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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sleevesearch

  1. I didn't know we could do V8 during the clear phase, I never read this in any of the literature. :cursing: I'm totally ready to move on fulls, but scared. The fake hunger, hollow, empty knot in my stomach is constant. Nexuim doesn't do anything. . . .
  2. I'm 4 days out today, and I am also getting a sharp pain when I breathe and drink. Its exhausting trying not to breathe and drink to big to avoid the pain. :thumbup1: . . .
  3. sleevesearch

    Booked for 8/28 with Dr Aceves

    Leaving for Mexicali early in the a.m. This all feels so surreal :eek: Like is the really going to happen? :thumbup1: I guess it will feel real when I get there! Pray for the best! See ya on the other side... . . .
  4. Thanks Diva! It's feeling very surreal, I guess when I get there it will be more real. I will try to post as soon as I can.

  5. sleevesearch

    "Model weight" - Sept. 2010 Allure mag

    I don't believe it. . . .
  6. sleevesearch

    My day...

    That's awesome Carlos! Congratulations! I'm on my way to Mexicali in the a.m. . . .
  7. I love this post! Just what I needed to hear! . . .
  8. sleevesearch

    Burps after eating...

    Eating on day 5? Wow, I would think you would still be on liquids.... . . .
  9. sleevesearch

    You've heard it all before...

    They probably pay to have that word associated with them, basically advertising on this board. I find alot of words in posts do this type of thing here.
  10. sleevesearch

    anything that my doc didn't mention?

    What is heparin used for in regards to VSG? . . .
  11. sleevesearch

    Complication insurance for private pays!!!

    Darn! It's not available for Colorado Oh well, I'm committed to this procedure and am going to do my best for the best possible outcome. I do have regular health ins from my employer, I'm just hoping my PCP will code my follow-up care correctly, so my claims don't get denied. . . .
  12. sleevesearch

    Booked for 8/28 with Dr Aceves

    Wow! I'm behind on these post, so much going on! LOL My flight on the 31st is at 3:20ish, my brother who is coming with me, lives in CA and will have his car in the long term parking, and if we get thru the border and up to the airport early enough, we were thinking of going to the beach and relax for a while. A little funny story, my bro and I were talking about all the plans for this trip, and he originally suggest we go get something to eat while waiting for my flight. I said, but "I won't be able to eat anything!" "So lets go look at the ocean for a while" - hehehe. I think he felt kinda bad for suggesting that, but its just second nature to just go eat while you are waiting. It will be nice to spend alittle time with him anyways. Looking forward to meeting you guys! . . .
  13. sleevesearch

    Booked for 8/28 with Dr Aceves

    Alish, so funny about the Isopure Alpine punch, to me it tastes like kool-aid, and I will definitely be using these for my clear phase. I am bringing individual powder packets of Crystal Light, Propel and broth. All I'll have to do is buy Water after you get thru security. And someone said you can get hot water from a coffee vendor (for the broth) . . .
  14. Applesauce on day 6? WoW! My doc's plan is 10 days Clear liquids, 10 full liquid, then onto 10 days of mushy foods. There is alot of varying degrees of the post op diet from what I'm reading on this board. . . .
  15. sleevesearch

    Booked for 8/28 with Dr Aceves

    Alish, I bought the Isopure clear drinks that are on sale at GNC, also the 3lb bucket of powder is on sale, about 1/2 price for $39 and change. I was real leary of buying that big jug, but they told me if I didn't like it I could return within 30 days. So I decided on vanilla, thinking I could add my own flavors. Directions said to mix with Water (which I was leary of also), so I tried it with the water and there was no bitter aftertaste. I was able to drink the whole 12 oz. But everyones taste buds are different, I liked the fact that if I didn't like it, I could return it. Also, btw, I couldn't stand the green Isoupore (Apple/Melon), so I returned it. Good Luck! . . .
  16. sleevesearch


    Yeah, to support what Qured said, your body is going thru a huge change. When you're only getting 500-700 cals a day, your body goes into starvation mode and hangs onto every calorie it gets. It takes time for it to adjust... I don't know the medical speak for this, or even how long it will take, but we are all different. . . .
  17. sleevesearch

    Booked for 8/28 with Dr Aceves

    Yes guys! I am excited and nervous. I'm starting to feel like I'm in dream state, like this is not reality and I will wake up and everything will be the same as before. But then I think...this REALLY is happening OMG! The countdown begins... . . .
  18. sleevesearch

    Treadmill Broke - what next?

    Here's my view....variety is good. I like to walk, but outside, so that's my main exercise when the weather is good. In the winter when I have to work-out indoors, I have an elliptical and stationary bike. Then every once in a while, I mix it up with a exercise tape or pilates and weights. Everyone is different, depending on preferences, mine is variety. . . .
  19. Could use some advice on finding aftercare in the U.S -when you call to find a new PCP, do you ask the lady on the phone that you want to know if the PCP will support after care for WLS? that was performed in MX? (i'm not comfortable telling a stranger this) -has anyone arranged for a WLS surgeon in the U.S. to provide after care? How do you tell them where you got your surgery? -my PCP made me feel like, because my surgery is in MX, that no one will help me here because of that fact. -so now I have a complex about how to tell and find a new M.D. I would like to have all my ducks in a row, before the big day. Thanks for any guidance/insight you can provide. . . .
  20. sleevesearch

    Surgery in MX, aftercare in U.S.

    BBJ, Thanks so much for this. I am going to save this post for future reference. My PCP did tell me she would order any tests I needed afterwards, but because she didn't know anything about this procedure, really made it sound like if anything was wrong she wouldn't be able to help. So if anything dire happens I know I can go to the ER for help. And if, for my 3-month check-up, my PCP is clueless (which I doubt, she 'can' read lab results), I will then begin my search for a new PCP. I sort of want to stick with her, just to prove to her that this will be successful for me, and her negativity was misplaced. And I'm hoping after I told her, she went and did her own research on the subject (and maybe changed her attitude) Thanks again! . . .
  21. During my research, I found that the 'requirements' to get the surgery in the US are 'higher' than in MX. Meaning you have to be fatter and sicker before a US doc will consider you for WLS. Many of us with lower BMI's (lower than 35) want to prevent the illnesses from obesity by going the WLS route in MX. At least that was my primary reason. Given that the cost is lower and the doctor I chose is probably better than most US doc's doing this procedure is why I'm going to MX. . . .
  22. sleevesearch

    Booked for 8/28 with Dr Aceves

    See ya on the bus! :biggrin0: . . .
  23. sleevesearch

    Booked for 8/28 with Dr Aceves

    Hey that's great Grits! Yes, I fly in on Friday morning. My brother is meeting me there and driving down with us. Is anyone coming with you? . . .
  24. sleevesearch

    Hair Loss Poll:)

    Thanks Tiffykins, I'm going to scour the items over at SallyBeauty, that contain the ingredients in the cell therapy. I hope to find something the same. . . .
  25. sleevesearch

    Hair Loss Poll:)

    Has any one tried Ovation products for hair growth? I have been hearing radio ads for it, and this thread made me think that maybe I should start using this type of product before it happens to me. They say it help people going thru chemo, etc... What do you guys think? Ovation Cell Therapy for Thinning Hair: Hair Restoration | Hair Loss Treatment | Grow Thick Hair Fast . . .

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
