounds for a few days, lost 3 more pounds on the scale one day, and the next day was back to only a 12 pound loss. Haven't had the energy to change my ticker. I know I'm not eating too much. I'm probably not eating enough. Worse than the stall is the lack of energy. A full day of work is really killing me. I'm sad.
  13. I hope it all went well yesterday and you're successfully on the mend!

  14. Is there a glossary for terms that are used here? I keep seeing NSV but can't seem to figure out the meaning, other than that it's a good thing.
  15. susieq

    crockpot chicken

    This looks great. I might swap the corn for a second kind of bean. Like maybe black beans and pinto beans. What do you think?
  16. susieq

    Support from Wife?

    My husband became supportive when I brought up the fact that my health would greatly improve. Prior to that, he was noncommital. He's seen how many times I've struggled with dieting and he did understand that this might be my last great hope. He hasn't had to struggle with his weight, although he's recently developed a gut. I hope she changes her mind. The support of my husband and son have been very important to me. I offer my sincere support to you.
  17. susieq

    I smell funny.

    I'm starting to smell like myself again! I really think it had to do with the surgery/anesthesia.
  18. susieq

    Roasted Cauliflower Soup

    Thanks for the absolution! My pre-op diet was 2 weeks and the cauliflower debacle was the first night. I was good for the rest of the time!
  19. susieq

    Roasted Cauliflower Soup

    OK, I must confess. The first time I was going to make this soup, on the first night of my pre-op diet, I ended up eating all of the cauliflower and had nothing left to make soup. If you take ONE tiny bite, you're gone. I was afraid to try again, but about a week later, I did it and made sure every morsel went into the soup. Can someone give me absolution? My doctor said my liver was not an issue during my surgery.
  20. susieq

    I smell funny.

    Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated.
  21. susieq

    Decisions, decisions

    My insurance required a 5 year documented weight history from a doctor. I have regular yearly gyno appts, but there were two times in that five years that I refused to get on the scale! Lesson learned. Anyway, I managed to find one more year with an appointment I'd had at my internist's office. I presented insurance with as much information as I could, and in the end, I was approved. The office coordinator said that my weight and bmi alone would probably qualify me. Anyway, give 'em what you have and hope for the best! Good luck.
  22. susieq

    I smell funny.

    I'm not really drinking enough of anything. Isopure, Carnation Instant Breakfast. Sigh. I'm not doing a very good job of this.
  23. susieq

    I smell funny.

    I've been in ketosis before, and it's not that smell. Could it have something to do with the anesthesia? It's almost a sweet smell (but not one I want).
  24. susieq

    18 hours post op - photos

    I have bruises everywhere I was touched, but the worst ones are where the blood pressure cuff went. I've been getting cuff bruises for years so that's not new. The strangest is a bruise on one of my breasts. Huh?

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