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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by live2canoe

  1. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    OK - so I've been away on business for a week, and aparently I have let my duties as the 'Membership Chairman' lapse. So the 'official' rules of the turtle tribe require that you have averaged less than a pound a week loss since being banded ( I looked it up in our bylaws) With that as our guideline, Lovecats (Laura), can't officially join us for another few weeks. However, I submit to the committee (Vines, Best Me and Candy) that we approve her membership on a temporary basis, with the understanding that with our love and support, she may graduate to rabbit status. Carrie has as exceeded our membership requirements as well. She has however been very active on our little section of the board. We can submit to the committee for 'auxillary, little sister' status. Her membership to our sorority (and while I'm on the subject - why is it that all the turtles are woman??) can be given a favorable review at a future date should her weight loss slow precipitously. The Great and Powerful Oz has Spoken!!! (pay no attention to that woman behind the curtain!)
  2. The potato spores are working in concert with the photosynthesis solar particles. It's all a part of the evil conspiracy dictated by McDonald's (the largest buyer of potatoes in Idaho! - coincidence???? I think not. Oh - it's all so clear now!!! Why didn't we think of this before??? ((((Vines - my spiritual leader)))))
  3. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Sorry - I got all carried away, didn't I???? I meant - of course - to say we Turtles really need to celebrate our successes. Those pesky rabbits get to celebrate so much they're all worn out!
  4. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I LOVE the graduation idea! And Vines is right (as always) - We rabbits really NEED to celebrate each other's victories. It's not fair to not share with us!
  5. live2canoe

    Christmas card to you all.

    Awwwwe! That was very sweet. Merry Christmas
  6. live2canoe

    My BIG Texas Souvenier

    Too Funny! Love the hat. Couldn't you convince the nice trooper to let you wear his?
  7. live2canoe

    Bellydancing NSVs

    1) How Cool is THAT?!?!?! Belly Dancing - I am TOTALLY jealous! 2) I love the photo with the dollar bills you have tucked away! 3) You look fabulous! You certainly need a new avatar. Maybe Dylan's Mom can help?? She has always got it going on when it comes to new avatar! 4) Your husband posted! We are so psyched to 'see' him! (at least I know I am!) 5) Turtles RULE and you are the best spokesmodel ever!
  8. live2canoe

    Omg It's Cold In Az!!!

    It's going to be -10 (f) here in Denver tonight. Tomorrow's high is supposed to 9 degrees! I hope my car starts in the morning! I'm afraid the pipes are going to freeze tonight, so I'm going to keep the faucet dripping all night. Long underwear to bed tonight for sure!
  9. live2canoe

    I'm being a nuisance

    You just keep on being a nuisance. It is too easy for them to 'forget' you if you're not a nuisance. I hope you have good news from them soon.
  10. live2canoe

    I'm home and bandless

    I was thinking what Kathy said - a ghost band! Just like Donali's. We're all happy you're home and doing well. Thanks for eveything you bring to this board.
  11. live2canoe

    My Husband finally noticed

    My goodness - how could he NOT notice? You have to be one of the fastest rabbits on the site. You've lost almost 10 pounds a month. Good for you. You must be thrilled (I know I would be!) P.S. Were you in Disneyland or World? I'm a closet Disneyphile - shhhh, don't tell anyone.
  12. live2canoe

    SuperDaddy Sang for 8,500 people!!!

    Wow - what a great venue. Were you nervous? Or just excited? I'd probably pee my pants if I had to get up in front of that many people. Rock On!
  13. live2canoe

    serial killer or computer programmer???

    I got 10 out of 10 I hang out with enough geeks to be able to recognize the harmless ones, I guess.
  14. live2canoe

    My band has *unslipped*. :)

    Awesome news!! Simply awesome! I am so very happy for you. Now that you have good news - you can tell us - how was the liquid Thanksgiving dinner???
  15. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Crystal - I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to respond sooner. YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE!! You're band failed you. We all know the band is a tool and the tool doesn't work if there isn't a fill. Isn't that what we tell the newly banded before they get a few fills? I hope the fix is easy and quick. On the bright side, after you get your band 'up to speed' you just might become a Rabbit!! Oh I truly wish that for you!! Good Luck P.S. We couldn't ask for a better spokes turtle. Even if you become a rabbit - we hope you will still be our leader.
  16. Welcome aboard. If you're not feeling 'swollen' I'd say that is a good thing. Most people get hungry after the surgery, and many gain some weight back once they are able to eat 'real' food again, before they gain any restriction with fills. Good Luck and we're glad you're here.
  17. live2canoe

    Car Accident tonight!

    Tammy - I am so sorry. It sounds truly frightening. I'd be a mess, too. I'm sure the gentlemen appreciated you calling the hospital and checking on his wife. In the meantime, I hope your BF is able to heal on his own and not have to be hospitalized. Peace and Good Luck
  18. live2canoe

    And the Fall Challenge Winner Is...

    Wow Keri! You must be busting with pride!! I know I would be. Congratulations and way to go!
  19. live2canoe

    What PS will you get when you reach goal?

    Arms, Arms Arms!!! I HATE my ARMS. The medical term is a 'brachioplasty'. The downside is the scar runs from your armpit down to your elbow. Why they can't do it like a facelift and hide the scars in the armpit and crook of the elbow is beyond me. I want to see the first surgeon who develops that method. I'm checking into PS now. Probably going to MX, for cost and that's where I had my band placed. Spring is the anticipated/ hoped for timeframe.
  20. live2canoe

    Afraid To Start Next Step.... REAL FOOD

    Don't worry about gaining weight until you are properly restricted. This is perhaps the most frustrating part of the process, when you can eat real food, but before you have had a fill.
  21. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Hmm, what's been working?? I really had to think about that and here's what I cam up with: I stopped snacking on junk in between meals. I still snack, but I replaced the evil Cheetos with nuts and yogurt. I'm eating more fish. I found some great fish fillets from Gordons that are lite and healthy. I'm making sure that I get in my full 60 grams of Protein everyday. I was a litle shocked when I put my information into Fitday just how far off the protein mark I was. Wow - was that ever an eye -opener. I stopped eating past 7 PM. I did this mostly because I started to have a problem with nighttime reflux (YUCH!!) The not eating later in the evening helped that, and a couple of pounds came off to boot. Mostly, though, I think I was just patient and my body finally had to give up and let go of a couple of pounds. I just had to out wait it. That's the beauty of the band - it never lets you give up! Because of my recent reflux problem, and since I've dropped a couple of pounds, I rescheduled an appointment I had for a fill. I was supposed to go in on the 21st of this month, but I think I'll wait a while now. Thank you Turtles for the words of encouragement and support. Remember - The Turtle WON!
  22. live2canoe

    Crystal's complete list of NSVs

    Go Vines and show them the way. All those skinny little dancers don't have a thing on you, my dear. Congrats on the pants fitting! What a great, caring DH you have. It would be worth a trip to Idaho to cheer you on.
  23. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    OK - so a while ago, our fearless leader the divine Ms. Vines asked if any of us Turtles have had a breakthrough. I am happy to report I have broken a really long plateau. I mean really long. I've been holding steady at 188 since I can't remember when. I am now at 185 - that's huge! I mean that's small - I mean that's awesome. You all know what I mean! That means I've lost 40 pounds now! 40 whole pounds. My BMI is down to 31.8 - dangerously close to no longer being OBESE. What will I do when I'm 'overweight'?
  24. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Paula - Have you had a fill yet? If you haven't had a fill, you can expect to gain back wht you lost on the liquid diet. In any event - welcome aboard our turtle train.
  25. live2canoe

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Hey Vines, No significant loss to report, or mental break through. I have though, come to the same place you are - I just have to be content with being a turtle. I'm not giving up either - just not going to beat myself up for my very very slow weight loss. With that in mind, I took five pairs of pants to the tailor. It cost me almost as much as buying new - but these now fit me very well and I look great in them. One of the advantages of being a turtle is that I don't have to worry about changing sizes too rapidly!

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