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Wedding Planner

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Wedding Planner

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 12/18/1955

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  1. 1 years have passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary Wedding Planner!

  2. Wedding Planner

    PM Munchies

    I need advice and suggestions Please I can go all day without real hunger or thinking about food but..........between 8pm and 11pm I feel like I want to snack, munch, and graze. I've tried to keep my hands busy but that only works for so long. I try to eat protein, string cheese, yogurt, SF pudding but I crave salt and sweet . Is anyone else going through the night time munchies??
  3. I enjoy eating out, I may not eat alot of my food but I enjoy the leftovers. I must admit that there are times that I'm really mad that I can't eat more, lol, yesterday I could only eat about 3oz of a really great steak, and my son ate my left overs !!
  4. It must be the hair loss time for the September group...it's a little scary in the shower drain these days:unsure: how long will the hair loss last? Maybe I will drop a couple more pounds in hair loss. Oh well, I hear skinny and bald is "HOT" guess I'll wait and see:lol:
  5. Wedding Planner


    I treat myself to one really nice fitting pair of jeans every - other - size. I wore my last size until my daughter told me they looked really funny and baggy in the legs and butt.....I love it .. I looked funny with a baggy butt, that's a first:lol:
  6. LOL I just found collar bones too !! i also discovered that you can get hands around my neck, some one could choke me...OK not what I want:angry: but at least I have a neck to go with the collar bones.
  7. If they are the funny gold color capsules, you can open them and sprinkle on applesauce (or anything you choose). You just have to make sure that you do not chew the little balls. I was unsure about doing this but my PC doctor and the pharmacist said it was OK.
  8. Wedding Planner

    Please re-post

    Thank You, I will go on a search in the morning. They are really good.
  9. Wedding Planner

    Please re-post

    I tried a recipe that was posted for a "bread" that was made with egg white that were beaten until stiff. It was wonderful, but I lost the recipe If anyone knows what I'm talking about please let me know where I can find it again. Thanks for the help.
  10. Wedding Planner

    Top 10 Reasons

    This is an awesome post, Great idea 1. Really tired of taking 12 different pills for, HBP,type II Diabetes, high cholesterol, and other "fat problems" 2. The floor!!! It will be wonderful to sit on the floor and get back up 3. I'm tired of running and hiding from every camera I see 4. Want to be able to shop in the department with the cute clothes, plus sizes have come a long way but I want normal LOL 5. I love my hubby, and he must love me, and all the extra pounds that have been added the past 23 years. I want to lose this weight for US, looking to find that GREAT sex again 6. My kids, I want them to be proud to walk the beach with me 7. I want to stop feeling embarrassed around my skinny sisters-in-laws, they are real bitches and my size really makes me feel sad. I know that there are lots more reasons but listing these has felt great
  11. Wedding Planner

    Expected a stall - but a gain???

    You just made my day I have been feeling like a fool trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong, I will lose a couple of pounds, and then oops they are back...what the hell??? It feels better to know that I'm not the only one trying to get my head and new tummy to work together We are all wonderful, aren't we??
  12. Wedding Planner

    Fast heartbeat

    I have felt this a couple of times, it really freaked me out. Not sure why, except it did pass after a couple of minutes, but I almost felt faint. Anyone have a reason for these feelings?
  13. Wedding Planner

    Magic Bullet

    I received the MB as a gift about 2 years ago, used it once or twice and put it away. I pulled it out before surgery during the pre-op liquid diet to mix the protein shakes.....I love it, I can mix and drink from the same jar, and clean up is so easy. At the low price, even if you just use it during the soft/mushie stage it's worth it.
  14. Wednesday was my 3 week post op, I haven't lost any weight in the past 2 weeks!!:biggrin0: This is really freaking me out, I am on the soft food stage, meaning that if I can chew it to death I can eat it ( meatloaf, deli chicken etc.) I'm not eating alot but I find that I want to snack at night, this is usually when I have SF pudding, or a string cheese. Any ideas on what I can do, or what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for any help:frown1:
  15. Wedding Planner

    Help! I need FIBER!

    I'm not sure where I read this before surgery but I wrote it down just in case. I haven't had the need to try it..yet.. but they say it works. 4oz prune juice 4oz orange juice 10 seconds in the micro wave If you can't drink all 8oz just drink as much as you can. Let us know if this helps.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
