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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Lakelady

  1. I feel the same way! I was thinking if I was fat again tomorrow it still would have been worth it for the experience of the last 6 months! But in reality I get to keep my sleeve and keep feeling so good.
  2. What swizzy said. I feel hungry throughout the day but it doesn't matter because I eat a tiny bit and am totally full. Almost 7 months out I'm glad I get hungry because it makes me look forward to eating and act more normal socially. For me the restriction is a constant friend-I physically cannot overeat!
  3. Lakelady

    BIG secret... good or bad?

    I'm not telling either, only my husband and a co-worker who has also had WLS know. I'm actually not much of a "sharer" anyway. People are really curious about my weight loss and new eating habits but I just don't say anything. I guess I'm conscious of the fact that I had a "low" BMI (felt high enough to me!) when I had surgery. I do feel sorry for people who are jealous of me because I make losing weight look so easy! This surgery is just a medical procedure to take care of my ravenous appetite and get control of my well-being. It doesn't define me. I went out last night with a couple colleagues to a nice place. They finished their food and I got a box. I shouldn't have had the creme brulee but I did. When we were walking back to the office I actually vomited a small amount just around the corner. I just said something didn't settle right and ran off to the bathroom to throw up what my stomach couldn't handle. Please don't t think this was what my life is always like, I really over ate and knew it! It was terrible and I almost felt obligated to tell after that, but today I think they pretty much have forgotten the incident. NO DESSERT!!!
  4. Lakelady

    31 BMI

    Hand up over here! I've lost almost 60 lbs in 6 months! I've never heard of insurance covering it at that BMI but I don't know much because I was self-pay. My surgeon made it very very clear that it was considered an elective/cosmetic surgery and I was fine with that! I'd rather be a size 8 than have big boobs!
  5. Absolutely amazing!
  6. I never followed the "don't drink with meals" rule. I don't get in lots of liquids but have always managed to be hydrated. I don't find that the food washes down with some sips of fluid during the meal. I don't mean this as new advice or an argument, just one person's experience. As you can see from my ticker my weight loss has been fine.
  7. Lakelady

    How many calories are you getting in?

    So I'm at goal and now under by about 10lbs. It's so easy to just eat the food plan to lose weight that I've kept doing that. People are really starting to comment negatively because I've really never ever been this thin. I, myself, think I don't really want to go lower. My size 8 Gap jeans are way to big now! I dipped down to 128 in the morning the other day and that sorta freaked me out. I've been eating more frequently and been trying eat more carbs and Kcal in general. I can actually get more food down than I was but now I'm a little worried. I'm worried that I'll gain and I'm worried that I'll keep losing! Thanks for all the advice on the thread. I just hope that if I start eating more I don't stretch my sleeve so much that if I gain I cannot cut back to maintain. I've been busy at work and all my weight lifting is basically not happening. Maybe I can start that again and gain some muscle weight! I'm sorta babbling but clearly I'm at a new stage and I'm figuring it out.
  8. Lakelady

    Feel like crap - Need to vent...

    My surgeon removes the GB without extra charge at the time of the sleeve if indicated. He let me choose whether to take the preventative meds as well. I had had a recent clear GB ultrasound so I opted out for each but was glad for the option. The uvula complication sounds HORRID!
  9. Lakelady

    Water issues

    I used to love water. Now it's just nasty and hits my stomach like a rock. Like other people said, other liquids go down better. I'm about 6.5 months out and water, if it's filtered and very cold is getting better. So weird.
  10. Lakelady

    CNN Article

    I read through a bunch of the comments. People are clueless about nutrition or any data about long term weight loss and SO MEAN! Kudos to those of you sleeved who are writing such great comments.
  11. I feel like something is caught in my esophagus and start getting a lot of mucus build-up in my throat if I really eat too much-esp if it's meat or veggies. I've learned to stop just when I begin to feel like that or I'll throw up. I agree about different times/different capacities, sometimes I can eat a whole protein bar, sometimes water makes me feel full.
  12. Lakelady

    The bottom just fell out :(

    I drove by myself to see dr pleatman in Michigan the total cost was 11200. Going alone wasn't bad at all. They weren't happy cause they wanted somebody else to drive me home, but whatever.
  13. Happy here! My ticker says it all. My friend that had a gastric bypass has had trouble but I've totally fine since about 48 hours post-op. You'll never believe how easy it is to eat very little until you feel it!
  14. I personally think that much protein would be fine. But usually we are advised to eat, rather than drink, our protein after our stomachs have healed.
  15. I checked out "Eat right for your type" years ago. My husband and I need totally different foods to feel good. We're both A+! I returned the book and started listening to my body.
  16. Lakelady

    Do you eat meals or wait for hunger?

    I, for one, get hungry all the time. I'm almost 6 months out. The hungry is not as intense as pre-op hunger and its easily fixed with a few bites. I do very well without a schedule because I'm actually eating all day long. Of course I'm a freak about getting my protein in and I think about that all day long. I'm always looking for room to get in the protein. If I'm at home I eat a poached egg and small low-cal latte every morning. All day I take a few bites of high protein food every couple hours between appointments with clients. In the evening I have a small amount of whatever my family is having. I'm hungry in the evening and I eat more protein before bed. What I need a schedule for is fluids! Water hits my stomach like lead now and nothing else is quite as good for me. I'm pleased that my restriction doesn't seem to have changed much since about 3 weeks out.
  17. Lakelady

    Walking is just not cutting it!!

    8-10 miles is a lot! Good for you! Doesn't that take forever?
  18. Lakelady

    Oh My HAIR!!!

    I've lost lots of hair too. Luckily I had lots and lots to begin with so I'm the only one that notices. I'm almost 6 months out and I think its slowing a little. I hope it comes back. Anybody keep their hair long while it comes in? Are the too many short hairs to do that?
  19. Lakelady

    OMG Im so HUNGRY!

    That constant hunger was exactly why I needed to get the sleeve! I felt like a vacuum cleaner I couldn't turn off. I didn't do more than one day pre-op prep so I feel for you but don't have advice. At least this dieting won't be in vain!
  20. My six year old dd saw me getting in the shower the other day. "Mommy I like you better with clothes on." I thought it was hilarious. And thankfully her father's opinion is polar opposite.
  21. Lakelady

    What does "full" feel like now?

    At first I was sad because feeling full after being sleeved wasn't as pleasant as being full before being sleeved. I really wanted that same feeling! But now I'm used to my "new normal" and having too much fun being thin!
  22. Lakelady

    My surgery was June 18...

    Don't worry-stairstep loss is so normal.
  23. What a great post! And am I seeing correctly that you lost 140 lbs in 10 months!? Absolutely incredible. I predict you will keep loosing at a slow rate even with carbs because you know not to suck down sliders and you know not to stop moving. I'm really impressed that you can be an inch taller than me and wear the same size clothes! At that weight I was busting out of 16s!
  24. Lakelady

    When will I feel thin?

    I waiver between still feeling big and then the next day feeling like I'm freakishly thin. I can't quite grasp where I'm at.
  25. I had trouble with acid for the first month and then NEVER after that! Just so you know that the PPI could be temporary.

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