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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by live2canoe

  1. live2canoe

    My First NSV!!!!!

    Those are AWESOME, AWESOME NSVs thank you very much for sharing them with us. Wow!
  2. live2canoe

    Dr. Kuri

    I had a great experience with Dr. Kuri. Couldn't have been better.
  3. live2canoe

    ? About DeLarla stuff - ADULT CONTENT

    I have to be completely honest and report that the incident with the X-Scream stuff was my own fault. For Heaven's sake - what was I thinking? I know how sensitive I am. The hostess at this particular party offered 'samples' of X-Scream for anybody who wanted one in the bathroom. I'd had a couple of margarita's and the other women seemed to be having so much fun, I decided to join them. Ouch - just more scientific evidence that margaritas reduce your IQ by a full 50 points. I couldn't get home and into the shower fast enough. Thank goodness it was a neighborhood party and I only had to go around the block. :cross-eye
  4. live2canoe


    Go Broncos!! OK - how many of you have Fantasy Football teams? How are they doing? Personally - I like to kick the guys a**.
  5. live2canoe

    couldn't possibly be true

    If you're not careful - we're going to have to kick you out of the 'Slow Losers' Club !
  6. live2canoe

    ? About DeLarla stuff - ADULT CONTENT

    I have tried the 'X-Scream' stuff - it made me burn, and not in a good way, either. Then again, I am VERY sensitive 'there' and cannot even take a bubble bath because the bubble bath stuff irritates me makes all red and itchy and will often times give me a bladder infection. SO - if you're like me, and very sensitive to any type of chemicals or soap, I would steer clear of the "X-Scream". I'd love to hear other people's opinions on the other questions Candy asked. Come on Ladies!! Fess up!
  7. live2canoe

    To All SCI FI FANS

    I love Sci-Fi. I always have. I'll have to check out Serenity. Thanks for the tip.
  8. Parvathi - Love your post. An since you post your weight loss in kg, we yanks can't really tell what you've lost Vines is an inspiration, isn't she??
  9. live2canoe

    Kim's Slow Loser NSV List

    Parvathi - Too funny. Glad to know I'm not alone in my new found self-adulation!
  10. live2canoe

    Weekend Today Show

    Dang it! I missed it. I wonder if they it in their website? I've never seen anything about the lapband, except what I researched myself. (now here's something wierd - I can't remember how I did find out about the band.......) early onset dementia is a terrible thing.
  11. live2canoe

    Female Question...

    Ouch!!! I am so sorry! Right after my banding I felt the same way. Talk to your doctor. See if you can find liquid ibuprofen. Ibuprofen isn't supposed to be good for the band, but it's the only thing that works for my cramps. And a little bit of ibuprofen is WAY better than throwing up from the pain. My doctor doesn't mind if I take the liqui-gels. You shouldn't have to suffer like this. Good Luck and let us how you're doing.
  12. live2canoe

    homecoming pics are here/ladysplenda

    Ahh - what a cutie! And a proud Mamma, too. My son is the same age as your daughter. He has homecoming next week. What a great time to be a mom - don't you think??
  13. live2canoe

    Help Bad breath

    You're not alone. It's still a problem a year later. You get used to carrying mints with you everywhere. Put our minds at ease and tell us it was your doctor who took you off your meds - that you just didn't decide to do it on your own.......
  14. live2canoe

    Kathy's Slow Loser NSV List

    Kathy - Great NSV's!! Thanks for getting the 'Slow Loser NSV' Ball rolling. We're privileged to have you in our little club. I'm reading this before I go to work, so I'll try to post my list later. It won't be nearly as good as yours. I can tell that alot of thought went into it. Congratulations on all your progress! We're there with you in slow loser land.
  15. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Hey Kare - Too funny about "DeLarla's" rabbit and how it's a VERY different metaphor! Quote from Vines "On the other board I'm on, I don't get any real support there, I only feel like I get beaten up there... I had a serious PB with Peanut Butter on toast... The only feed back I got was "oh I never eat peanut butter, bla bla bla" Well, you got your band with a BMI of 32, so SHUT THE HELL UP!" Of COURSE we need Vines - it just that if that other board she's on doesn't support her, then they don't deserve to have her. OURS, OURS, Vines is all OURS!! And, one more thing - we turtles ARE NOT 'hoity - toity' , we are simply, shall we say, 'selective' in who we admit to our little club. (Man - I sound like I was one of those sorority snots in college don't I? I hated those skinny little prisses!) I love the inertia idea getting all ertia-ing.
  16. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Vines - Great and Venerable Leader, High Priestess of our Congregation: First, I want to say how sorry I am that you have been struggling with obsession and depression. I, too, have struggled (continue to struggle) with depression and I know how dibilitating it can be. I think that Megan has offered excellent advice and insight regarding long term band struggles, as only our 'old, wise one' can. (By the way, how old is Megan anyway? 25? I have pantyhose older than her!) I hope you can break away from the calorie counting obsession and take a break for a while. I agree with her that after your 'break' you may have even lost some more. But mostly what I wanted to say was THANK YOU, THANK YOU , THANK YOU for 'getting it'. I knew when I nominated you that you would be the perfect person to voice our frustrations. You are far more insightful and eloquent than I could ever hope to be. I too find myself screaming at my computer monitor when people who were banded after me, close to my starting BMI, complain that they have only lost 50 pounds. I like to Celebrate the success of the speedy losers, but I am very very jealous. I think to myself - why not me?? Thank you so much for agreeing to be our leader. And by the way - I've PB'd on Peanut Butter toast, too! I hope you never go back to that other board. They don't deserve you!
  17. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Zoe - The 'Ex-Rabbit Auxillary' is brilliant. I've seen alot of posts on this thread from 'ex-rabbits' who are frustrated now that they are nearing goal, or have at least lost a significant amount, and the remaining weight is clinging stubbornly. We will happily support an 'Ex-Rabbit Auxillary'. I nominate you as their Chairperson. Please report back to Slow Losers headquarters with news from your group.
  18. live2canoe

    It's Really Hot Here

    Betty - You live in Texas, right? Maybe you'll get some of the cold front that moved through Denver last night. It is heaven here. Cool and cloudy - after the hot days we've been having, this is great. I love Summer, but I think I'm ready for Fall.
  19. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Welcome Rhonda! You qualify (although barely ) We Slow Losers need to concentrate on things like inches lost, instead of pounds! I mean really, aren't we doing this so we all look better (and feel better, of course) - that's far more important than some silly number on a scale. Maybe soon the slow losers can start a inches/sizes lost thread.... What do you think Vines????
  20. live2canoe

    New here with band problems

    You really, really, really need to talk to DeLarla. She is the Queen of Port Incision Infections - a title I'm sure she would gladly give up. I will bet that you will hear from her soon. She is awesome and has been through more than most of can imagine and has always kept her sense of humor an been able to encourage everyone on this board. You've come to the right place.
  21. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Daisy - I am so totally there with you - except for the new haircut! My doctor's office takes quarterly pictures to document your weight loss. I'm sure it's meant as a motivation for the patients, but I honestly can't see any difference in mine. I watch people's stats and get very depressed as it seems like everyone is losing weight like no tomorrow, except me. It's hard to keep my morale up all by myself - that's why I started the thread, and recruited our leader. I believe that slow losers have a different set of issues and challenges than the rest of the lapband world. We need to carve out our own little piece of LBT where we slow losers can all support each other.
  22. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Wade - It's been 30 weeks since your banding. Even with your current fluctuations, you've lost 38 pounds. You should be very proud! If you continue to struggle, and no more weight is lost, we can reconsider your application in 8 weeks. (38 pounds in 38 weeks would qualify) It is our sincere hope that you are able to re-join the rabbits and do not have to reapply! In the meantime, keep in mind that you've lost more in 30 weeks than I have in over a year! :cross-eye Good Luck staying out of our club.
  23. live2canoe

    It's A Heart Break

    I'm really sorry, I think we've all been on both sides of a break-up. It's never fun, no matter what. I promise though, that this too will pass and you will find someone even better. Someone you're more connected to. This one was just the warm-up, to show you what was possible. The main even is still to come. Believe it or not, it's better that you have no way to contact him. It will be easier that way. If you're lucky, he won't try to contact you either. That would only prolong the pain. You're in for a rough few weeks (month?) but you'll get through it, and we will all be here to help.
  24. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Leatha - Just as with Kimber-lilly, even though you do not meet the exact criteria, I believe you are close enough to be allowed membership. As we said before, we are a reasonable group. I will submit your application to our headmistress and venerable leader, Ms. Vinesqueen for final approval, with my recommendation. (sorry LA Madam, but you've just been TOO darn speedy with your remarkable weight loss)
  25. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Sorry LA Madam, the bylaws for membership to the Slow Losers Club clearly state "less than a pound a week average weight loss during the first year of being banded". You have, without a doubt, exceeded that mark and then some! Thank you for your application, (and thanks for all the great advice and support you give everywhere else on the board) but you do not meet our criteria

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