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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sleevesearch

  1. sleevesearch

    Three more questions Alex

    In the upper left side, you can click on the words 'View New Content' and it displays the new post, since you last checked. When you are in the new content listing, I tried clicking on the button 'mark all as read' - which made all the posts disappear. That may be good or bad for some folks. I kinda like it, because the next time I clicking on 'View New Content', only posts that I haven't read before came up. So my list went from around 100+ to just a few. Depending on how long you wait in-between clicking on the 'View New Content'. So each time I'm going to use the 'mark all as read', so when the next time I click on 'View New Content', it truly will be new content.
  2. sleevesearch

    The New VST

    When I click on the icon that is supposed to take you to the 'last post read' (I assume its the last post 'I' read), instead it just takes me to the last post. So I have to page up/down, to figure out what is new to me (what I have read or not read).
  3. sleevesearch

    The New VST

    I would still like to see where each member is from. City, State and/pr Country. You could see that easily in every post. . .
  4. wow, i reboot my computer and look what happened here.....a new look!! hehehe. now how do i get around this place?

  5. sleevesearch

    My play by play / Dr Aceves and my sleeve

    I bought Suprodol in MX before I left. I don't think its a narcotic, but it sure helped my pain. And its sublingual. And no prescription was needed. Its apparently generic for tramadol. . . .
  6. sleevesearch

    Just a little encouragement

    Tiff, you truly are an inspiration and a wealth of knowledge and common sense. Thanks for being here for all of us. I learn something from you, every post I read. . . .
  7. sleevesearch

    Drinking During Meals

    Yes, I feel like food is stuck in my throat when I eat. I have only been taking one sip at the end of my meal. Then I wait 30-40min before drinking any more. . . .
  8. Pretty vague, but I guess we all have the potential to encounter someone like this in our lives. We just have to believe that what we have chosen to do is the right thing for us. . . .
  9. sleevesearch

    Acid Reflux???

    The active ingredient in nexium and prilosec do not work for me. I have switched to prevacid and it is helping. My acid problems feel like on-going hunger, all the time. So getting some relief from that is a huge relief. Doc also said I can take gaviscon during the day for more immediate relief. But my basic understanding is that in a few short month's this should be a thing of the past!?!?! I hope! . . .
  10. Hey Donna, PM me when you get to 16/18 and I will send. I owe you since you sent me the protein. . . .
  11. sleevesearch

    I'm hungry!

    Most of what I've read (and asked my doc), tells me this isn't real hunger but acids in the stomach re-adjusting. I'm 23 days out and I was/am having that hunger/empty feeling alot. I switched from nexuim to prevacid and it has helped alot, and I'm hoping it will go away completely soon. My doc even said to take gaviscon during the day to help (I haven't been to the store yet to get some, but I'm going to try it) . . .
  12. sleevesearch


    Carrie, its funny how we are all different, I found the opposite. I was taking Nexium and it wasn't doing anything for me. I just switched to Prevacid24 OTC and am noticing a big difference/relief. During my research I did note that Nexium and Prevacid have different active ingredients. Maybe that's why one works for me and the other doesn't. I hope you are able to find something that works for you. . . .
  13. sleevesearch

    Hair Loss Poll:)

    OK, If I'm going to lose hair, can it please be the hair on my legs and chin! :001_smile: . . .
  14. I'm 16 days out and still feel hungry most of the time. I just tried a zantac today, haven't really noticed a difference. I'm getting really frustrated. I did this surgery to eliminate hunger.......ugh..... . .
  15. sleevesearch

    Let's count Dr. Aceves Patients!

    Count me in! I'm still on the mend, but the experience in Mexcali was great . .
  16. sleevesearch

    August Sleevers Updates!

    Day dreaming about mushies........getting close... . .
  17. I'm only two weeks out and I asked if I could take two nexium in the a.m. and got the go ahead. It helps some, but doesn't last all day. I'm going to try prilosec... . .
  18. sleevesearch

    Post-op exercise guidelines

    I think I'm going to start light weights for my arms. Nothing major just 5lbs and lots of reps. . .
  19. Dr. Aceves has his own staff, they come to the hospital every day, and they have it all together and are ssooo nice and caring. I wanted to ask Sergio to come home and take care of me. The actual nurses that are there 24/7 work for the hospital, so there was some language issues (nothing that prevented my level of care), and I felt that since there was small language issues that they were just there doing their shift/job (not as caring). But I think that's because communication was limited. Other than that, the entire experience was exactly like everyone talks about and at this point in time, I am completely satisfied. I think you'll be very happy. . . .
  20. Congrats Diva! You will love the whole crew there in Mexicali. . . .
  21. sleevesearch


    I'm taking nexium and it is not helping the false hunger feeling. I might have to try an OTC. . . .
  22. Hey, how you doing grits? I'm feeling better every day, dying to get off liquids. This lump/ache/empty feeling in my stomach is driving me crazy. I want to feel full, or feel nothing. I was hoping the nexuim would help, I take two in the a.m. and barely helps, then wears off by afternoon. Makes me daydream about mushies....


    I hope you are well!

  23. Anyone else going to be there during that time? I'm nervous, excited, anxious, but know deep down this is right for me. I told my PCP today, and she wasn't too happy, and she kinda tried to make me feel unprepared. But she admittedly stated she knew nothing about VSG, and she was concerned that if there really is a problem from the surgery, there would be no doctor (surgeon) to actually fix a complication. She did say should would run labs and order any other tests that might be necessary, but anything surgical she was unsure that I would find support. (I'm trying not to buy into that) My main focus has to be on pre & post op changes, mainly eating/drinking properly. I'm so afraid I will do something wrong. One thing I thought was odd, was the Dr.Aceves requested I stop taking wellbutrin prior to surgery and my PCP says I shouldn't. And I do want to stay on it to help with the emotional changes happening now and going forward. I read that other thread about it and I think it will be okay to stay on it, maybe just skip the day of surgery. She even gave me a different script for quick release, instead of extended release.
  24. I checked with Gaby, to put my mind at ease, cuz I really need to put something more than clear liquid into my gut at this time. She said this list is okay to follow!!!! :huh0: She added some guidelines/tips see below: food after surgery Day 1 thru 5 ( Clear Liquids Only ) fruit juice ( apple, grape, cranberry ) Propel broth Jello-O Water Tea Protein Water by Kellogg?s Water popsicles Clear Protein drinks only ( example Isopure, unjury ) Day 6-10 ( thin liquids ) All of the above and: Natural Vegetable Juices ( example Carrot, V-8 juice ) please dilute it in water Protein drinks mixed with water ( example Matrix ) whey nectar Protein Mix (Avoid pineapple, orange or grapefruit juices since they can cause you a lot of acid ) grape, apple and cranberry juice are the most popular ones. vegetable juices are also very popular. Nevertheless some patients report that tomato juice gives them acid problems. the doctor recommends patients adding water to juice since some to them have too much sugar and are just too dense for the stomach at this point. Tips: WARM LIQUIDS AND ROOM TEMPERATURE LIQUIDS WILL ALWAYS BE EASIER TO HAVE THAN COLD ONES PLEASE HAVE SIPS OF APPLE JUICE TO BRING YOUR ENERGY UP DILUTE YOUR PROTEIN DRINKS AND JUICES WITH MORE WATERYOUR STOMACH IS VERY SENSITIVE TO THE DENSITY OF FOOD AND LIQUIDS AT THIS POINT. DRINK SLOWLY SOME PATIENTS REPORT THAT CLEAR WATER IS HARDER TO HAVE. TURNING WATER ACIDIC WITH LEMON OR LIME JUICE OR ADDING AHTE VARIOUS ? STUFF? LIKE CRYSTAL LIGHT TAMES THE PROBLEM AS GENERAL RULE IF YOU START A NEW FOOD STAGE AND YOU DO NOT FEEL GOOD ( if you start to vomit or feel extreme nausea ) PLEASE GO BACK TO THE PREVIOUS ONE A FEW MORE DAYS. SOME STOMACHS NEED MORE TIME THAN OTHERS Day 11 thru 20 ( full liquids ) Cream soups Yogurt Jello-O Boiled pureed fruit ( example apple, pear) applesauce Watermelon, papaya or melon in small pieces Low fat milk 1 or 2% Water, Propel, tea Soy beverages sugar free pudding Protein shakes and protein powders mixed with milk Yogurt: buy the ones that do not have pieces of fruit in them. All cream soups are OK . Just avoid the meat in them since it will be too dense for your new stomach Meat , tuna , chicken, even if they are on a blender are too much for your stomach at this point. You need to wait until you are on the solid food stage. The following cream soups are very popular : Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Beans, peas. Nevertheless some patients have reported they cause excess gas, everyone is different. So I guess it will have to be what works best for you. smoothies are Ok as long as they do not contain much sugar in them Day 21 thru 30 ( soft food ) Soft food should be the consistency of a thick liquid (no chunks or solid material ) and it should be chewed very well before swallowing until it is a liquid consistency Tofu Low fat cottage cheese Cereal oatmeal Precooked pureed rice Low fat Yogurt Yogurt mixed with fruit very well blended Cream soups eggs Boiled pureed fruit ( example pear, apple ) Watermelon, papaya or melon in small pieces Boiled pureed vegetables Beans Mashed potatoes Eggs: Some patients have trouble with eggs. The doctor recommends scrambled eggs. Chew them very very well before swallowing. Don't mix meat in them . Use a cooking spray to cook them. Most cooking sprays have fewer calories per serving than an application of vegetable oil, because they are applied in a much thinner layer. * Beans : The doctor recommends Home - cooked beans "Pinto Beans" are a good option. Refried beans out of a can also work but try to get the low calorie ones. Some patients report that their stomach does not tolerate refried beans so if you have a problem with them just avoid them. *Cereal: Any cereal that does not have too much sugar in it and contains Fiber is Ok. Here are a some examples: Fiber One Bran Cereal: 14 grams fiber, 0% calories from sugar. Shredded Wheat: 6 grams fiber, 0% calories from sugar. *Mashed potatoes: Please make them runny , not too thick

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