I was sleeved April 2010 in Mexico. I developed a leak and came home to 2 weeks in the hospital and &100,000.00 bill. Not a great start but I did loose 20 lbs while there....but not an once since. Is it my age? (I am 61) My metabolism? My food choices? My medications? My lack of excercise? Some or all of the above. I tried to tackle each and everyone of them and still no results except I have been seeing a small difference with B-12 with a little HCG shots. It has upped my metabolism slightly, decreased my appitite, and given me a little more energy to move. I always have a protien shake in the morning, a protien bar for lunch and dinner was always debatable. I know I eat more than I should and end up vomiting right after. I think I have done some damage to my neck from the wretching. You would think that would change things but it hasn't. I don't have a lot of money and this has caused me a lot of money and grief. I can't hold the tears back anymore. I was banded for 7 years and the same thing...10 lb loss only so I had it removed. I have seen other bariatric doctors and they can't figure it out. They all say I should have done a different surgery and that I make poor food choices. It is all my fault. I wanted this to work so bad but have nothing more to give. Please someone out there help me and get me back on the right track right from the beginning. Help me get the tools and encouragement I need so desparetely.