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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by live2canoe

  1. live2canoe

    Drum Roll please!

    ( I figured out firkins - it's a measurement of volume, right? I couldn't however, figure our how to convert it to a weight measurement)
  2. live2canoe

    Drum Roll please!

    WooHoo!!! Isn't that awesome! I know just how you feel. You are now no longer a candidate for our surgery!!!! What are firkins???
  3. live2canoe

    Getting Two Teeth Pulled

    Hmmmmmmm.......nitrous...... I love going to the dentist. Always have, and nitrous is why. My mom was terribly traumitized by the dentist, and she didn't want us kids to have the same experience, so she insisted we get nitrous - even for cleanings! I learned, by the age of 8 or so, that when the assistant came in and asked if your feet were tingling yet - if you said yes, they came in and started to work on you, ruining your good time - but if you said no, then you got another 5 or ten minutes of bliss. I realize now what a little druggie I was! Good thing I never developed a taste for pot or anything more hard core! I'm not sure I would've been able to stop.
  4. live2canoe

    Look what I made! Woohoo!

    Not a sewer????? Could have fooled me. That looks GREAT!!! Can you make me one?
  5. Nykee - You are a wise woman, and I think you've brought up some very valid points about the band. It does NOT work as well for someone who grazes all day long. I know, because that's my issue. It wil NOT work as well for someone who loves liquid calories. It will NOT work as well for people who eat foods that will slide through the band. It IS expensive to maintain and I don't think very many people talk about that part of the process. Thank you VERY much for bringing up these very important issues
  6. live2canoe

    daughter's surgery is postponed

    Jane - Please let us know why your daughter needs surgery. If there is another thread, maybe you can link it. On the bright side, maybe your little girl will never have a weight problem if she doesn't really like to eat! (If I'm making light of a life threatening illness, I apologize in advance)
  7. live2canoe

    challenge for myself

    Oh Wise One, Leader of our Little Tribe - I say... You GO girl! You are so smart and self-aware and honest with yourself, that you, better than anyone else, will know what works for you. And that part about breaking the bandster rules? What rules? My doctor and nutritionist WANT me to eat 5 small healthy meals/snacks a day. I feel like a failure if I've only eaten three meals - so go figure..... I think healthy snacking a perfect way for bandsters to eat. I am SO VERY HAPPY to hear that you are not going to obsess over every little tree in the forest ....er, I mean calorie on your plate! That is no way to live, and the band is about LIVING!
  8. live2canoe

    Year or More - What I'd Like To Know!!!

    Hi - I'm over a year out and a certified 'slow loser', less than a pound a week, in fact just about 35 pounds. Is this what I had hoped for when I was first banded? No - I had hoped for a speedier weight loss. I had hoped to lose at least 50 pounds the first year. Does this mean that I regret my decision? No - I'd do it all over again. I'd do a couple of things differently I think. I think I would have been more aggressive with my fills for one thing. The reason I don't regret my decision, even being a slow loser, is that I know, this time, even though I've only lost 35 pounds, is it's not coming back. A question was asked by a very wise bandster on this site on the benefits of lap-band vs. dieting. She said to ask yourself this question, "Do you feel confident enough after your weight loss to give all your 'fat' clothes to the Goodwill?" I've never been that confident after dieting, the clothes would go in a box in the basement or to another closet. This time- all the clothes are going to charity.
  9. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Hi Louise - Welcome to our own little part of the lap-band world. If you read even part of this thread you know that we call ourselves 'turtles', as in 'slow' losers. You are among friends here, that's for sure. I know from my experience that it took many many fills, and past 2.5 cc's before I felt any real restriction with my band. If you're not feeling restriction, your band isn't working and all you're really doing is dieting - and we all know from past experience that diets don't work. Keep posting here and we're thrilled you haven't given up - because neither have we!
  10. live2canoe

    Dents in Legs?????

    By any chance does your excercise include walking on a treadmill with a grade, or walking outside up hills? Is it on both shins? If so, what you're feeling is a muscle. It's the muscle that pulls the front of the foot up when you take a step - especially on a hill. I forget the name of it - but I have a very prominent one, too. And you're right - it is weird.
  11. live2canoe


    I have a couple of suggestions. 1) - give yourself a break. 15 pounds in three months is nothing to sneeze at. It's well within the healthy weight loss range of 1 -2 pounds a week. 2) Go on the Inamed website and look for doctors in your area. Call every single one of them to see if they will give you a fill. That's what I did and I was able to find three within a two hour drive that we're willing to give fills.
  12. live2canoe

    Update on Chloe

    Is that really Chloe's uncle???
  13. live2canoe

    Skinny Wannabe

    Congratulations on being banded and welcome to our little forum. I think you'll find by reading posts here that many of still have trouble with evening snacking. Since you have no fill yet it is perfectly normal to feel hungry. With no fill, everything should be passing right through your band. If nothing hurts when you eat, you should be fine. The same advice goes for the treadmill - if it doesn't hurt, you should be OK. Take it easy at first. You're only one week out of surgery. Many of us have that bubbling gurgling sensation. We have lots of different theories on what causes it. For some people it is quite loud. You may be taking too big a bite or not chewing well enough. It's hard to say. Good Luck and please check in often.
  14. live2canoe

    Scared to death about my first fill! HELP!!

    I've had LOTS of fills done. Both with and without lidocaine. Let me tell you , in my experience, the lidocaine hurts far worse than just getting a fill. Lidocaine stings me. I don't even feel the fill needle. Close your eyes and don't look at the needle. What you don't see won't hurt you!
  15. live2canoe

    Names! Names! Names!

    Kimber- Lilly - Hey!! I'm Lilac Hickory, too! Too Funny!
  16. live2canoe

    alcohol tolerance

    There are worse things than being a cheap date!
  17. live2canoe

    Psychotic Ramblings

    Bumping this thread because it was the funniest thing I read all week and I refuse to let it die. My tupperware collander isn't doing the trick. I have to go buy pipecleaners. I'll wait for a transmission after assembling my receiver!
  18. live2canoe

    Forever in my heart... Jeter

    I am so, so sorry to hear this. Many of us here have had to help our most favorite friends (our pets) out of thier misery. It is so very hard. It still brings tears to my eyes. Of course you did the right thing - but that doesn't really help you with the grief you feel right now. Time is a wonderful salve on a wounded soul.
  19. live2canoe

    For All Moms!

    I loev it! You made me laugh. Thanks!
  20. live2canoe

    Proof that Carbonation Can Damage a Band

    I am so glad DeLarla started this threas (as I am with all her threads). The whole "No Carbonation" thing has never made any sense to me. Carbonation, when chugged down makes me uncomfortable, so I don't do it. But swallowing a big hunk of steak without chewing it makes me uncomfortable, too - so I don't so that either. If it hurts - don't do it. I love what Pink Chick said about being in the driver's seat and I think her dr. has a great attitude. I think too many doctors assume that we aren't capable of making intelligent choices and therefor like to 'lay down the law'. I also believe that doctors who give far too many post-op restrictions (no carbonation, no spicy foods, Clear liquids for two weeks prior and 4 weeks after banding) are not comforable with their surgical technique. They give these virtualy impossible to live by instructions, and then, if you have any problems with your band, they can say "well, did you have kung pao chicken (green chile, curry, tabasco, have cream of wheat in the fist 30 days etc) ? then it's your fault the band is causing you problems." They have complete deniability. It's all part of the training given them by the Illuminate - right Lisa?
  21. live2canoe

    I love Taco Bell. I Hate Taco Bell.

    It's the flour tortillas that kill you. Stay away from anything with the flour tortillas (even if they are grilled). That's why the crunchy tacos and the tostada are a better nutritional choice.
  22. live2canoe

    Psychotic Ramblings

    Oh My Gawd - Laugh out loud FUNNY!!!!
  23. live2canoe

    Vegas ideas

    I go to Vegas fairly often (I'm coming in November, Lisa - fair warning) My absolute FAVORITE place to stay is the Mandalay Bay. They have the BEST spa I ahve ever been to - and I've been to my share. If you go, call the spa in advance and set up an appointment for a facial or a massage. Do worry about which one - they a gazillion to choose from. You can decide when you get there. If you pay for a treatment, you get to use the spa for free all day. They have 4 hot tubs, a sauna and a eucalyptus steam room that is to die for. They have vegetable and fruit juices and bottles of Water all free for the taking. The showers in the spa are huge and wonderful and complete with spa exclusive shampoos and conditioners and body washes. Every shower has a different 'scent' to try. All the showers have a personal loofah - which I take home. Don't even get me started on thier beach/pool!! Can you tell I love that place??
  24. live2canoe

    Psychotic Ramblings

    OH - I get it NOW!! We were supposed to take the foil hat OFF BEFORE we poked the holes! Still re-reading sections of the Da Vinci Code to see where Ms. DeLarla's clues are leading us...........
  25. live2canoe

    I love Taco Bell. I Hate Taco Bell.

    Taco Bell is my downfall, too. I love that place - and I hate it. Check out the nutrition info for the tostadas - not TOO bad. OK still bad, but not the worst thing ever.

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