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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by live2canoe

  1. live2canoe

    Latest on my port incision

    Lisa - I can imagine what the Cheetah stuff tastes like .... Coconut would not be a good choice for a 'flavor'. I was wondering. You have no port, but you still have some restriction. Did they clamp the tube while you still had some fill? Your health insurance should cover any treatment necessary for the open, leaking wound - even if it is band related. Open leaking wounds need to be repaired, no matter what the cause. I spoke with my PCP about this type of stuff before my surgery and she assured me that these types of complications would be covered. That being said though - Dr. Kuri may have more experience with this type of thing than US docs. And besides, I like him better!! You seem to be doing fine - even without a port. Look at you, almost to goal!!
  2. live2canoe

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    Too funny!! But I prefer Trivial Pursuit! Katie - it took me an hour to do 3.5 miles. I was not exactly burning up the treadmill! Get a pedomoeter like Zoe - I'll bet you walk more than you think! Exercise is the one part of my life I have kind of under control. I like to go to the gym. The rest of my life is a wreck - but I do get a workout in 5 days a week. Today was my first day back on the ellipitical trainer in over a month. That thing kicks my a**. I went for 45 minutes and did 3.5 miles. WooHoo I made it. I'm going to try some light weights (upper body) tomorrow. Still not ready for any abs! What's everyone else up to today?? Time to check in.
  3. live2canoe

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    This is cool - I'm glad there are so many of you interested. I started back exercising today. I'm going slow, taking it easy, 3.5 miles on the treadmill at an easy incline. I plan to go back to the gym again tomorrow. I like to watch all the different TV's while I'm sweating! I'll post and let everyone know if I really got out of bed or not. Thanks for joining me in this challenge.
  4. live2canoe

    Protein Powder

    I loved unjury Protein Powder Here's the web site www.unjury.com It tasted great and blended well. If I had it to do over again, I would only order the vanilla and chocolate varieties. They make a wicked protein smoothie (1 cup skim milk, 1 banana, 1 scoop Unjury, 1 TBL of Splenda and 1 tsp Vanilla extract 1/12 cups ice in a blender) I lived off of those for my 2 weeks of full-liquids. Oh - and the chocolate also tastes really good in sugar free, Fat Free Instant Chocolate Pudding!!! Good luck to you.
  5. live2canoe

    I was banded October 6 -yeah!~

    How long are you on Clear liquids? That's the worst part - full liquids get better, and mushies are almost heaven! I hope your clear liquid days are almost over. All the doctors seem to be a little different in thier post-op diet instructions. Good Luck to you.
  6. live2canoe

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    OK Betty - you're off the hook for at least a month!! (Are you just too excited for your surgery???) Good Luck!
  7. live2canoe

    Surgery Date Tuesday 10-12

    Tomorrow is your big day! I hope everything goes smoothly for you. We'll all be waiting for you here 'on the other side' Please let us know how you're doing.
  8. live2canoe

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    Carol - You broke the 100 pound mark!!! Or were you trying to be 'quiet' about that?? Congratulations! That's amazing. :banana :banana :banana :banana
  9. live2canoe

    Really Gross!!

    I was sooo excited to be on the mushy stage!! I went to the super market and found these Bumble Bee ready to eat packs of Seafood and chicken salad with crackers. There is only 90 calories in the seafood salad (plus 90 for the crackers) and 140 in the Chicken Salad (plus 90 for the crackers) I decided I would have one of those for lunch today - GROSS, ick. I hate pickle relish! I threw it away.
  10. live2canoe

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    Yeah - what Betty said!! You all look wonderful - new avatars are in order!
  11. live2canoe

    Weekly Challenge

    Darcy - I am glad you are feelig so much better so quickly. I agree with you , I don't know how people living with chronic pain do it - I don't know if I could. I happy you didn't have to lose your band! Nice pics girl! You are making terriffic progress. I hope I can do as well.
  12. live2canoe

    Weekly Challenge

    Darcy how you feeling? I hope you're feeling at least a little bit better now. I hope the healing process is very quick and uneventful for you. I don't have any slutty mu-mu's - will old baggy gray sweats meet the dress requirements for the Pity Party? Gosh - I hope so - don't want to be under-dressed!
  13. live2canoe

    hello party girls

    Lots of new bandsters coming up throught the ranks!! I'm so excited for all of us! I was banded 9/15. Still on the mushies phase. Not feeling any restriction yet. Gaining back the weight I lost on the liquid phase - not worrying about it after reading a gazillion posts from the wise and wonderful people here - that it's normal and not to worry until I get a fill! I'm looking forward to being us a bunch of losers!
  14. live2canoe

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    I love love LOVE LOVE these pictures!! These are great!!! You have one terriffic camera - it makes everyone SO FRIGGIN BEAUTIFUL!!! I mean it. You guys ALL look wonderful. I want Lisa to come to my house and take pictures of me with her camera - - - - - Hey, Denver's nice! Maybe not as much fun as Vegas, but it's nice!! Thank you so mcuh for remembering us. Logging on to see the most recent pictures was the FIRST thing I did this morning! Hey - Lisa, you really are up early! Remember, party girl, pacing is the key! But then, who do I think I'm talking to.... after all, you share a body with DeLarla! Have fun (both of you!)
  15. live2canoe

    Weekly Challenge

    Checking in for the Not Going to Vegas Pity Party!!! I have my cheese to go along with my whine! (I'm on mushies now, so soft cheese if ok!! Darcy - I'm sorry it took sooooo long for the doctors to take your pain seriously. I'm happy they finally figured out what was going on. I hope the treatment is swift and decisive - no more mucking around with this thing! You have been through enough! Let the party begin!
  16. Wow - what an ordeal you've been through. I admire your grit and determination and willingness to move on. With an attitiude like that, you are sure to succeed. Good Luck, Best Wishes, and know that you'll always be a Bandster at Heart!
  17. live2canoe

    VEGAS BASH - Pictures!

    Thanks for the update Lisa - Good thing there is no 'legal limit' as to how much booze one group of crazy women are allowed to buy! We're all looking forward to your next post. waiting.....waiting.......waiting....
  18. live2canoe

    Surgery date may be postponed

    A Great Big WooHoo!! WOoHoo! WooHoo! I knew it would work out I just knew it - or at least I was really really really hoping it would work out!! You're too nice a guy to suffer such a set-back. We'll be right here waiting for you on the 'other side'!!
  19. live2canoe

    All of you on your way to Vegas

    There is a lot responsibilty to keep the rest of us shut-ins posted on all the goings on there at the fabulous Lisa (aka DeLarla) abode. Margaritas back-up on me these days, but I'll have a glass of wine or two in your honor. (Well I'll actually be working the Silent Auction at the High School, and they might frown on that - but I'll be thinking of you any way!)
  20. live2canoe

    One Year Anniversary

    Thank you for posting - As someone who is newly banded, it is always good to hear about people that are not 'perfect' with their band, but are still very successful. Those are the most inspiring stories to me.
  21. live2canoe


    HI Michelle - You should probably try post your thread on the "introductions' part of the message board. Lots of people will see it and respond to you. (maybe you're like me and just 'missed'!
  22. live2canoe

    Just Back from Monterrey

    Wow - you guys are certainly busy! I wish I had someone to walk with me when I came home. Pardon us if we're a little bit jealous of having your 'band buddy' live with you! Honestly- this is great. I'm happy for both of ou.
  23. live2canoe

    Really Gross!!

    Katie - my doc allows tuna, well lubed with lo-fat or no-fat mayo, in the mushy phase. He also allowed cream Soups in the 'full liquid' stage. The rule of thumb he uses is - if you could eat it if you have no teeth, then it's a mushy! Crackers are allowed, too. Just not the hard to chew ones. I love scrambled eggs, too. Never thought I would ever look so forward to cottage cheese and apple sauce as I did when I was on the liquid stage! Shelly - I'm making my own chicken salad now with canned chicken, taragon and little tiny pieces of blue cheese and low- fat mayo. Really yummy. I could definitely eat it if I had no teeth! Lisa - don't know about the sardines ..... guess I'm lucky I never developed a taste for them! Not too fond of the instant mashed potatoes! I'm definitely a no-fat refried been girl - with low fat sour cream and mild salsa!
  24. live2canoe

    Motorcycle Class

    DeLarla - I feel your pain!! I just bought a brand spankin' new Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 Quad cab with all the bells and whistles, including running boards and a spray-in bed liner. Can I afford it - hell no. I'm single, so I have no one blame but myself. I'm self-employed and right now my business is in the shi**er, and there ain't no way I can justify the expense of a new truck - but alas - there it sits in all its glory in my driveway (won't fit in the garage). Maybe my son and I can move in with you and Chris in Vegas, and share expenses? Or how about this... We all split the cost of a shell for my truck and we live in the back of it???
  25. live2canoe


    This is a great thread To have my ski boots fit without cutting off my circulation and causing extreme pain. To not be the last one up the hill (or anywhere) when hiking with my family To be able to fit into women's regular sized wet suits when scuba diving To not be the heaviest person in the room at family functions To be one of the 'hot' moms on the sidelines at my son's football and baseball games - I'm tired of being the fat mom

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
