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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by live2canoe

  1. live2canoe

    Dietician changed my orders

    That's great!! Cottage cheese and apple sauce will never have tasted so good. Did she give you any explanation for why the doc gave you such bizarre instructions/restrictions during your appointment with him? It almost sounds like he thought you were a GB patient - or that he treats lap-band and GB the same post-op. I would hope that she will set him straight.
  2. live2canoe

    Tall Guys' pictures

    We've got a group of really good looking guys on here!! Think we should start a LapBandTalk dating site????????????????? :rolleyes
  3. live2canoe

    For the First Time in My Life:

    Awwww - you big sweet talker!! You can say things like that any time you want (and you usually do!) If you're half as sweet around the house as you are here, your wife is one lucky woman! Oh - by the way - we're quite fond of you, too!!
  4. live2canoe

    getting there

    :banana :Bunny :banana :Bunny :banana :Bunny :banana :Bunny :banana :Bunny :banana :Bunny :banana :Bunny Holy Cow !!! Oh My Goodness!!!! Oh Geez!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited for you!! That is simply awesome and terrific and wonderful and WOW!!! Thanks for sharing your success! It inspires us all. (I'm flying to Tijuana tonight to get my first fill tomorrow - wish me luck!)
  5. live2canoe

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    Dontcha hate it when someone starts a thread and then disappears??? Well - I'm still here. I didn't go to the gym once this week - I was lazy lazy lazy. Today I did 3 hours of yard work - raking leaves mostly. I'm all sweaty and tired. I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Monday night late I leave for a fill in Tijuana. I have a two hour lay over in Vegas - from 10:00 PM til midnight (hey - it was a cheap flight!) Don't suppose Lisa wants to come over and keep me company ......:rolleyes Don't worry - I'm just kidding. It's a disgusting hour - but at least I'll get a fill!! Then I'll realyy know what it means to be banded. Good job on the exercise (sexercise) everyone. Wish I could say the same!!!
  6. live2canoe

    My Baby is Driving!!

    Oh My Gawd!!! How - and when - did this happen?? Where did all the years go? My baby turned 16 today. I remember bringing him from the hospital! Today, he took his road test, passed that with flying colors and then we spent a fun filled hour at the DMV getting him his license. Since it is his birthday, I thought it would be nice if I could take him and a couple of his friends to dinner - who was I kidding. As soon as we got back from the DMV, he dropped me off and was out and about with his friends. Two other friends drive so they went to a restaraunt with a whole passel of 'em in tow. The family of one of the boys owns a restaraunt in the University district here. It's about 20 minutes away. From what I hear they had a good time - and got a free meal out of the deal. Tonight he and one of his friends are going to 'hang out' with some other friends (read 'girls'). Something tells me I am not going to see my son very much from now on!
  7. live2canoe

    My Baby is Driving!!

    Colorado does have restrictions on new drivers - but my son was grandfathered in under the previous laws. His only restriction is that he can't drive between midnight and 5 AM. However - I think the restriction on the number of kids in the car is a good one - and he agrees with me! So our rule is only other friend in the car unless he has specific previous permission from me. I need to go over the unloading school bus thing with my son. I'm not sure he has ever even encountered one. It's a good lesson to go over again. I am indeed prepared for the first fender bender. He's driving my old Pathfinder. It's 8 years old and has 195k miles on it - but it looks brand new and is in great shape inside and out. He has heated leather seats, power everything, great stereo system - the works. In order to afford insurance on it though, we had to take off the comprehensive coverage and the collision coverage. He knows that if he gets in an accident there isn't insurance to fix it. He'll have to drive around in a dinged-up car (assuming it is still driveable - if not - no more car) As far as the munchies go - I don't have a fill yet - so no restriction AT ALL. I am going to get that taken care of with a quick trip to Tijuana on Monday/Tuesday. It's Friday night. I think I'll have a couple of glasses of wine....
  8. live2canoe


    Too funny! I outfit river trips (canoes) and folks are always amazed at how much luxury we bring along. I always tell 'em, If we wanted to rough it - we'd backpack! The guides will laugh at you - but your fluffy pillow will fit inside a dry bag. Your inner princess can be appeased.
  9. live2canoe


    I've always wanted to do the Grand - I've even had friends who won a permit in the lottery and invited me to go along. I never could - being a single mom it was always too much time away from home. But now my 'baby' is driving and I have a great deal more free time. I'm guessing you'd go with an outfitter - any idea how much that costs? I'd love to go - if I can afford it.
  10. live2canoe

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    I'm lazy lazy lazy. I got up, took my son to school, and since I didn't have anything else going on at work today - I went back home and WENT TO BED! So, somebody smack me upside the head! This is not good. On a brighter note - I did make an appointment for my first fill. Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to get to Tijuana!
  11. live2canoe


    Hey - Good to hear from you! I'm a loan officer from Colorado, too!! I was just banded on September 15th. I'm doing great - just waiting for a fill. I'd love to learn more about you.
  12. live2canoe

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    No exercise for me today - I had an all day meeting at the VA - lucky me! I had to go recertify to underwrite VA appraisals. I'll tell ya, if anyone has any trouble sleeping - show up at the VA at 8:00 in the morning for a rousing seminar with the staff from the appraisal division! I am nicely sore from my first upper body workout since surgery. I didn't over do it - just know that I worked muscels that haven't been worked ina while. Tomorrow will be the real test - lower body workout + cardio. I'll report back and let you know if I lived!
  13. live2canoe


    Amen! I often feel sorry for people who haven't found discovered what it is for them that makes them happy and content to their very core. I have found that Bikers and Boaters often have a great deal in comon. I am indeed looking forward to spring.
  14. live2canoe

    getting there

    Exactly Zoe!! Well said. I'm not exactly a spring chicken - but it's never too late to feel like you're attractive!!
  15. live2canoe

    getting there

    Thanks Marie - I appreciate that more than you know. I am not one of those who experienced any type of restriction after surgery. I can eat anything! Kinda scary! I'm just now at my one month mark. I need to make an appointment for a fill! Maybe then I'll feel like the surgery was more than just a strain on my credit cards! Thanks again for your encouragement!
  16. live2canoe


    Betty - that is indeed a funny story. It is a running joke in the canoeing world. A friend of mine who always paddled in the bow (front) of the boat with her husband took a Sharpie Marker and wrote on the back of her life jacket "Are You Paddling?" I have been known to take my paddle out of the Water and twirl it over my head like a baton in the middle of a rapid to show off for my friends on shore - all the while the poor bow paddler has no idea why the boat is suddenly going sideways through the waves! We have no turtles in our rivers - I would be with your husband, threatening to jump out of the boat, but I'd be afraid of the turtle's family still in the water, just waiting for my juicy toes! MMM, tasty! Just remember that stern paddlers are a sneaky lot and to keep a wary eye on them at all times.
  17. live2canoe

    getting there

    WooHoo So many things about this thread I love. One - I'm glad to know that it took you a while to start losing weight. You have no idea how much comfort that gives me! I hate being such a slow loser. I feel like everyone is passing me by (again!) Two - I love the fact that you're seeing yourself as 'HOT' again. I know, I know - we're all supposed to be doing this for our health and to live longer, stronger lives and all that - but dang it - I miss being HOT and I want to be HOT again - while I'm still fairly young and single and can enjoy all the extra benefits of being HOT again!! I'm with ya, Marie! Three - Onederland!!! Yeah Marie! Yeah Marie! Yeah Marie!!
  18. Two Words Zinc Lozenges. I like the brand 'Cold-eze'. I swear by them. I used to travel alot for work (I feel your pain Letha) and I would get a virus almost everytime I flew. I started sucking cold-eze lozenges prophylactically prior to and during a flight, and I've never been sick from an airplane flight since. If I feel a sore throat or head cold coming on, I start to take cold-eze, and the symptoms are so minor, I don't even notice them. Cold-eze along with the Vitamin C should ward off any evil demon bugs conspriring to keep you away from your surgery! Good Luck Betty - and may you feel restriction right off the bat!
  19. live2canoe

    Cardiac Stress Test.

    Surgery or not, if I'm you, I'm taking the time off. If I've earned those days, I refuse to simply lose them. Life is too short to be spent at work, particularly when there are other options!! I don't understand where Patty is coming from, but your relationship with her is so strong, I'm sure you'll figure it out. I can't believe they sanded your chest!! And then to pour alcohol on it! Yikes - I don't think I would've handled that well at all. I'm getting kinda cranky in my old age!
  20. live2canoe


    While you were putting up your bike, I was putting up my canoes and all my camping equipment. Next spring, when the rivers are running high, I will dig past the snow shovels in the garage and find the paddles and life jackets. I will have to dust the life jackets off after their long winter. I will load my truck full of gear, strap the boats on top and head off for another adventure. Being on the river is truly a wonderful experience, alternately exhilirating amd contemplative, a time for connecting with friends and finding yourself. Camping in a desert canyon, with the sky full of stars and the sound of the river echoing on the canyon walls is one of the best places to recharge your soul. Watching desert big horn ship scamper on the canyon rim and bald eagles glide on the thermal uplifts the canyon has created is truly wonderful. The best way for me to spend as many weekends in the summer as possible.
  21. live2canoe

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    I'm not sure what to do with you people. When I started this thread, I mostly just wanted to be accountable to someone else with my exercise, and to be able to share my successes and disappointments and to have someone to kick me in the a** when I was being lazy. My intent was not to have anyone working out, irritating their belly when their ports are hot and red, or feeling obligated to walk on already aching feet and legs. My Goodness - moderation in everything! Isn't that what we're supposed to be learning with our bands? I don't want to hear about anyone else exercising while injured, hurt, ill or otherwise disabled! Don't make me get my stick! :cool:
  22. live2canoe

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    Yeah Pam!! 3 miles is fantastic!! And I'm sure that your legs are only slightly heavier, but I know they feel like lead weights!! LOL Zoe - I really to get a pedometer and a heart rate moniter. I think those things would really help me! Good to know your fur baby is getting out and about, too! I did weights for the first time since surgery today. I went very light and didn't push it too hard. It still felt good to be back - even with the wimpy weights. I did upper body today, back chest and shoulders. Tomorrow I'll try lower body. I'll let you know how I feel in the morning.
  23. live2canoe


    I'm loving Benefiber! I put a Tablespoon in a glass of Carb Coutdown chocolate Milk (Thanks Michelle!!) in the morning. I also sprinkle it on just about everything. It works well, and doesn't gag me.
  24. live2canoe

    Any One Up For an Exercise Challenge?

    Darcy - shhhhhh! (we're not calling it a 'challenge' any more - we'll have to think of something else to say instead ..... any suggestions?) P.S. - good to hear you're feeling better - and nice going with all the extra curricular exercise!!
  25. live2canoe

    lie or something like it!

    Bobby - Your kids come first. If your wife is trying to make this some sort of tug of war between her and your daughter, you've got to tell her that there is no contest - your daughter wins, hands down, every time. Just my 2 cents Tell your daughter you love her and wish she would come back.

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