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About thin2be

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  • Birthday 09/09/1975

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  1. 1 years have passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary thin2be!

  2. Thanks everyone here is the situation my location has put us in 1. we were not allowed to do labs until options class finished 2. We filled out a refferal for Pacific bariatric and Crown and KAISER is picking on which one of these locations they send us to. 3. Crown only does the bypass....so if we get sent there we have go to a crown seminar then see the dr at Crown...if they agree we are a better fit for the vertical sleeve then they will send the refferal back to Kaiser to send us to Pacific.... 4. So as you see not only do we not get labs done before or get to pick were we go they have created extra steps for us to go to Pacific which will delay us about a month or more going to Crown!! To say I am upset at this is an understatement!!
  3. Good Morning everyone...I need to ask some questions bc I am having trouble with the approval process....can everyone that has kaiser southern ca answer this please? 1. When did options class end and location? 2. Were u able to do your labs before the option class ended? 3. Were you able to chose the location you wanted you surgery done at? I am trying to see just how different the locations are from ours...mine was done at Corona and ended Sept 28th we had to wait til classes were over and to meet with a specialist then we were sent to do our labs...I am not able to pick were I go...kaiser said I would either go to Pacific bariatric or Crown. Thanks everyone!!
  4. Our location is crazy....Were you able to do your labs before your class ended? I found out that some locations got to do there labs before options ended yet our location had to wait...also I have talked to people that got to pick the location where they went and ours says that Kaiser picks for us. I am not sure whats up with that but I dont like the incosistancy!! Pacific use to have the shortest wait time but now they are very backed up with Kaiser patients
  5. Thats awesome....which location did u take ur classes at? I did mine in Corona and finished Sept 28th...I am still waiting for my autorization...I also want to go to Pacific but the wait time is crazy right now!!
  6. NIce....cant wait to hear those words from you " I got a surgery date"

  7. I am with u on this one.....I have been told by many people from Kaiser from other locations that they got to chose where they go....I had my appt to get my labs and start my referral and we filled out 2 referalls...One for Pacific and one for Crown...they informed us we do not chose...Kaiser does....Crown only does the bypass for Kaiser and if the surgeon agrees u are better off having the sleeve they refer you to Pacific....what a crock of crap that is....so if I get org sent to crown it will just delay it 4 or so months to get back to Pacific!! why do some locations get to chose where they go and others (mine all I know of) choses for u? I agree the wait time at Pacific is overwhelming...I called about 1 month ago and it was 1-1/2 months out and now they are scheduling January...so by the time I figure I get mine if im sent there in the first place will be March/April Ps finished my options class September 28th in Corona finished all my labs Oct 15th....waiting for authorization which she said takes about 4 weeks!!
  8. thin2be

    Where is KristyKreme?

    Yeah I am wondering the same thing....want to know she is ok and her surgery went good.....I am going to be posting from the hospital bed if god willing ;P Sending postive thoughts and prayers to her for a fast recovery!!
  9. thin2be

    Kaiser Southern California

    @ BlaqBeary Im ok just hanging in there....all my test are complete now so I am just waiting for the authorization.....I already did the orientation so hopefully will be able to see the surgeon mid or end November.....I called PB to see how far out sugerys are and they said Dec/Jan so I sure I will be somewhere around March/April....its been a long and fustrating wait and I feel Kaiser needs to handle things better....how did ur appt go with PB today?
  10. thin2be

    Kaiser Southern California

    Yeah I am beyond fustrated and upset with kaiser....all autorizations and classes should run the same I think I am going to want answers from Kaiser now on why everything is so different at different locations how fair is that? Other locations get to do the labs and pick meanwhile us in Riverside area have to wait.....hmm...not right!!
  11. thin2be

    Kaiser Southern California

    Hey guys finished options class and had my appt on Friday...I was cleared to get my labs and move on to get authorization if my labs come back ok....I am now even more confused they had me fill out two referrals one for Pacific and one for Crown....I told them I wanted the sleeve and crown does not offer the surgery....they advised me that they pick were I go and I cant request it will be based on criteria.....didnt say what....is that normal? I am set on having the sleeve and going to crown would be a waste of time!!
  12. thin2be

    Kaiser Southern California

    Finally finished my options class last night :001_smile: I just scheduled my appt for Oct 8th to hopefully get my labs done and move forward!!
  13. I have a history of anemia which steams from PCOS and the mest of periods!!Do you mind me asking what brand of iron u take and the dose? I am worried about anemic when I get my labs done....I have my last class Tuesday the 28th and want to make sure that I have my iron up:thumbup:
  14. So are you going to be able to proceed with your surgery now since you are anemic or do u have to bring your iron up first?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
