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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Vicki

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 06/08/1955

About Me

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    Near Pittsburgh
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  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, Vicki!

  2. Good luck to you! I had my surgery was Nov. 4th last year. I wanted to loose 80lbs so far I have 94 off. Best thing I ever did. Lots and lots of luck to you. You are gonna do just great!!!
  3. 1 years have passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary Vicki!

  4. Well for me the answer is YES it is different. I do not puke from my stomach but from my chest. It is sooooo weird. I am 3 1/2 months out and it is still the same. Not sure why but I am not a through or upper...but when I do it is sooooo much easier. Just thought I would add my two cents...good luck with that!
  5. Hay there! I am on my feet alot at work. I returned after three weeks. I am not gonna lie, it was hard but I worked thru it. The first week back was the worse, the second was a little better and then it just got better from there. Best of luck to you. Our bodies are not all the same. I am 55 years old so my age may have been a factor also. Good luck and God bless!
  6. Vicki

    Protein Help PLease!!!

    Hay kido hang in there. I ws sleved 2 months ago and I STILL can't get in all my liquids let alone my protein. My Dr. said do not wory about the protein for now but try to get the liquids down. I was never much of a drinker so it is even harder for me. I do the best I can. You can do this. I have not found ANY Protein drinks that I like. And I have tried them ALL. It will come in time just keep the liquids going. You are gona do GREAT. Vicki
  7. Hang in there kido! I was sleeved two weeks ago today. And believe me the 3 days I spent in the hospital I had "buyers remorse". I had a REALLY rough time in the hospital. It wasn't till I got hope that I felt better. I think it is all normal. We have made a huge change in our lives. Hang in there it will get better. I have lost 20 pounds so far. Just think about where we will be in 6 months. Yeah us! Take care. Vicki
  8. Welcome! I had my sleeve done Nov.4th in Pittsburgh, PA. Things are going as expected and the weight is falling off. I am Trying SOOOOOO very hard to get my liquids in etc. but it is hard for me. I never was much of a drinker. Other than that.....I do not have much energy(lack of food I am sure) no real pain just a little discomfort. Took myself to wal-mart yesterday, got one of those electric skooter things they have. It kicked my butt being out for awhile. That is pretty much where I am. I had some "buyers remorse" in the hospital. I had to stay 3 nites 4 days and I had a VERY rough time, but now that I am home, all is well, or as well as can be expected. Hang in there, we are on the loosers side now. We just have to get well now. If you need to talk I am here! Vicki
  9. Vicki

    Request submitted on 11/9 to UHC....

    Hay there I FEEL your pain. I have the same ins. as you do, believe me I could write a book. Prior to starting the "HOOP JUMP" I called MANY MANY times to make sure I was going about everything the way they wanted. Soooooo 7 months into it all I was denied. So they sent an appeal. The first time no person could tell me why. The second time I went for their throats for an answer. They said my ins. carrier had an exclusion in there policy that stated they would naver have covered it. I was in a conference that day, I went nuts on the phone, as nuts as i really get {not to bad}. I called my HR person at my husbands compay and ask for the HEAD honcho! Told him All that I had been thur twice that day I spoke with him, then the weekend came, monday he called and said no one could give him a real answer.........buy tuesday I was approved and today has been one week since surgery. Please do not let the system push you around just in case they try to. I REALLY had to fight for mine. Best wishes to. I hope you have a smoother time. Vicki
  10. Hay there it is Vicki from PA. Sleeved one week ago today. Not hungery and I saw my Dr. yesterday, I have lost 14 lbs according to being weighed prior to surgery. Soo I have to be honest, I am really not real hungery and when I get a twinge of that, I drink somethins VERY slow cause fast hurts going down. When they opened me up I had a HUGE hiatel hernia I or they were not expecting so I thing is I had double trouble in my belly. Yesterday my Doc. said I could move from clear liquids to full liquids and then a few days to purred foods. Full liquids are like protein shakes, pudding, yougart that kind of consistancy. So that is where I am. I am so not worried about the scale right now, I KNOW my intake is not much at all so I have to loose weight. Hang in there kido, if you are like me everyday I find something new with our sleeves, good and bad. Prayers are with you! Vicki
  11. Hi Shelby! My name is Vicki and I got sleeved Nov4th. Sooooooooo it is liquids for me also, down 10 lbs. Last night my daughter made cabbage and noodles for herself and my hubby. Well as I sit here on the computer I dedcided to have some(no one is home right now) or they would kill me. Anyway, I just had VERY little and I chewed chewed chewed. So far I am ok. I am not one to step out of the box persay but I just needed to have them. So I will let you know how it works out. I would NEVER tell anyone go ahead try it. We are ALL our own person and need to do what is right for ourselves. Best of luck to you hang in there, you can do it!
  12. Hi guys. Nov. 4th is not far away. Been on my liquid diet for three days now, one more to go. I have been on this quest now for close to 8 months. And now it is here. Soooooo glad I found this VSG site. You all have been VERY helpful! Thank you! I love my Doctor and I am sure he is gona do a great job with my VSG. Sooooooo keep me in your prayers. I will see you on the other side! Vicki
  13. Hi there! I am having my VSG on thursday, this thursday Nov. 4th. I had to be on a 4 day liquid diet. Today is day 3. Yesterday I had a HUGE headache....got thru that and today is better. One more day to go. I have to tell you it is not easy but.........it is what I have to do. Every Doctor has his or her own pre-op and post-op diet plan. The more I read from others we all just follow what our Dr. tells us. Best of luck to you. You will do GREAT. Vicki
  14. Vicki

    Strange question

    Just a note to say my husband said the same thing. I think he is a little nervous about it all. My surgerie is next week. This is my second marriage, we have been married almost 4 years, and I am 55 years old. I NEVER want to start over again. They will just have to trust us, Take care!
  15. Vicki

    Got my date!

    Good luck to you! My date is Nov 4th. NEXT WEEK! I hear you about the nervous part........After ALL I have read in the past 7 months to get ready for this, I BETTER be ready cause it is comming soon. Best of luck to you....we will be on the same time frame with everything. Take care. Vicki

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