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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lakelady

  1. CUTE CUTE CUTE! Being preg is so miserable....AND so WORTH IT!
  2. I've had Zero complications with the sleeve. I feel totally normal until I try to take an extra bite past full and I'm disciplined by my sleeve-even then when I put my fork down I feel OK pretty soon. I try very hard with the protein and the water and the vitamins but at the end of the day I don't get them all in but I'm pleased that whatever I did get in, got absorbed. I was scared about the surgery and recovery too but I just decided to "feel the fear and do it anyway" before I knew it-I was on the other side! Have you been tested for Celiac or just gone on a gluten-free diet for a few days to see if it helps your bowel troubles? I can't even tell you how many people I know diagnosed with IBS have been totally symptom free since giving up gluten/wheat. It's really very easy to avoid and has totally changed my life! PM me if you want to know more.
  3. Lakelady

    BMI around 30

    I just wanted to update this thread. I'm 12 weeks out from surgery yesterday. I haven't felt this good in many years. I never feel weak or shaky. As you see from my ticker I've lost bout 35 lbs (32 on my scale). This is a slower weight loss than people with a higher BMI but I'm already getting close to a normal BMI and I just bought cute jeans at the Gap! I know this is the "honeymoon" phase but I can't imagine gaining weight back because its so so easy to control portions/Kcal with the sleeve. I get hungry but I'm completely full and comfortably satisfied with a few bites of food. Usually I choose high protein foods every few hours-if I eat junk I feel sick and don't do it again. I'm having fun with the C25K program and weight training. Sure the surgery is major but there is no way I'd look and feel this good without it. I have no complications-no reflux at all. I'm 14 lbs away from my original goal of 140-I may go a bit lower.
  4. Just want to jump in and say I've been drinking DC a couple times a week recently-I'm 11 weeks out today. I cannot imagine that those bubbles could really be doing something bad if I just sip. Like you said, I really like diet coke and it's such a nice treat. I know its not good for me. I'd probably be better at not drinking if somebody could actually prove to me I was stretching my sleeve-but I really just don't understand the potential mechanics of that.
  5. Great story. Wish I'd had that kind of pain management here is the states!
  6. Lakelady

    Insurance for the Uninsurable

    Thanks so much for bring this up! I work for myself and have gambled (and won) for the last few years and haven't had health insurance coverage. I didn't think about health insurance much before my surgery but now I'm getting my life in order. I applied for a high deductible health insurance for me and the kids through BCBS and was denied. Naively I thought I'd be able to get it because I weighed 30lbs less! I'll probably just get a high deductible policy for the kids and base my next application on the advice here. This place is great. I'm having NO COMPLICATIONS to I think I'll be just fine.
  7. Lakelady

    Secret Sleevers

    I haven't told anybody and it is getting a little more difficult to evade the questions. I feel self-conscious for getting the sleeve at such a "low" BMI. I was really only 50lbs overweight but I just couldn't stand those 50lbs anymore! One of my closest friends was irritable with me for eating so much less for the first few weeks and now she seems envious. I really owe it to her to let her know how I was able to do this! I almost wish the weight would come off more slowly so it wouldn't be so striking-almost.
  8. Lakelady

    Loss of appetite

    I'm exactly 7 weeks out today and I was going to post almost the same thing! In the last few weeks I've gotten up in the morning and had a poached egg and coffee with milk. Today I just couldn't get myself to have more than a few bites of yogurt. Then 5 hours later I tried to eat some very soft chicken leftover from last night-I could only have a couple bites before I was crazy full. Same thing with supper....this is the day with the LOWEST APPETITE/general ability to eat yet. I've lost 27 lbs so far which is really good because my BMI was only about 32 when I started. But this new low amount of food is shocking-I need more than this! I'm trying to just eat high protein foods, but if I have to stop after a few bites I HAVE TO STOP or I will pay the price! I guess this is what were asking for but WOW.
  9. I'm 6 weeks out and haven't thrown up since about 24 hours post - op but yesterday I went out to lunch with a friend and got tilipia and broccoli. I guess I was chatting too much and didn't chew very well because after a couple bites I felt painfully full in my chest. I ended up running to the bathroom and it all came up. It wasn't so much like vomiting as it was coughing up mass amounts of clear mucus with bits of food in it. I eventually lost my whole lunch. I just skipped that meal. THEN for supper that friend ended up making tiliapia and cauliflower! I went slow and all was fine. Is that sliming?
  10. Lakelady

    severe reflux

    I'm 4 weeks out and have nasty reflux-bad when I've eaten, bad when I'm hungry. I'm a little freaked out because it might be long term. My doctor didn't prescribe a PPI but told me today I could take OTC Prilosec. It's working great but I don't want to take it forever.
  11. Lakelady

    Most Experienced U.S. Surgeon?

    I drove to Dr. Mark Pleatman in Michigan. He has a great cash-pay price and I felt comfortable after I spoke with him and after watching this video of his on youtube. Apparently my surgery went exactly like the one in the video, so that's nice to hear. I'm not sure about "most experienced" but I felt good about my choice. It was SO NICE to drive there and back without worrying about flights and passports. My husband was unsure about the whole thing so I know that would have freaked him out.
  12. I wasn't worried about dying. But I was still scared-mostly of complications. I just felt the fear and did it anyway. I regretted the surgery for about 24 uncomfortable hours afterward but now I'm so much more comfortable in my skin minus 18lbs! You'll do great!
  13. I was sleeve 4 days before you. And I tried tuna salad but it was ROUGH (no glass shards feelings tho). I'd back off on that.
  14. I'm 23 days out and I thought some of you would like to hear about my experience so far. Surgery-OUCH and GAG for the first 24 hours. Got lots of comments from hospital staff about how "small" I was. I grinned and told them its a cosmetic surgery for me. And I'll never see any of them again-so WHO CARES? Recovery-100% for the last couple weeks-no problems at all. Incisions were itchy for a while and now are scabby. I wonder what to do to decrease them? Weight-lost 17lbs-stalling for the last few days, but that's pretty standard at this point Clothes-busting outta my size 16s before surgery, 14s are HANGING off me now! I have A LOT of 12s I'm eyeing. I hope to get to goal before having to shop. I have given away most of my old out of style 10s but that'll be some fun shopping when the time comes. Mood and Energy-MUCH better than I've been in years! I can move around so much better. I can't believe I'm only getting 500-800 KCal a day because I don't feel weak or shaky. Food-protein first, sugar isn't good, lots of shakes, Soups, pudding, Protein enhanced diet hot chocolate etc. I'm supposed to be on mushies but venture into soft foods in social situations-lots of restriction when foods have bulk Proteins-getting 40-60 grams a day, really hard to get the recommended 60 because all Protein powder is nasty unless diluted in food. Greek yogurt is a blessing. Hunger-no cravings or head hunger. Just mild real hunger that is satisfied with a small amount of food. Of course that has to be food high in protein because I cannot get much in through the day. Social-I'm feeling guilty because I haven't told anybody but my husband. People are clearly jealous of my quick loss and wonder how I do it. I have a "eating friend" who is smaller than me but we eat together A LOT. She is noticeably irritable when I'm not eating like I used to. Argh I gotta tell her.....but its easier not too.
  15. Lakelady

    3 week update

    Yes-exactly the same weight range. How tall are you? Because I don't even DARE to dream of 118! I haven't been that since 5th grade! I ate more Kcal yesterday and did 30 minutes on the elliptical and the scale moved again this morning!
  16. Lakelady

    Change already.....weight and life

    I'm with you! I've lost 18-19 lbs in just over 3 weeks. I feel SO DIFFERENT! I'm REALLY enjoying this.
  17. Lakelady

    STUCK ON SCALE-Did it happen to you?

    Hey! I'm with you! I'm 23 days out and stalling. I'm about 17lbs down so I'm pretty happy anyway! I'm glad this board is here so I knew to expect it. I'm trying to get the protein it-that is supposed to help. Sounds like you are doing better with working out!
  18. Lakelady

    What is your target BMI?

    I started "low" at 31-something. My goal is about 23-24 because that's where I was as a young adult. But anything under 25 would be GREAT! It's still very hard to imagine myself there...
  19. If it's worth anything I was pleasantly surprised not to have a catheter a couple weeks ago when I was sleeved. I'm also a nurse and place catheters but have never personally had one. It wasn't a bother to get up and pee. i was pleased.
  20. Lakelady

    BMI around 30

    Thanks for writing everybody! It's so great to connect. I know without this I'd be over 190lbs plus for the rest of my hungry life. I remember what is feels like to be 140 and just WANT IT BACK.
  21. Lakelady

    Nasty Bruise

    I have 2 of those too! NO biggie. Just time.
  22. Thanks for telling your story! I was sleeved on the same day! Isn't it weird being able to eat less all day than you could in one sitting last week?
  23. Lakelady

    No Kids Yet

    I'm a Certified Nurse-Midwife and here's the scoop: Hold off on a tummy tuck until you are done with pregnancies. You can have breast implants and breastfeed after (tell them to do it right for that concern) but breastfeeding can be less comfortable that way. I'd say get the sleeve, lose the weight, have the kids and then fix yourself up afterward!
  24. Lakelady

    December 2010 Sleevers!

    It's 230am and I can't sleep either. I'm only 4 days post op so I'm wondering if I've been resting too much recently or lack of calories is keeping me awake.
  25. 5 incisions-they didn't hurt afterward past the first day. 1 IV site-but my sleeve sister that day had to have them start several times just to get one site.. The time in the hospital SUCKS but recovery is pretty fast.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
