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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by susieq

  1. I will be 2 years out next month. I am 8 pounds higher than my lowest weight, but I was at the low weight for only a day or two. Am really 4 pounds higher than the weight I have been most consistently. I have never reached my goal, and that makes me sad. What keeps me going is that my highest weight (not surgery weight) is still 134 pounds more than I weigh now. No regrets for having it done. I will not go back to my old ways. My plan is to continue to lose weight.
  2. susieq

    Burger Salad

    I used to have these pre-surgery when I was on a low carb diet. I either made it all at home, or picked up a burger from Checker's (chain). Not sure why their burgers appealed to me so much for this, but I'd get a bacon cheeseburger and give the bun to the dog. I wanted everything that the burger came with, including mustard and pickles, because I wanted the burger experience. Put it atop a small bed of lettuce, et voila!
  3. susieq

    Roasted Cauliflower Soup

    I made this last week and yep, it's still delicious! Wish I'd remembered the ham addition suggested by livelovelaugh.
  4. I made a roasted cauliflower Soup for my pre-op full liquid diet, although some might think it is more appropriate for another stage. Thinly slice a head of cauliflower into lacy fan like pieces. Some will be large and some will be small. Toss in a small amount of olive oil and spread out on a cookie sheet. (A large head might require two cookie sheets. Cauliflower will shrink SIGNIFICANTLY as it roasts, so if you season it ahead of time, it might end up being too highly seasoned after shrinkage.) Roast at 375 for an hour, or until cauliflower is browned. Don't be afraid to let it get good and brown, the caramelization is where the delicious flavor develops. While that's roasting, saute some chopped onion in a tiny bit of oil until it gets good and brown, too. Pour in a 32 oz carton of chicken stock (or broth) and a cup of skim milk (give or take), heating on low. When the cauliflower is done, toss it into the soup and let is simmer (very slow simmer) for a few minutes. Season to taste (I use Tony Chachere's seasoning blend). Now it's time to put it into the blender until it's creamy and smooth. Put it back in the pot and add a handful of grated sharp cheddar. If it's too thick, you can thin it with either more chicken stock or more skim milk. The soup is even better the second and third day!
  5. susieq

    NSV - made my day!

    Nothing like the support and positive reinforcement from the ones we love most. Happy for you!
  6. THIS! This so much. But it still has to be a photo that I choose to post. I get all the old anxiety back when someone else posts a picture of me. I do not like that one bit.
  7. Amen, sista friend! My driver's license is up for renewal in a few months and I can't wait to get a new picture! My weight on my license has been a lie forever. About 10 years ago, I changed the lie to a higher number, but it was still a HUGE lie. I think I'm going to lie again, but put my goal weight on it because it will be the truth in the near (kind of near) future!
  8. When you are no longer afraid (neurotically, painfully afraid) of running into someone from high school or college who knew you BEFORE you got fat. A couple of weeks ago I was in my hometown having lunch at a restaurant with my brother, and mid-way through I realized I had not scoped out every diner in the place to see if there was someone I needed to hide from, nor had I entered the place with the slightest bit of apprehension. It was a wonderful realization.
  9. susieq

    NSV shout outs

    And which addiction do you look better wearing?!
  10. susieq

    NSV shout outs

    Being able to take advantage of really good sales! Just bought a pair of jeans and a shirt for $25 at Old Navy. Fat jeans are NEVER $15!!!!
  11. When I look at my before and now pictures (not yet at "after") I see the huge difference. When I'm walking around, I FEEL the difference, but sometimes, I am confused as to whether or not I'm a fat person or an almost normal person. And I can NEVER tell how my size compares to someone else. If I didn't think it would be ridiculously annoying, I would be constantly asking people, am I bigger, smaller, or the same size as her? You look great, Dana! Keep up the good work.
  12. susieq

    Wedding Dress REVEAL!

    Wow. There aren't enough words. You were a stunningly beautiful bride! The dress was perfect, but the look on your face in the pics said it all! Brilliant wedding. Best wishes for a long and happy marriage. PS - Your arms and shoulders were also great, something maybe only the fat or the once fat can appreciate?
  13. susieq

    An NSV I may never top!

    Truly fantastic NSV! Don't need to top it, just replay it in your head!
  14. susieq

    Loss of friends

    I am very lucky. My husband and my son have loved me fat and love me on my way to being normal. Supportive on a daily basis, I couldn't ask for more. My dearest friend (we've been friends since elementary school and we are now in our fifties) has been so supportive and excited for me. She's wonderful. She's naturally petite, has a very good metabolism and has never had to worry about weight, yet all throughout the years, as I got heavier and heavier, she never waivered in her support of me. Lose, gain, in between, she's been my friend. And now, she couldn't be more thrilled by my progress than if she had done it herself. I am also lucky with my family. Three out of four of us (adult) kids have obesity issues. My sister had the surgery two months after I did, so we've traveled this journey (somewhat) together. We are thrilled for each other. Our "thinner" brother is also happy for us, not because he was critical of the weight, but because he sees that we are now living our lives instead of hiding out. Other brother has health issues and so many other problems, that while I'm sure he's happy for us, he's trying to survive his own problems. So wish I could do more to help him and wish this surgery were an option for him. I'm beginning to sound like Pollyanna, but I'm also lucky at work. My boss had this surgery two months before I did, so we can talk about things as we go through them. She has reached her goal and looks fantastic in size 4's & 6's!!! She started out with less to lose than I did, but she has worked her sleeve perfectly. Still weighs everything she eats (I don't). She's a real rule follower! My best friend at work could be jealous and bitter because her two fat friends were able to have surgery, while she couldn't. Instead, she buckled down and has lost 50 pounds on her own, through diet and lots of exercise. Every time I lose a pound, she is very happy for me. I admire her so much for being able to do it on her own. She's 20 years younger than I am and I hope she's able to live her life looking and feeling as great as she does now. Specifically and in general, I have had the support of family, friends and even acquaintances. They seem to love seeing me emerge from my fat suit. It is everything I dreamed it would be and more!
  15. You look abolutely wonderful! You look younger and your smile is beautiful. Job well done!
  16. Here are some before and not-yet-after-but-maybe-soon pictures. I won't make my goal by my one year surgiversary next month, but I have hopes that my weight loss will continue, despite how slowly I am now losing. I feel SO much better! (I've never posted pics before, so I'm not sure if I'm doing this correctly.)
  17. susieq

    Photo Update at 9 months

    Wow, you look absolutely beautiful! Congratulations, you are inspiring.
  18. Thanks for the support! I only have one picture of me smiling and it's with my son, so I hestitate to post it. Even if I'm not smiling in the pics, I am smiling inside. I FEEL so much younger, but really, the turkey wattle has replaced the triple chin and other wrinkles are showing up. We won't even talk about the bat wings. :bat: :angry_smile: Sometimes I feel thin, but I know it's just in comparison to my previous size. I am still in the obese category, which makes me sad, but I hope to become simply overweight soon.
  19. Oh, and the ticker doesn't show the whole picture. I am 125 pounds down since the before pictures, which were 6 months before my surgery.
  20. You look great! I would be thrilled to look as good. It all seems to be working for you, however imperfectly you got there.
  21. My "Yay! I can now cross my legs!" doesn't seem nearly as exciting as YOUR NSV. Congrats!
  22. susieq


    Great story! Love it. Congratulations & kudos!
  23. susieq

    9 months AND....

    Congrats to you! My 9 month surgiversary is coming up in 10 days. It feels great, doesn't it? Keep up the amazing work!
  24. Wow, you look beautiful! I wish I were brave enough to take an up to date picture. You might be the inspiration I need. Congrats on a job well done. You'll make goal!

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